Friday, March 09, 2007

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Off to the races --

Well, Griffith really did it this morning. I was there and saw it with my own two eyes -- he took off and really, really crawled.
The PT Julie came to work with Allan and they were working on something, I don't even know what. Whatever it was, it was more than Griff could stay and before any of us knew what was happening, he took off. Fortunately I was able to swoop down and scoop him up before he did Allan harm (deus ex mama). Still, this does not bode well. Our lives are about to change dramatcially. Again.
Allan is doing very well with his PT. He has already come a long way with his head control and his reaching, grabbing and rolling. Every once in a while he would get a little irritable with Julie and her unreasonable expectations and she would have to cuddle him and tell him what a beautiful, clever boy he is. He would then heave a little sigh as if to say, thank goodness that she recognizes it.

Monday, March 05, 2007

No going back

Griffith may well have made an unfortunate breakthrough today. He has now learned to move his left knee forward and to push with his right foot. This leads to him moving forward. It is so shocking that he stops immediately, but we are pretty sure there is no going back now. If we don't have full-blown crawling by the weekend, then we will all be surprised.
I blame Flora and Cheryl. They were "encouraging" Griffith today. I should have known better than to leave him alone with the two of them. They are just trouble.
Allan is doing great as you can see. He and Griff were sitting up and banging the rings together before they both collapsed. Griff made it through another day with basically no nap. He is so afraid that he will miss something that he wills himself to stay awake -- shakes his head, rubs his eyes, anything to keep from drifting off.
Big Al did pre-op clinic today. They have to put him under again. They need to check for and remove any scar tissue that is developing behind the pupil. They also will try to stretch and recenter the pupil which got askew when they took out the cataract. The way that it is now, his straight-on vision is impaired because the pupil is off-center. He has peripheral vision, though how much we just can't tell at the moment. Which may explain all of his side-long glances. No word on when surgery will be scheduled. As with everything with Allan, a lot of doctors have to weigh in with their opinions. Still, he seems to be doing well enough that we may skate by with it being an outpatient procedure which we would all be grateful for -- Dad especially since he gets to be the one to sleep on the tres comfortable pull out chair/bed at the hospital.

Wiped out

Allan the Suave

Calm, cool and collected.

boys, interrupted

The boys sitting and playing

Downward-facing dog

Griff working on the cords

What happens when I turn my back

Sunday, March 04, 2007

The fellas have had a pretty good weekend so far. We thought we might get a walk in yesterday, but it turned cold and snowy before we got the chance so we are home-bound again until the weather breaks.
Griffith has been trying to pull on up the chairs and the sofa. He hasn't quite succeeded but we have had to drop the mattress down on his crib. Which accounts for the Attica photo. I haven't put the bumper down yet, but I am going to have to. Griff rolls and flips and flops so much in his sleep that he keeps bonking his noggin and getting his legs stuck out in between the slats. Which is all very cute and funny except when it happens at 5 a.m.
He still hasn't managed to find forward on the crawling - not that it keeps him from getting away from me. I went to the kitchen for something yesterday and came back to the living room and couldn't find him. There is no plausible explanation for how I lost a kid who can't even crawl in a 20 by 20 room. Fortunately Griff peeped up and I located him over between the couch and the coffee table. I'm pretty sure that won't be the last time he makes my heart stop like that.
Allan has grown another new tooth. His fifth (Griffith still has only the bottom two.) He did very well with his speech therapy on Friday. We are working on a little facial massage and some different ways of holding the spoon to try to help him build up a little more pep on the eating. He had a good time yesterday and ate carrots and plums with apples. No bananas, though. I don't know what I am going to do with the bananas. We are going to try a cup next week. The bottle-feeding ship may have sailed. And, apparently, according to Miss Edie, bottle feeding is not a life skill. (Tell that to the good folks at Guinness.) As you can see from the photo, Big Al is doing much better with his head and neck strength and seems to enjoy the attention from the (female) therapists.
Dad was gone on a trip this weekend and the boys decided to act a little bit rowdy. I guess Griffith got bored with the hundreds of toys strewn across the living room floor and decided it would be more fun to picking on Allan -- poking and kicking him. Allan howled like he was being stuck with a hot poker (he was faking). I moved Griffith and distracted him with a toy -- only to have him howl in a minute or two because he was close enough for Allan to kick him. Last night I had them both in bed with me and was feeding Griffith, trying to get him to go to sleep. Allan was lying beside me on the bed and I finally had to move him because he kept whacking his brother on the head and waking him up. He looks innocent, but he is sneaky. And can carry a grudge.
Things are pretty peaceful right now. Griffith is taking his first nap in two days. (Oh, crap. He, no kidding, just rolled over and opened his eyes. I can not believe that I just jinxed myself.) Allan has been admiring himself in the mirror for about 30 minutes. Maybe if we all sit very quietly, Griff will go back to sleep.