Thursday, July 06, 2006

Thursday afternoon postscript

There won't be a post in the morning, for sure. Jay and I have to do training for the oxygen equipment and monitor, infant CPR and shaken baby syndrome. And we have to meet the company who is setting up the oxygen at the house for that, too. We are doing that regardless of whether Griffith flies the coop tomorrow or not.
I'll update as soon as I can.

Thursday afternoon July 6th

Sweet baby Allan is doing well on the cannula. No one has told him that he's moved up. Don't want him to realize what he's doing and then stop. It is just so nice to be able to see his pretty little (not so little) face.
Griffith's temp was a little low at lunch so they are running a few more tests. They won't say he will come home tomorrow and they won't say he won't. Cagey of them, no? Any way we are keeping our fingers crossed that it was just the air conditioning and not something else that caused the dip. We'll keep you posted.

Allan on the cannula

Winston Churchill ????

No pictures, please!

Sweet baby Allan on the nasal cannula.

Griffith -- The Great Escape ?

Well, don't say it too loud, but it looks like Griffith is going to make the great escape tomorrow. Oh.My.Goodness. Jay's response to my phone call: What do we need to do? Well...ummm....dunno...YOUR part of WE needs to get the nursery painted so that the ME part of WE has a place to lay the baby down.... I think THAT is where we should start. But that's just me.
Cheryl did Griffith's hearing screening yesterday and she says that he hears very well, but she will make no representations about how well he listens. (I know, I know, good luck with that.) She confirmed that he is spoiled rotten and tried to blame it on the night nurses, but when I called back in yesterday afternoon she had been holding him for quite a while. So she has to share the blame. She needed to get her cuddling time in before he heads out in to the great wide world. I hope she was telling him to be very good when he comes home. He'd better watch out. I have her numbers so if he gets too out of hand she will come and jerk a knot in his tail!
Allan has been very good this week, too. He weighs nearly 5 pounds and 4 ounces. We are hoping that hearing about Griffith will make him step up to the plate. It may be working because he moved from the Cpap to the nasal cannula this morning. He seems to be doing well with that and we are hopeful that he won't be too far behind Griffith in getting to come home.
I am getting home computer and will be blogging from there, but it is going to be sporadic at best for a little while because, well, because we'll have one of our babies home and we'll be busy doing -- I don't know what exactly, baby stuff? Boiling water? Tearing rag strips?

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Griffith in his onesie

Griffith in patriotic garb

Allan in his 4th of July onesie

Allan in patriotic garb

4th of July recap

The boys had a good Independence Day. They were very excited about the holiday although they understand that it really isn't good to mention it to Dad who won't admit it, but thinks of it as The Day It All Started to Go Wrong.
It was also the day that I realized that Griffith has somehow come to be spoiled, spoiled, spoiled and I'm not sure what we are going to do about it. First off, Caitlyn announced to Jay that Griffith's "happy time" seems to be from 3 to 5. That would be in the AM. Apparently that's when he is wide awake and very interested in being entertained. She finally went and got a mirror for him which was the source of much fascination. Vain little fellow. I went to nurse him and needed to do his care at lunch time. Rosa had him out and was talking to him and when I took him from her and laid him down to change his diaper he began to scream like he had been scalded. The instant, the very instant I picked him back up, he stopped. Completely. I laid him back down to have another go at it and he did it again. Yelling like a banshee, turning red, and shaking his little fists. I would like to think that we'll break him of this, but I'm pretty sure that he'll just break us. He pretty much had me trained yesterday and it only took two tries.
Allan was (as usual) a very good boy yesterday. He is down some on his pressure and seems to be tolerating that well. Maybe we'll make it on to the cannula soon. The doc said that he just needs to get more mature. Good luck with that. He is a boy, after all. Krista thought it was very funny that Allan had almost peed in Jennifer's ear, but this morning she didn't think it was quite so funny. Last night, while Krista was changing him, Allan gave an enormous explosive poo and actually shot it out of the bed and on to Krista. She said that he never woke up while he was doing it, either, which is pretty darned impressive. Frankly, I'm pretty sure he was awake through the whole thing. He was just playing possum and it worked like a charm.
I took some pictures of the boys in 4th of July onesies and will try to post them shortly.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Afternoon update - July 3rd

The boys were fine at lunchtime.
Griffith had a belly full of gas and kept tooting while he was eating, but it didn't seem to bother him much. He has a little hernia that they were checking out today and I swear every time someone said the word "testicles" he would grin. All boy, that Griffith.

Allan was down on his pressure again today and was pretty sleepy so I didn't stress him out. Yesterday his nurser (Jennifer) was changing him and left him free for a minute while she bent over to get something out of the drawer. A respiratory tech yelled at her and she jumped up just in time to avoid him peeing in her ear. I'm pretty sure he was trying to take his revenge on her for all of the poking and prodding. Daggone resp tech. Foiled again.

I will be out tomorrow for the holiday so no update until Wednesday!

Monday July 3rd

Happy 4th of July Eve to everyone ! The boys had a good weekend.
Allan weighed in at a whopping 5 pounds 1 ounce last night. Hard to believe that he has come so far in 3 months. He has the sweetest chubby legs, arms, cheeks -- everything, really. He is terribly sensitive about it, though. I mentioned last week that he had learned how to pout and make his lower lip quiver. Well, he continues to employ the technique with great accuracy. Alissa was talking about his cute chubby thighs and he had a meltdown. Yesterday, I was talking about his little chubby fingers and he did it again. So, when you meet him (finally), ixnay on the ubby-chay talk, okay? We don't want him to develop an eating disorder.
Griffith is doing his best to catch up in the weight category. He was 4 pounds 9 ounces last night. His big accomplishment this weekend was learning how to nurse. He will be alternating between formula-enhanced bottles and breast-feeding when he comes home, provided that the does well with it and so far his been a little rockstar. He's a very clever little boy. And awfully sweet. One of his nurses commented on how sweet and calm he's been since he is off of the vent. Yes, yes, he is. He kept trying to tell y'all that he didn't want to be on it and NO ONE was listening. That's very frustrating. Even when you are only 10 weeks old. Now that he has gotten his way, he's as jolly a little fellow as you would ever want to meet. Please make a note of it.
You can see from the pictures that Dad has been very busy this weekend. Eric (husband of my niece Jennifer) came over and helped begin painting the nursery. The farm is based on my family's homeplace and looks great, if you ask me. They have to put in the animals, but the base paint wasn't quite dry enough for that yesterday. Things are coming together -- about time, hunh?

Pond behind the door

birds over the door

Barn and silo

Jay has decided the silo needs to be bigger, but you get the idea.

sun in the corner

nursery -- home place

Nursery - House view