Friday, April 18, 2008

The art critic

So we are still trying to get all of the pictures put up on the walls after Jay's stint of painting, etc., and this has involved a lot of propping pictures up and "do you like this here? Or here?" (Him, not me. They hang pictures in the Louvre with less forethought than Jay has put in to our living room.)

Griff has apparently picked up on that because the other night while I was making dinner, I watched him take two pictures that were propped up in the dining room and move them around and lean them up against the dresser base. He then turned around, trotted across the room, stood, looked at them for a minute, ran back across the room, turned them upside down and went back across the room to look at them again.

The boys had their two year old check ups yesterday.

The stats:

Griffith weighs in at a whopping 27 pounds 4 ounces (25-50th percentile) and stands at 34 inches tall (25th). His head is 19.5 inches for the 75th percentile.

Allan is a compact 20 pounds 13 ounces (less than the 5th percentile) and stands 30.75 inches tall (also less than the 5th.) His head is 18 and 5/8 inches for 10th percentile.

And, yes, we realize that this means that they are both bobble-heads.

The boys are both growing well and their weight/height/head circumference figures are all progressing in a nice upward growth curve, just like you want.

Reading with Da

Green Eggs and Ham.

You can't have it!

Playing keep away.

Gimme that!

Griffith took the choo-choo from Allan, but couldn't find a way to keep him from snatching it back. Until he realized that HE could climb up in the chair and that Allan wouldn't be able to reach it from there.

Allan's perfect little foot

He has the tiniest feet, but, like his brother and dad, the longest toes!

Hello from Elmo!

Cool like dat....

Brother can you spare a dime ?

Cookies !!!!!!!!!

Allan in the new Cookie Monster hat.

The "cousins"

Uncle Luigi brought Oscar (his new little boy) to meet his cousins.

kisses from Oscar

Allan and Oscar had a fabulous time. They couldn't get enough of each other.

Jackson Pollack ?

Griffith with paint on his nose and arms from a recent art lesson with Jesana.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Allan giving the stink-eye

He isn't too sure about this tunnel thing.

I'll put this one here....


constant motion.

St. Louis is in the lead

Aunt Michele has started the competition this season early. New, reversable hats for the boys. Of course, Allan wouldn't leave his on long enough for me to get a picture. Maybe he's holding out for KK's gift.

Griffith and the tissue paper

More birthday photos. Allan wasn't the only one interested in the tissue paper.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

You go right in here.

Griffith showing Allan the way. Allan refused to crawl through the tunnel despite our best efforts, however. As we have mentioned, he is a very skeptical little guy.

Coming at you...

Griffith crawling through the cool chameleon tunnel that Aunt Michele gave him.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Happy Birthday !!!

With only a few moments left of the boys' second birthday, we could not be any happier or prouder of Allan and Griffith. They are so different and still both manage to be completely perfect. And infuriating. Just when you think you are going to pull your hair out or shake one of them until their teeth rattle, they will do something completely ridiculous or sweet or, worse yet, recognizable as something YOU do.

Two years ago we couldn't have imagined where we are today or what it would take to get here. That is probably just as well. Whatever mistakes or misjudgments we have made or will make are made with the very best of intentions. God knows that Allan and Griffith could not be any better loved. We are extraordinarily fortunate to have been allowed to have such beautiful, challenging and unpredictable little souls to learn from and teach. They are a gift.
I have added so many posts tonight that the blogspot security has been triggered. I will stop and add more tomorrow.

I don't know how I got so far behind with posting.

Today is the boys 2nd birthday. As I look at the clock, I see that the big day is nearly over. As you can see, we had a good if low-key day. I tried to order a Thing One and Thing Two cake but none of the big bakeries could do it because they didn't have the copyright. (Lawyers ruin everything!)

Okay, Plan B then. I bought chocolate and white cake mixes, colored suger, sprinkles, and icing in a variety of colors. Jesana and the boys decorated them all for their art project today. They did a great job. Even if neither boy was interested in eating the cupcakes in the slightest.

Aunt Michele started us off right on Sunday with the gift of a new tunnel and lawn chairs, as well as St. Louis gear (a direct challenge to Aunt Kelly.) Today the boys got a pop-up soccer goal, a youth-sized ball, a new CD of dance music, a set of 3 books about Toot and Puddle the pigs, and a book about Duck and Goose. We also got a new shapes puzzle, a bubble machine from Cousin Bailey and a karaoke pig from Alice and Jim.

All of that, coupled with balloons and tissue paper was almost more than we could bear.

Still, it is very late and I am very tired.

Birthday balloons !!!!

Allan and Jesana

Checking out our new Toot and Puddle books.

birthday loot i

Griffith with the youth size soccer ball, the collapsible goal on the floor and Allan with the wooden shapes puzzle.

Will you share with Allan, Griffith????

Birthday loot

The boys playing with the puzzle. If you look closely, you will note that Griffith has taken all the puzzle pieces and put them behind him so that Allan can't reach them.

Action Griffith

grabbing the birthday balloons.

Family photo i

Allan refused to cooperate.

family photo

A quick grab to get all of us at once.

All smiles from Jesana and Allan

Allan getting a snuggle from Jesana on his birthday.

All smiles from Allan

Playing with his puzzle mat and enjoying his 2nd birthday.

Action Allan

Spreading tissue paper far and wide.

cool blue tissue paper

Allan seems to have missed the point of birthday gifts entirely.

Throw it away...

Allan tossing the tissue paper back over his shoulders.

Why didn't someone...

just give me tissue paper for my birthday?

The pig

he oinks louder and faster as you open and close his mouth. I haven't the foggiest notion why Alice and Jim thought this was an appropriate gift. I'm thinking that Ginny Beth needs a drum set....

Birthday dinner

Griffith enjoying his dinner.

Infinite bubbles

is the promise of the gift from Cousin Bailey. 10,000 bubbles in next to no time. Of course, since it is rainy and 40 degrees outside this did nothing but cause a meltdown, but we are sure that was not the intention.

Not at all interested

Griffith was not at all interested in sticking his hand up the pig's bottom to get it to sing. He preferred to open and close its mouth externally. Not that I can blame him.

Working the new puzzle with Dad.

One of our birthday gifts.

Happy Birthday, boys!

The boys' birthday cupcakes, decorated with an "A" and a "G."

Deep breath!

Ready to make a wish.

I made my wish!

Allan and Dad after blowing out the candles.

I'm two!

Ready, go....

Trying to coax Griffith in to blowing the candles out.

Make a wish!!!

Griffith didn't get the hang of blowing out the candles until after Mom did it.

Not that!

Griffith resisting the chocolate cupcake. I find these children to be utterly exhausting.

Allan the Skeptic

Allan, unsure about this chocolate cake thing. Whose kid is he anyway ????

Anything but that!!!

Allan giving his father the same reaction to birthday cake as he and his brother gave to medicine.

Oh, please!

Allan, flopping back in response to the birthday cake. Can anyone say "dramatic"?


Allan reacting to the icing in his mouth.

The big red balloon


I have no idea what Allan found so startling. Griffith was swatting the balloons, but Allan's reaction seems a little extreme.