Friday, June 16, 2006

Friday morning -- June 16th

Griffith had a very satisfactory day yesterday. Off the vent and enjoying life. Or not hating it quite so much. Of course, he immediately dedicated himself to pulling out his feeding tube over and over again. Jenny finally had to put in an NG tube (through the nose) instead. I don't think he has figured out that it is there yet. Once he does, I'm pretty sure he's going to start to work on it, too. We aren't really sure when they are going to try bottle-feeding him, but within a couple of days. We think he's going to be all right with it -- he loves his pacifier (especially with sugar water on it) and really works it over for long periods of time. A bottle ought to be no problem. I think he had gained a little weight last night, but I haven't the vaguest idea how much. We were all a little tired from the all-nighter and I simply can't remember either his or Allan's weight.
Allan was worn out last night. They did his follow up eye exam yesterday and that takes it out of him. He did fine with it, though. We are pretty sure that he gets a big boy bed like Griffith today which will be nice (for us, anyway.) They are continuing to drop his pressures to wean him from the vent and he seems to be tolerating it very well. No word on when they are planning on trying to extubate him yet. He has started to reach up and mess with his tube, though, so maybe he has more of his brother in him than we realize. He may sneak his out, too.
I have a mediation this afternoon so there will likely be no posts again until Monday. Enjoy the pictures and I'll try to have new ones for the first of the week!


Griffith all long and lean in his camo.

Griffith's lean thighs

Griffith's lean thighs. Doesn't get those from me. Must be a Richardson trait.

Griffith's cute little "no butt" butt

Allan's pudgy thighs

Hard to believe that you can be pudgy at four pounds.....

Allan and Dad's hand

Allan - camo II

resting peacefully

Allan - camo I

Allan got to wear his camo, too, finally.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thursday afternoon -- June 15th

The boys have had a big couple of days.
First off was the two month milestone. Last night Griffith weighed 4 pounds 4 ounces and was 17 inches long. Allan was 4 pounds even and 15. 5 inches long. Both of them got their very first rounds of vaccines yesterday to celebrate (blasted doctors know how to take the fun out of EVERYthing, don't they?). They both seemed to do very well with those, though.
Allan got another bath last night and still loved it. This distinguishes him from his brother who (naturally) throws a fit and hates, hates, hates to have baths. Allan couldn't have been any happier, though, and laid there and looked up at Krista and me as if this was the best idea we had ever had. The docs continue to work on weaning him down and he is tolerating it pretty well. When I was in for his care at lunch today, he was just smiling all over himself. I am glad that he is so happy and God knows it is good to have one who isn't constantly raising Cain, but if I didn't know for sure that they are brothers, I'm not sure I would have guessed it.
Griffith was scheduled to be extubated today and he got to come out for some K-care with Dad last night. So while I was bathing Allan, Dad was holding Griffith. As I was sitting there telling Allan that it was about time to go I hear Jay call for Krista (Allan's nurse) to come and help. Yep, Griffith, operating on his own schedule, had extubated himself. The usual crowd responded and put him on the nasal cannula. He was fairly unsettled, though, so Jay took the first shift and I took the second. Long story short, we've made it to this afternoon with him on the cannula and he's doing very well. He's so much happier than with that vent tube or that awful cpap. As long as he keeps breathing well and without labor, he remains the golden boy. I'm afraid that he is already spoiled. When I got to the hospital, he was pretty fussy and Caitlyn suggested that I hold him. I complied gladly, of course. Little turkey settled right down and that's how he stayed for more than four hours. All it took was being held apparently. And the promise about the pony. And the puppy. And the chocolate cake for breakfast. That's all.

Thursday June 15th

Been busy in a meeting this a.m.
No time to post. Eveyone is fine. Will come back from the hospital after lunch and post. I promise.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Wednesday afternoon -- June 14th

Happy birthday to Allan and Griffith! They are now two whole months old, if you can believe that.
Griffith is 4 pounds 1 ounce and 17 inches long. Allan was 3 pounds and almost 14 ounces. Alissa hadn't measured him yet so I'll have to update that stat later. Big progress for both of them considering that Griffith was 2 pounds 9 ounces and 14 inches long and Allan was 1 pound 9 ounces and 12.5 inches long.
They are probably going to try Griffith on the nasal cannula this afternoon to see if he can just avoid the Cpap altogether. Everyone agrees that would be for the best because he HATES it so darned much. Cheryl had a big talk with him this morning about containing his temper, but he was throwing a fit when I got there so I'm not sure that it did any good. I told her that it would be very hard for me to say any thing to him about it since it is clearly a Brannon trait. I could tell him to cool it, but I'm pretty sure he would call me out for being hypocritical.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Tuesday afternoon - June 13th

I got to the hospital to find that they had just extubated Griffith not long before I arrived. Unfortunately, by the time I left, they were having to put him back on the vent. It wasn't his lungs (his X-rays look "great") and it wasn't his nose. It is just that he hates the Cpap so very much that he gets completly furious and can't settle down. He wiggles and twists and throws his arms around and cries, cries, cries. He worked himself up so much that he pooped and threw up. So, back on the vent he goes for a while longer. I don't know what the plan is -- try him on the Cpap again in a few days or try him on the nasal cannula to see if he can make it with that. It is very disappointing, but we know that he'll do it one way or another and sooner rather than later.
Allan didn't get much attention since brother was causing such an uproar, but he had a "great" chest x-ray, too, and they are working on weaning him down on the vent. He has Alissa again today and she's a big favorite. He'd spent a fair amount of time grinning at her this morning. So much so that he was too worn out to even look at Mom. I've said it before, but -- ingrate.

Tuesday morning June 13th

The boys had a good night last night. Allan had gained a little weight -- he's a little above 3 pounds 13 ounces. With any luck, he'll make it to 4 pounds by the end of the week. Rumor is that he may graduate to a big boy bed like Griffith the next time they swap out beds. He's doing well with his body temperature which seems to be the main determination. It will be nice when he does because it makes it a whole lot easier to hold on to him and kiss him when he isn't in the incubator.
Griffith was better last night. A little less snotty. He is still hovering around the 4 pound mark. He had managed to soil so many of his clothes yesterday that I had to raid Allan's stash to find something suitable for him to wear. We are still on hold on his extubation. The docs are planning on lettting him dry out for a day or two before giving it a whirl. I hate to break it to them, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if he didn't just jerk it out again himself. Patience is not his strong suit. Can't imagine where he gets that.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Monday afternoon - June 12th

Well, Griffith is still all snotty today so they aren't going to extubate him. Maybe tomorrow. Don't want to give it a try and put him under the stress unless the conditions are favorable. Poor little fellow was blowing snot bubbles out his nose. Still and all, it is pretty good news. He is ready to move off of the vent from a respiratory standpoint. It is just a matter of clearing out his nose. He's got a lot of spunk to him, though. He waited until I got his diaper off and then peed everywhere. He hasn't done that in quite some time so I feel like it was pointed. He has reached the end of his tether with me and every one else and he isn't going to hold back.
Sweet little Allan continues on being sweet little Allan. His nurse (Veronica) had put him in his camo onesie. I got some cute pictures of him and will update the photo gallery later this week. His doctors are about to put him to work, though, so the laying around and smiling all the time may come to an end. They have started to work on reducing his pressures (the force of the air going in) and weaning him off of the vent.

Monday June 12 -- the weekend report

Allan and Griffith both had pretty good weekends. On Friday, Griffith extubated himself again. You have to give it to the kid -- for someone who is only 8 weeks old and isn't supposed to even be here yet, he does a pretty good job of letting you know what he does and does not want. This extubation didn't go well for him, though, because he still couldn't breath through his swollen nose. He has continued to pull and tug on the vent tube all weekend and you can tell that he is mightily annoyed that people keep putting it back in. (The nurses keep telling us that he seems unsettled and angry. Yes, yes, he does. It is going to be an ongoing pattern unless and until y'all decide to quit crossing him.) As my father used to say, I admire his courage but think damned little of his judgment. The swelling seems to have gone down in his nose and there is talk of extubating him and putting him back on the Cpap today or tomorrow. The docs make rounds between nine and noon and should make the decision then. As you can see from the photos, we put Griffith's new camo onesie on him (thanks, Dick, Stephanie and Bailey). I think he was hoping it would help hide him, but those ol' bad nurses keep sneaking up on him and doing rude things. The onesie is very exciting because it is for 4 to 6 pound babies. Griffith has officially moved up one weight class. Fruit fly weight?
Allan also had a good weekend, if less exciting. Mostly he just hangs out and sleeps and eats and smiles. He has put on a little weight and is 3 pounds 13 ounces. He also has a camo onesie, but doesn't get to wear it until he crosses over the 4 pound mark. Or until I decide that it is just too cute not to put it on him. Whichever. Jay is convinced that Allan is very advanced because (and I am just telling you what Jay tells me), Allan will stretch out his hand when he wants you to hold it and will pull it back when he is not so interested. Early admission to Harvard, definitely. I need to get a few more pictures of him. Nurse Jennifer is encouraging me to take picture of his "thunder thighs" to add to the photo gallery. They are pretty cute. On him. On me, not so much.
They both have tapes of Aunt Kathy and of Jay and me reading to them and they seem to respond to them. This weekend especially the nurses reported that Griffith would settle down to listen to it. I guess they decided that it was worth listening to Boom Boom, Ain't it Great to be Crazy over and over again rather than have to deal with his little bitty bad attitude.
If there isn't an afternoon update, don't get worried. I may get to the hospital at lunch and find that they have taken him off the vent. If so, then I will just stay on.

...and the horse you rode in on, pal.

Griffith telling me off for taking too many pictures.

Griffith - the fury

Griffith - camo kicking

Griffith camo onesie II

Camo onesie - Griffith I

Griffith in his camo onesie.

Allan -- ready for his close-up.

Allan and Dad - 8 weeks

Sweet little Allan getting some loving from Dad. Check out the double chin.