Thursday, July 31, 2008

In Kim's shoes

He can try, but he'll never fill 'em.

Allan showing off his moves

In his cool madras shorts.

Wrigley view

Mom, Kelly and the boys at Wrigley.

Story time

I don't know why Kelly wouldn't let Griffith sit next to her. Guess Allan is her favorite....

Swinger Al


Laid back

Allan chilling in the swing, enjoying his thumb.

Tunnel vision

At the park on Sunday, burning off some energy before we headed for home.

Phone home

Kelly had a toy cell phone that Griffith just LOVED. He kept walking around, holding it up to his ear, saying, "Hallo, DAdee!" in a very plummy, proper British accent.

Under cover Allan

I just can't go on!

I have no idea why Allan decided to collapse. He just couldn't take it any more.

Mmm...cheesy poofs......

Mr. Sly Cheesy Poof

You can see why everyone around us was laughing at Griffith and his cheesy poofs.

Allan and KK ready for the game

Whining with Mama

Some photos from Kelly. Griffith was whining about something so I was mocking him. Preserved for all time on film.

Sprinkler fun...

So I asked Jay to make sure that the back yard got watered -- the pots were looking wilted. After dinner, he headed out with his two helpers. I was enjoying the peace and quiet of the house to myself, but my spidey sense started tingling. It had been too quiet, too long. Sure enough, when I look out the back door, I see all three of them gooning around in the water. Not only were they running through the sprinkler, they were going down the slide -- which was soaking wet. Griffith is a cautious slider at the best of times -- he keeps his feet down and holds on to the sides to ensure a measured descent. That doesn't work so well with streams of water. Poor kid set a new landspeed record descending -- and a new record for long jump too. He ended up about 4 feet from the end of the slide. He was a big boy about it, though. He didn't cry at all. Just shook off the mulch as best he could (wet mulch is quite sticky), yelled "yucky!" and headed back for another round.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sweet, sweet boys

Griffith holding Allan's hand, helping him run through the sprinkler.

A face full for Allan.

Right in the face


The dash

Well, Jay and Allan anyway. Griffith really isn't trying to get away.

Monday, July 28, 2008

There and back again....

Quick update on the weekend --

Kim and the boys and I pulled out Friday night at about 7 and headed for Chicago. Got there about 1 a.m. The boys did great -- entertained themselves for a couple of hours and then went to sleep. Woke up when we got to KK's and Allan (night owl that he is) was ready to roll. Griffith was disoriented and concerned that I was planning on leaving him forever. Not only did he need to have a visual on me, he needed to be in actual physical contact. Neither boy would get in the pack and play. And they wouldn't lay next to each other, either. They kept hitting, kicking, swatting and squawking. Finally I ended up laying in between them crossways across the bed and that's how we "slept" from about 3 until 7 when Allan decided to take a header off of the bed. His guardian angel must have poked me in the shoulder because I woke just in time to catch him by his leg and keep his little hard head from smacking the hardwood. Griff, not so lucky, he did the same thing about 45 seconds later (I hadn't even gotten Allan settled before Griff took off). Fortunately that same angel had shoved the diaper bag full of clothes right beside the bed. Griff hit his head, but didn't even wake up when I pulled him back in to bed.

We had breakfast, played, took a walk and got ready for the Cubs game. Lunch and a walk to the park and there in time for the National Anthem. Made it past the 7th inning stretch when I decided to call it. Good idea since the game apparently lasted 12 innings.

Griffith loved when the crowd cheered and would join in enthusiastically. He ate cheesy poofs and chips from the time we sat down until he fell asleep (for about an hour) and then resumed his grazing. He made lots of friends in the outfield.

Allan was a bit of a twerp -- he was determined to jerk the pony tail of the woman in front of us. Every time Kim looked away he would reach out and try to give it a yank. She finally had to go sit in other seats to get some relief. She and Kelly tried and tried to get Big Al to take a nap. He was clearly exhausted, but wasn't going to miss a minute of it. So he squirmed and wormed his way through the entire game. His butt had barely hit the stroller before he was zonked out though.

Spent the rest of the evening at KK's. Allan woke up about dinner time (How Griff ate any thing considering the amount of crackers he consumed is beyond me. When he didn't eat much of his dinner, Kelly confessed that she had fed him a bunch of strawberries when they were in the kitchen.)

Bath time followed. The boys acted as if they were being dipped in boiling oil. They.Hate.Baths.In.Strange.Places. They don't like it a bit better at Bailey's. I guess they need the home field advantage. Bath time, then, was mostly like a Southern Baptism baptism -- dipped them in and dried them off. Griff fell asleep by 7. Allan, refreshed by his late nap, put on a show until about 9:30 or 10.

Sunday we had breakfast, played a park, had lunch and headed home. The boys could not have been any better in the car. They slept for about 2.5 hours, but entertained themselves the rest of the way home.

Dad was glad to see his buddies and we were all glad to be home again. Everyone settled down and slept like angels, too.


Griffith kept peeping under the sunshade to check on Allan who (finally) passed out on the walk home from the game.

Million dollar smile

I think she's flirting with my boy.

Busting a move

Kelly showing Griff her best moves.

The temptation

Allan could not (would not) resist trying to pull this lady's ponytail. That is Allan's elbow on the right as Kim snatched his hand back. Kim finally moved to a different seat because Allan would not give up.

Bring on the cheesy poofs.

Kid must have eaten a ton of them.

Kim and Big Al

And the Korean gentlemen (in Sox regalia) that Kim befriended.

Share, Kelly!

Big Al in need of a little refreshment.

Kicking back at Wrigley.

Matt, Kelly and Big Al enjoying the game (and the shade!)

Out of the way!

Griff trying to clear a path through the crowd in to the game.

Take us out to the ballgame!

Kim and the boys ready to head for Wrigley.