Friday, January 25, 2008

Allan's dentist appointment went well. The enamel on his front teeth looks a little funny and I wanted to get it checked out just to be on the safe side. As we suspected, the enamel didn't form correctly because he came so early. Actually, if you know what you are looking for, you can see a line from his front teeth all the way back where the enamel stopped forming. What is kind of neat is that the line goes back at an angle because you form your back teeth first. It is just one of those things. We can put little baby veneers on or fill in, but that would be purely cosmetic. We have to be extra careful about cavities, but his permanent teeth shouldn't be impacted.

Allan's PT visit went well yesterday, too. Miss Julie was very pleased with his progress. He was walking with her just putting very light pressure on his shoulders. He would rather hold on to something or have you hold on to him, but he was a real trooper. He's really catching on to this crawling thing, too. Griffith knicked the red ball and took off with it. Allan sat there for a second and then crawled after him as fast as he could down the hall and in to the nursery (by which point Griff was tired of the ball and dropped it). Big Al has also been playing "chase" with us on the floor. He thinks it is hilarious for you to scoot back away from him on your bottom while he crawls toward you like a little bear. Then when he catches you, he pulls up and pushes so that you tip back. If you yell, "oh, no, Allan's getting me!" so much the better.

Allan getting up a close up view

I have no idea why he kept doing this, but he kept whacking the Fridge DJ, getting the lights going on it, and sticking his head on top of it.

Let me help you with that.

Griffith makes light work of moving the high chair.

You missed a spot...

Jay was cleaning up the high chairs last night, but he wasn't doing it to suit Griffith who went and got his own cloth.

Put the spoon in Griffith's mouth!

We are still working on getting Griffith to use utensils. He isn't a big fan. And he really doesn't like for you to put them in his mouth. Still, we played a rousing game of putting the spoon in Mommy's mouth and then Griffith's and then Daddy's (Jay thought the whole exercise was pretty gross, but went along any way.) Griff thought the whole thing was pretty fun.

Put it in Mommy's mouth!

Put it in Griffith's mouth!

Matching middles

The matching middles cookie jar is meant to store the Oreos, but Griff's foot just fits (for now -- we'll be cutting the damned thing off next week probably). Nothing would do him but that he put it on and march around the house.

Peg-leg Griffith

Making his way across the floor.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Thing One and Thing Two had an excellent weekend and have a had a pretty good start to the week. They have not allowed their fame to go to their heads. Any one who wants a link to the video clip should shoot me an email or post a comment and I will get it to you. Amazing how many people we didn't tell who actually saw us any way.

Griffith has decided to use his fork. Sometimes. He really liked using it for the sweet potato cakes (who knew such a product existed???) available in your grocer's freezer case (here in the South any way). Allan ate (like with his mouth and every thing) nearly 3/4ths of one himself. This was on top of eating 1/3 of an honest-to-God banana on Friday.

Allan still takes nearly all of his nutrition via the peg but we are getting more aggressive with the oral feeding. He can eat -- it simply doesn't interest him because he isn't ever hungry. We are working with his doctors and nutritionist to get it so that we pump him full of calories on his overnight feed and then let him get to the point of "on demand" feeding during the day. We are going to get new supercharged formula and see if we can't make the switch over the next couple of weeks. The key is to make sure he is getting enough to keep growing (he is still less than the 3rd percentile in size) but still encourage him to eat, eat, eat. Last night he crawled over and pulled up on Griffith's high chair after we put the Griffster in his seat to eat. If he is big enough to whine then we need to give him a chance to eat.

Allan goes to the dentist for the first time tomorrow. The enamel on his front four upper teeth is discolored and a little funky-looking. It will probably be 1) he was a preemie 2) on meds and 3) with reflux and 4) he'll lose those teeth anyway, but we want to make sure. Griff escapes because his teeth look great (except that they both have the most extraordinarily pointy, vampire-like canines) and you couldn't get him to sit still and open his mouth for all the tea in China.


Cheers! Enjoy the pictures.

Big Al and the big duck

Allan relaxing last night.

Up close and personal

Big Al resting comfortably.

sweet dreams, big Al

Maybe I'll use the fork

Sweet potatoes are awfully enticing.

On the way up.

Griffith making a move for his mouth with the fork.

I can do it when I want to.

Griffith showing us the proper technique with the fork.

put 'em in (I)

Griffith spent about 15 minutes putting the laundry in the washer and then taking it out again. Whatever it takes to keep him entertained.

put 'em in (II)

put 'em in (III)