Friday, February 22, 2008

catching up

Long time, no posts. A variety of reasons -- bad weather, general busy-ness chief among them.

The boys are excellent. They both have snotty noses, but haven't really been "sick." Allan has had to be back on his oxygen, though. Any little touch of something is enough to pull him down just a little.

Allan has been a real busy little guy. Monday night was Dad's night out and I figured it was going to be a long one when I got home a little before six to find that Allan had just gotten up from a nap and Griffith was still sleeping. After nearly 3 hours. This is not looking good for being in bed and asleep by 8:30. Sigh.

As it turned out, Griffith was not the problem. He was trying to go to sleep at about the usual time, but Allan was wholly uncooperative. First he found the drum and was beating out the alphabet in Spanish. Get up, turn the drum off, give him a quiet toy, sit down, get settled. A-Beh -- what? Okay, so he's figured out how to turn the drum on. Fine. Get up, turn off the drum (adios!), stick the drum in the kitchen out of sight. Sit down, get settled. Beep-beep-beep. Allan has pulled his cord loose by crawling in to the nursery. Get up, get Allan, reconnect the monitor, close the door in to the hallway. Sit down, get settled. All is quiet for a while, then rattle, rattle, rattle, beep, beep, beep. What the --- ??? Allan, bound and determined to get to the nursery, has managed to push on the hallway door which hadn't quite latched and gotten it to open enough that he could crawl through. By this point I am ready to SEND HIM BACK. Honestly he reserves this sort of behavior for when I am least able to respond to it. Willful.

Griffith is a real big help around the house and with his brother. Yesterday, Allan drank an ounce of apple juice from a bottle (something he rarely does -- go Allan!) and we were all very encouraging of Allan. The bottle was sitting around later and Griffith got it, walked over to Allan and put it in his mouth so that he could have a sip. It was so sweet. Another example of Griff's sweetness: Allan spit up yesterday while I was in the kitchen and Griff yelled "uh-oh!" and came running in to the kitchen and got a dishtowel and took it back to wipe up. No joke. Oh, yeah, and he said, "yuck!" (amen) and "mess" (although he says it with two syllables -- just like Bailey).

Getting ready to launch his sneak attack

The look of mischief.

Water war

Griffith finally figured out how to squirt water from his bath toys and gave Daddy a real soaking.

Well-pleased with his efforts

That's just my size

Griff snatching the small mug from the blanket chest.

What? I'm not doing anything.

The look of innocence would be more persuasive if he didn't have the mug in his hand.

Clearing the way

Griff pushing Daddy's chair out of the way so that he and Allan can do circles around it.

Helping hand (II)

It isn't a good picture, but this is Griffith giving Allan back the little car that he had "dropped."

Mr. Busy Hands

continuing to reorganize.

Ten thousand dollars worth of toys

and all he wants to play with are the vacuum cleaner and the styrofoam inserts that came out of the boxes of frames.

A helping hand

Griffith was very sweet and got Allan's bottle of apple juice and brought it over to him.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


After being an absolute pill all day, Allan racked out tonight post-bath. Almost makes you forget what a brat he was earlier. Almost.

snoozing (II)

snoozing (III)

Dangling on the gate.

Thank goodness for Griffith making sure that Daddy is doing it right in the kitchen.

Come on, do the locomotion with me....

Griff learning the fine art of driving.

Thanks, Heather !

Griff is now learning to ride, thanks to you. Unfortunately, that means that Allan has to learn to tuck-and-roll out of the way.

beep, beep, beep

watch out, Allan! Griff only has one gear -- reverse!

Otis the elevator man

The garage elevator goes up and down and dings at every floor. Great. Just great. Don't they make silent toys ???

Cookie Monster Truck goes here!

Well, not really, but there isn't any point in arguing with him.

Studying it over.....

Now how does this thing work anyway????

Where did it go ??

The car got away from both of them.

It goes here, right here.

The boys working out the best way to get the car down the chute.

Cooperative play.

Both boys working the garage.

Working the garage.

Griff working on putting the fuel truck on the down ramp.

loving on Bubby

Griff giving his brother a snuggle.

Hold on tight!

hot dog! this is fun!

and up and down

down and up...

up and down.......

The Griffster

You can't tell me that the girls aren't going to love him.

Allan ready for bath time

As they said of my uncle, Smitty, he has a butt like two butter beans.

Oncle Markus

came by on Friday night to see the boys. Guten Abend!

Flotsam and jetsam

Big Al and I are snuggling in the living room listening to the rain and the wind outside. And to Griff kicking up a fuss on and off with his dad in the back bedroom.

The weather has been odd. Thirty one day, sixty the next. Windy and wild. We hardly know what to expect. The boys didn't get out today because it was so windy. And you never knew when the rain was going to come.

Jay and I had an invitation to a baby shower Friday night, but, try as I did, we couldn't come up with a baby-sitter. Jay stayed and helped with dinner and baths and headed out for the party and the boys and I settled in. We did our now-standard couch snuggle which is a very delicate balance. Just as Griff was drifting off (Allan was already out) a knock came at the door. You.Must.Be.Kidding. It was nearly nine on a Friday night. I just sat. (Sort of like we used to do when the Jehovah's showed up at the door back home.) Again with the knocking. Fine -- "Go away!" says I. Again with the knocking. By this time, Griff has roused. I set Allan down on the floor. He starts to cry. I peep through the blinds on the door. Nope. I don't know you, Kenny Rogers. Buzz off. "Go away. I don't know you!" Kenny Rogers waves some papers at me. Allan howls. Griff jabbers. "I am putting babies to sleep!!! Go away !!! I don't know you!!! Buzz.Off." Finally Kenny Rogers manages to communicate that he is the guy who is supposed to deliver the formula for Allan. The insurance company has changed providers. And has told poor Kenny that he has to get this to me tonight. Kenny and I made up (he has a four year old and was terribly sorry that he had effed up bedtime. ) Still it was the better part of another hour before both boys were down and out. So much for my early bed time.

Saturday Dad headed out early (ish) with our dining room table. When people hear what Jay does they always say, you must have beautiful furniture. Um. Well. Um. We are the epitome of the cobbler's children having no shoes. The dining room table, while nice, looked like crap. Scratches and rings. You name it. Ridiculous. The last time we had people over and couldn't find a decent table cloth was the end of it, though. So we loaded it up and sent it over to the workshop. It will no doubt look lovely at the end of this, but, as of today, we still have no table. The boys like having the dining room clear, though. While Jay was out this morning, I set up the chairs with blankets over them and we played Cave and Tunnel. Allan was far braver -- he immediately crawled in and out and around everything Griff was far more suspicious and would start in and back out. Chicken.

Miss Miranda came and took care of the boys on Saturday afternoon while I cleaned the upstairs bedroom. We still had boxes of Xmas ornaments out. The floor had places where we had spilled formula and medicine. The whole thing was, in a word, filthy. After three hours of work, it finally was acceptable, though. As God is my witness, it will never be that way again. I went up to use the bathroom last night and Jay had left his socks on the floor and I thought I might commit homicide.

Griffith spent a fair amount of time yesterday stepping up an down on the step that Bailey gave him for Christmas. He was pretty hesitant about letting go of me. In fact, my index finger was purple from him gripping it as he got up and down. As you will see from the pictures, though, he got a lot braver. Up until he banged his forehead on the door. Nice goose-egg, pal.

Team Al and Griff did their first international webcast. Grandma and Grampy got their webcam up and had Jess, Lottie and Joe for the weekend. We set high noon as the time to call. The first hurdle was that they could see us, but not hear us. What ???? Okay, no problem. We worked out that we had turned off the volume on our computer so that it didn't disturb the boys. Problem solved. Sorta. The next problem was that Grampy's mic wasn't working. We never did get that straight. Jay and Grampy were on the phone while the cousins made monkeys of themselves on the video. Still, it was pretty successful for a first outing - the boys were very interested in the antics of their cousins and the cousins seemed amused with the boys. Next time we'll get it all straight.

The rest of the day was in-and-out. I would go for a while, then Jay. Griffith was an angel. He napped in the morning and again in the afternoon. Allan, on the other hand, is my difficult child. Despite being tired, he refused to sleep. And didn't want his brother to sleep, either. Griff did his typical fight, fight, fight, collapse. Allan, on the other hand, whinged and whirled and kicked and squawled. Every time that Griff was close to out, Allan would howl or something. I finally got Griff laid down and went to get a fresh diaper for Allan. I first had to disengage Mr. Busy-fingers from pulling his brother's curls (jealousy is a cardinal sin, Allan). Then, by the time I made it in to the nursery and back with a diaper, Allan had crawled across the floor and was milliseconds from a "slam dunk" on the basketball game which would have caused all sorts of commotion. BRAT.

What else? Griffith has learned to say "Al" and calls for his brother when he isn't in the room. Allan has become fascinated with the garage and will have cars go around the curves over and over again.

That's all I can think of at the moment.

The boys are looking forward to this weekend when they go to stay with cousin Bailey while Dad makes bookshelves for the living room. Bailey took care of Jacob Scott last weekend and it kept her quite busy. She was already thinking ahead to the boys' visit, though, and told her mom,
"And there are going to be TWO!'