Thursday, January 03, 2008

He just fell over. I swear.

Giving Allan a pat on the back

or a push, depending on your point of view.

Giving it a mighty whack!

Emptying the bins

and herding the toys all over the dining room.

All grins from Allan

Big spaghetti-O giggles

Spaghetti-O boy

Laundry time. Again.

Family Photo - Xmas 2007

Cousin Kim and Big Al

Xmas 2007

Can I use this as a club ?

Hannah Montana Jr.

Allan enjoying the new basketball game

Uncle Mark

and the New Hannah Montana guitar.

A-hoy, Matey!

There's a storm a-brewin'

Allan looking possessed. In the background you can see the pirate's galleon Daddy got the boys for Christmas.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Big New Year's Eve

Ready to head out for a walk

Hey, Allan, look what I got!

Are you sure you're supposed to be doing that?

Watch out, Greg!

The boys are in to the good stuff!

This is his eye...

I'd like a vodka tonic, please.


We got a new phone and Griff loves to play with our old one. He picks it up and puts it up to his ear and says "hiiiiii!" like a good Southern boy.

Allan likes to help with the laundry.

"Helping" with the laundry

My God...

does this kid every stop talking ???

All slicked up

The boys in their turtle necks that Cousin Kim got them for Christmas.

Duck pillow

Checking it out top and bottom

Cow pillow

It goes right here, Allan.

Out of control

Allan hasn't quite mastered the turns yet.

Maybe if I push really hard...

Griffith really, really loves to push the Little People and their vehicles down through the garage. Unfortunately not all of them fit which he finds infuriating. He usually pushes as hard as he can, grunts, turns red and then flings the offending vehicle. Then he turns over the garage. Very Godzilla in Tokyo.

An unexpected moment of cooperation

Both boys had a good time playing with the Fisher Price garage. Is it just the right height for Allan to pull up on and he loves standing more than anything these days.

Playing with the garage

The green-eyed monster

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

I can not tell you how many pictures we have from the past week. Lots. And no time to post them much less comment upon them.

Here are as many as I could get posted in the time allotted. More as the week passes.

We have had a good week and a good New Year (so far). The highlights have been the new floor pillows (in the shape of a duck and a cow) that Mom found at HomeGoods. She had seen a duck before Xmas and, in a fit of frugality, didn't buy it. Went back a day or two later to find it was gone and kicked herself for weeks after. Back there on Sunday only to find a duck AND a cow. God's way of making sure each boy got one I suppose. I was so tickled that I literally was chuckling to myself as I was walking out of the store with a cow and a duck clutched under each arm (no bags big enough to hold them). Jay was not that impressed but the boys seem to like them which was the true test.

Time for bed. Morning comes early around here sometimes....

Are you watching me?

Griffith trying to figure out if he can pull something or if we are watching too closely.

Praying for deliverance

Allan looking heavenward for help.

Ah, come on, lemme alone....

Middle management

Griff has it nailed already. We took down the XMas tree and Griffith spent about 45 minutes sitting on the top rung, making sure that Jay was doing it right. Allan was more in to pulling up and climbing than supervision, but we are sure that will come.

Chin ups

Griffith wanted desperately to get up to the Xmas ornaments. I don't know if you can tell or not, but he is dangling by his fingertips. Occasionally he would get his foot in the drawer pull and give himself a boost, but that was more by accident than by design. When he figures out to pull out the bottom drawer to stand on, we are in trouble.

blue camo

The boys in their new, blue camo from Cousin Jen.

Helping out Dad

After Christmas we had so many new toys that we had to buy another toy bin. The boys were very excited about helping Dad put it together.

Chicken curry is pretty tasty

Griffith loves chicken curry. I was a little hesitant - do you think it is too spicy? Jay's response? Indian kids eat it. Good point.

I wonder...

how many calories there are in a handful of mashed potatoes?

Big fun

Griffith playing "push Mommy down." Big, big fun.

Cheesy grin

Griffith having succeeded in pushing me down to the ground.


let me get this right. You're giving me a "bat" to play with ? Are you sure this is a good idea?