Friday, March 14, 2008

No new pictures. I'm sure that we will have some after the weekend.

The week has been busy -- Nurse Jennifer came over on Tuesday night and ooohed and ahhhed over the boys. She thoughtfully brought baskets full of eggs and shredded paper. Which ended up EVERYwhere. (thanks, Jen!). Alissa was supposed to come over on Wednesday but had a brain fart and headed home instead. Which just meant that Mom and Dad had to drink her portion of wine (thanks, Alissa!)

The weather has been gorgeous -- in the 60's and sunny and the sitter (Christy) has had the boys out on walks and to the park. Griff fell asleep in his high chair last night. Today is cool and rainy and gray, though. Doesn't look like it is going to be very nice for the St. Patrick's Day Parade (Jay asked: when is it this year? Ummm. On the 17th, like every other year. Hm -- is it always the 17th? Ridiculous Brit.)

Allan had a good visit with Miss Julie (PT) yesterday. He didn't realize that he was doing it but he was standing all on his own looking at a book and playing with toys for about 10 minutes. He was close to the couch so he thought that he was supported. He can do it, if he doesn't think about it.

Allan was a bit of a slow starter yesterday. The time change has been hard on him. I had to wake him up to get him ready for Miss Julie and he was heartily miffed about it. Allan does not like to be awakened. He likes to sleep until he wakes up on his own, thank you very much. And he doesn't want to be messed with as soon as he gets up, either. Mostly he wants to sit, possibly in your lap, with a scowl on his face and suck his thumb. After 10, 15 or 20 minutes he might decide to play with something but HE'LL let you know.

Jay has some painters who are supposed to come finish the trim, wainscoting and touch-ups tomorrow. This should be it for that and we (I hope) will be able to hang some of our art work back up.

Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Loads of help

Allan shares his brother's obsession with helping with the laundry.

I'm coming to get you!

A little roughhousing before bedtime.


Allan attacking me.

he looks so grown up

except for the thumb-sucking part.

Mom and Allan ready to slip and slide

Ready to slide

Dad and Griffith heading downhill.

Mr. Giggles

Allan had a lot of fun watching the other kids sledding.

Throw me some beads, mister!

Griff with his beloved beads.

upwardly mobile

Allan crawling up on the overturned toy box. Just what I need: two upwardly mobile boys!

Fun foam shapes

Aunt Kathy made a bunch of fun foam shapes for the boys (more durable than flash cards) and this is pretty much what we do with them: dump them out, talk about our favorites, put them in piles, put them in the box, dump them out, start over again. Never gets old.

Hard at work

Dad got a little carrried away with the snowman. The boys and I bailed after about 15 minutes.

Keeping a close eye on Daddy's progress

We had to come in from the cold and leave him to build the snowman.

Love, love, love the bibs!

Snowman upclose

Nice hair, hunh?

The masterpiece

Dad's two hour project on Saturday.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Got your nose!

And just who is going to clean THAT up?

Pat, pat, pat

Allan adding snow to what we thought was the stomach. It later proved to be a leg.

Showing him how to do it.

Griffith giving his father instructions, complete with hand gestures. Some times you have to make it simple for him.

Griffith up close

Allan up close

Mush, Daddy, mush!

Griff is not impressed with the snow on his mittens.

Ready to face the elements

If you look in the background you can see Allan wiped out on the floor trying to crawl.

Is this really necessary ???

Allan all suited up and ready to head outside. He was really p.o.'d -- he kept trying to crawl, but the suit pants were so slick that he couldn't get any traction and kept wiping out!

Ready for the luge in 2024

See how their arms stick out? They can't get them down!

Snow bunny

Dad pulled the sled a little too fast for Allan's taste.

Sweet success!!!!

Miss Julie taught Griffith how to get up in the chair all on his own. Now nothing is out of reach. Thanks, Miss Julie!
Oh, and just look at the toes on that kid -- he's like a hobbit!

Spin around and slide down....

We have a little chant to remind Griff of the right way to get out of the chair.

Allan checking out his new snow boots

The new aquarium

Four fish -- one for each of us.

Making a break for it

Allan heading out on to the porch to enjoy the good weather.

Spring fever

It was in the sixties last week -- right before the snowstorm this weekend.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Wow. Didn't realize how long it has been since I blogged. Mea culpa.

Anyway, we have had a big week and a big weekend. No pictures tonight because it takes too long to upload from home. Going to have to investigate that.

We had a big winter storm here Friday and Saturday. Probably ended up with 4 or 5 inches of snow. They kept calling for it so I went to the store on Friday afternoon and got snow suits and boots for the boys. I thought we were going to make it through, but no such luck. As it happened , Christy (one of Griff's favorite sitters) had bad luck on Friday. Her apartment got broken into. Mom had had an early start that morning so she came home as it was starting to snow to let Christy get home. The boys had been especially good for Miss Edie -- Griff had said, monkey, pee-pee (while grabbing his privates), whoopsiee and cheese. Quite a lot of progress. Allan was not nearly so cooperative. He ate some shredded apple, but Miss Edie didn't get it sweet enough before he lost steam on it.

Friday night was family night. It was snowy and foul outside and we all just hunkered down and stayed cozy. Very low-key and fun. Saturday was quite blustery and snowy. I was determined that we were getting out in it, though. Jay headed out for sleds. We waited until the early afternoon before taking the boys into the back yard. Griff liked playing on the sleds inside. Allan hated it. Outside, it was just the opposite. Go figure. Dad pulled us around on the sleds a few times and then we started in on a snowman. The boys and I tuckered out fairly quickly but Dad kept at it. For two hours. No joke. Two hours. They don't have snow like this in England, he says.

Last night was another family night. This morning we got up to "spring forward" and lots of sun. We took the boys to "hospital hill" for sledding and made a couple of trips down and back before heading home.

It is silly to say, but it literally took twice as long (at least) to get the boys dressed and out the door for playing in the snow as they spent playing. The reality is that Jay and I should have gone out and played and let the boys hang out in the house!

Pictures tomorrow.