Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Now that it is routinely in the 80's and muggy, Flora is satisfied that the boys won't get a chill and she has instituted a morning walk. This suits the boys just fine. Allan can sleep in the stroller as well as any where else. And Griffith is so nosy that being out and about is almost more than he can stand. In the afternoon, they usually spend some time on the front porch in the swings. Just think of them as our miniature version of the Neighborhood Watch.
Both boys have new teeth -- that makes nine each. I think. They both now have a lower left molar. Allan is working on one on the right, too, but we can't tell about Griffith since he fights and snaps like an alligator. After the first few teeth, the excitement has worn off for us all and it just doesn't seem worth the effort to confirm or deny another tooth. Still we'll be going to the pediatrician again soon and I will feel like a failure as a parent guess-timating how many teeth my kid has. Nine? Ten? Ish? Something like that.
Allan has learned to roll over more than one revolution at a time which is quite an accomplish. He has also become quite adept at pulling off his wires with his toes. He oxygen requirement is way down despite how much more active he has become and we are hoping this represents progress toward coming off the oxygen entirely. Allan has managed to mark himself; we hope not permanently. He has marks on both of his little thumbs from where his sharp little teeth rub them. It doesn't seem to deter him a bit, though. He is a thumb sucker through and through.
Griffith continues on his merry path of destruction. It is as if someone let a monkey loose in the house. He has learned to open the drawers on the dresser. We thought (hoped) that it was just a fluke. Maybe he was holding the pull and kind of fell back and pulled it out. On accident, as Thomas would say. So we closed it. And he immediately grabbed the pull with his meaty little hand and jerked it back open. Great. He also managed to open the door on the front of the entertainment center. Flora was telling me about THAT and, while she was in the middle of her story, he crawled over and grabbed the handles and jerked on it -- as if to say, "See? Like this." Our very own living, breathing demonstrative aid. Then, yesterday, he was working on the door on the washstand in the living room. I've decided to abandon that entirely. Just empty it out and let it be his cabinet. If he is any kin of my brother, he will start sitting in it and playing for hours. Whatever it takes.
Griff has taken to telling me off, too. If I cross him (which I seem to do on a regular basis), he furrows his brow, makes a fierce face and jabbers in a way that makes clear that I am not suiting him. He throws in the occasional "Ma!Ma!Ma!" just in case there is any question of what he considers the problem to be. (I tell him that I don't need it from him. That's what his father is for. But he keeps on giving me what for any way.) He gave me a good telling off this morning because I was making Allan cry. (Allan does not like to be messed with in the morning in any way. He doesn't want to have a wet diaper, but he doesn't want you to change it, either. So he howls like you taking the skin right off of him.) The only consolation is that Griffith apparently feels some solidarity with Allan.

Temper, temper

Griffith - ticked off

It is hard to tell in profile, but, if you look closely you can see the furrowed brow.

Flora in her walking gear

Flora, getting ready to head out with the guys. Griffith thinks her hat is really funny. She's always threatening to run off with the babies so we are glad to have a good picture of her for the police.

Walking with Flora

Flora has instituted a daily constitutional with the fellows. They are pounding the pavement daily now.

Allan and Jen

Jen was one of Allan's NICU girlfriends. Although he is his usual solemn self in the photo, he was delighted to see her and was all smiles for her.

Griffith and Shelby

Griff loves girls. He loves girls with tatoos and cell phones even more.

Future babysitter.

Jen's daughter Shelby came over and took right up with the boys. We are trying to secure her as a babysitter, but she has plans to be a FoodNetwork host instead.

Jen and the boys

Jen came over Monday night to grill out. The boys love company.

Griffith - still loving the laundry

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Mom had to go out of town last week so that's why it has been so long between posts. Dad, the boys and Flora were on their own for 3 days and fared very well. The only thing is that Griffith has turned in to a real Momma's boy and follows me around and cries when he can't find me. I guess he figures that he'd better keep an eye on me. You never know when she'll be gone for days on end.
Julie (PT) and Edie (OT/Speech) were very impressed with how much progress Allan continues to make. He's noticeably stronger, more energetic and more vocal. We always knew he had it in him. He just needed a little more energy to be able to act on it.
Allan loves to play on the therapy ball. As soon as you sit him on it he starts to bounce his bottom up and down. He does great balancing and shifting so that he doesn't fall over. The love of bouncing extends to whenever he is sitting on your lap. Just like his brother, he loves to "ride the horsey" and bucks and kicks to make you keep on doing it. He also loves a new game that we have developed that we like to call "Oh, no, the baby's gonna fall!" This involves Allan sitting on my leg and being slung left, right and center, back and forth, side to side. All the while saying "oh, no, the baby's going to fall!" and "someone help the baby!" and other nonsense. He can't get enough of that. In fact, today we did it so much that he spit up all over the place. That's the price you pay for a good time.

Allan is also making more sounds these days and he and Griffith sometimes get in to real shouting matches. The first of many. Allan also likes to shout whenever Griffith is asleep. It is uncanny how he gets completely loud and tuned up when you most want him to be quiet. Still, I feel a little bad shushing him since he has worked so hard to become vocal.

The boys had a good time in the tub together, but giving them a bath at the same time is definitely a two-person operation. Still, considering the amount of water that they throw on the kitchen floor, the bath tub makes sense. Unless the floor needs mopping, in which case, two birds, one stone and all.

Griffith still refuses to walk without holding on to something - even if it is only lightly. Several times he has caught himself standing without assistance and he drops immediately to his knees.

The guys have begun sleeping through the nights again. We don't know how long it will last, but we are ready to ride it out as long as possible. They both slept until nearly 10 this morning. I would like to report that Jay and I got a lot done, but all we accomplished was laying in bed, dozing and wondering when our luck was going to end (about 9:38, roughly). It was good while it lasted and while Dad went to do some work, the boys and I went for a run with the jogging stroller. The effort of encouraging me apparently wore Griff out because he promptly passed out for an hour as soon as we got home. Allan, of course, slept for the entire jog and so he was fired up and ready to roll when we got home. I swear, they NEVER sleep at the same time for me.

That pretty much gets every one updated. Oh, I almost forgot, KK sent the cute Cubs outfits to balance out the Cardinals gear from Aunt Michele. I'm not sure how we can play this to our advantage, but I see trips to St. Louis and Chicago in the near future.

SIde by side

This was the only way I could get a shot of both of them in their Cubs uniforms.

Griffith, the Cubbies fan

Griffith refusing to cooperate

He would NOT let me get a picture of the two of them in their outfits together.

Giving Griff the hairy eyeball

A very formal portrait

Allan in his Cubbies outfit. He looks like he is posing for the Team Photo.

Griffith trying to climb up in the big chair

Allan working the bouncer

Wanna play a game?

Enjoying the roughhousing

All smiles

Mommy knows such fun games.

Fun and games

coming at you

Fun and games

More of "oh,no!"

Fun and games

More of "oh, no!"

Fun and games

Part of "Oh, no, the baby's gonna fall!"

Allan in his booster seat


He really can't stand it that Allan has a booster chair and he tries to get in it at every opportunity.

Cheryl & the boys

Griff was very excited to see her.

Cheryl and the fellows

Cheryl came to check in on the fellows. Flora made sure that they were on their best behavior. And dressed a like.

Danger, danger

Griffith has learned how to open drawers.

Big enough for two

Whose responsible for that warm spot ???

Water, water every where

The big tub is ever so much more fun. Lots more water to splash.

Griffith in the big tub

Splishishing and splashing in the tub like a grown up.

Big Al - St Louis fan II

Allan the St. Louis fan

Griffith following Flora to the door again.

His shorts hang all the way to his ankles.

Big Al sitting up like a big guy

And wearing his St. Louis Cardinals gear.

Griffith, full of it.

Big boys

Griffith cheesing. Allan looking indulgent.

Allan enduring his close-up

Dressed up like big boys

Flora got both of the fellas spiffed up and dressed up in their coordinating outfits. Of course, it didn't last long. Allan spit up on his and had to be changed. Still, we got the picture and that's what counts.