Friday, June 13, 2008

A perfect night for sleeping...

What a great night to sleep. The thunderstorms rolled in late in the afternoon and have continued to pop up on and off since. It gives us the perfect excuse to be home and snuggly.

Jesana had to be out today so her friend Anna came to play with the boys. She did great. In part, no doubt, due to the fact that Jesana spent two hours this morning supervising her and making her prove that she knew what Jesana had just told her. As Jesana left, she called me to say that she had been on Anna's nerves all morning making sure that she would take good care of the boys. Apparently the last thing she told her was that if anything happened to the boys she (Jesana)(all five foot nothing of her) would kick Anna's a***. What could we add to that?

Fortunately for the boys and for Anna and Jesana's friendship, things went well. The boys were happy and healthy when we arrived home and Anna may help out with taking care of the fellows a little next week.

We were going to try to visit with Angie and Dan who are in town to celebrate their wedding, but we couldn't get our schedules coordinated tonight. The boys were loads of fun. We have regressed a little. Jay has moved the mattress back in to the nursery floor to induce
Griff to sleep "by himself" again after having the two nights of vomiting. We got the boys bathed and in their PJs. Read a story. Night, night.

It was clear to me that Dad was almost out on his feet before we left. He and Griff were going to fall asleep together regardless of Dad's best intentions.

I wish I could predict lottery numbers with as much accuracy.

Big Al and I came out in to the dining and living room and played for awhile. We read another couple of books and then rocked until Allan fell in to a stupor. Honestly, I couldn't have asked for a better evening. Jay and I had a good dinner. The boys were lots of fun. The house is (relatively) neat and quiet. Big Al and I had a lovely snuggle. Rain pelted down and thunder rolled on occasion. Not enough to be threatening, Enough to make you feel cozy, though.

A little before ten, Dad came out, clearly having fallen asleep in the bed with Griff (so much for Mr. Cry It Out -- judge not, lest you be judged.) Allan is now sound asleep in the nursery with his brother and father and I am enjoying the quiet that is interrupted only by the air conditioning, dishwasher and washer.

We are looking forward to a visit tomorrow from Aunt Kate, Aunt Stephanie, Cousin Bailey and (possibly) Cousin Jennifer. Katie and Aunt/Godmother Lee may come over, depending on the weather. KK and Angie are in town, too, so who knows how much company we may have ??

At any rate, at the moment it is quiet and cool, and we are at peace with the world. Long may it last.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Post script....

Griff finally gave it up shortly before midnight and slept through the night.

Allan, on the other hand, began crying at about 2 or so (I think). I rolled over and punched Jay (who was still sound asleep) and said, I think I can hear YOURS crying. Huhn? (Sarcasm filter must have been on.) Allan is crying, please check on him.

Next thing I know, Big Al is in bed with us. (Where have you gone, Mr. Cry It Out ?) Allan flipped and flopped until I got out of bed and went to the couch at 4:30. Guess he had a stomach ache, too.

Any way, I was up at 5:45 to go for a run with Norm. When the alarm went off, I was dreaming that it was raining outside and that I could go back to bed. No such luck. Clear as a bell. Up and at 'em. Check with me about 2 p.m., though, and I will probably be sound asleep at my desk.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Jay and his bright ideas....

This cry it out sh*t is for the birds.

Last night Griff was exhausted (presumably from going to the pool with Jesana) and could not stand himself. He started wailing and flailing about 6:30 and we could not get him calmed down. So we proceeded on with bath, book and "cry it out" time. Which lasted For.Hell.And.Ever. Jay kept saying "he's fine" -- then realized that he had pooped. Changed him. Put him back. Crying, crying, crying. Go back in and check. Vomit. E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E. Sheets, floor, covers. Change him. Exchange glances. Fine, if you poop and vomit, then Momma can rock you to sleep. New rule.

Tonight was Jay's night out. Don't undo everything I've accomplished, he cautioned, put him to bed and let him cry it out. Mm-hmm. Got it. Like you don't undo what I've accomplished when you churn up everything in the laundry basket? Similar to that? Or more like when you track dirt in across the cleanly mopped floor? Is it more like that?

So we make it through meal time, but Jesana warned me that Allan had thrown up after every meal today. Didn't really act sick, but kept throwing up. Which he promptly did on me after dinner. All down my front. Great. Changed shirts. Gave the boys a bath, read a book, Griff was drifting off, snuggled next to me. Allan was doing his level best to keep his brother awake, but had settled down in to a stupor. Both asleep before 8:30? Cry it out, my foot, I ain't moving.

Which might have worked had Daddy not come home (busted!) and got the boys stirred up. (Talk about undone.) And lectured Momma about crying it out. Maybe he doesn't feel well. He's burped ominously a couple of times, I swear. B.S., cried Daddy, but hold him if you want -- the not-so-sub-subtext being that it will turn him in to an imbecile or ax-murderer.


We'll do it your way. Put him down, cry, cry, cry. Cry, cry, cry, cry. Go back in. You're okay. Cry, cry, cry -- cough, sputter. Momma grabs him just in time to be covered down the back in vomit. At least this time it only got me and the floor.

Maybe you were right about the upset stomach, says Dad. You think? Now what? Okay. Now you can hold him. Fine. Unfortunately Griffith is now so concerned about being abandoned that you CAN NOT get him put down. Two hours I tried. Every time I put him down he would wake and cry.

So not only can I now not get my son to sleep the way his father does, I can now no longer get him to sleep in the usual manner, either.

So I put Griff down to let him cry it out. Go out to find my husband on the couch, watching "SuperNanny' and Allan asleep. I kid you not, he says to me, I got MINE to sleep. Grrrrrr........


In and out of the nursery every five minutes or so. Trying to comfort Griffith who is howling like a banshee, weeping and sobbing. (So help me, if he figures out to say "momma" it is OVER. )

Jay takes Allan in to put him to bed and hook him up to his feed and Allan (who never does this) wakes and begins to cry. Well, now Dad is between a rock and a hard place -- whatcha gonna do ? Let him cry it out. Perfect. Two banshees howling. One stirring up the other (although, in fairness, Griff was standing, looking over at Allan with concern.) Then Allan's monitor starts alarming. His oxygen levels go 98, 85 (alarm), 92, 72 (alarm), 88, 84(alarm). This goes on for few minutes. (Griffith, no joke, yelling uh-oh every time the alarm goes off. He's worried about his brother and ain't no way he's sleeping through this.) Jay comes in, changes the probe. It ain't the probe -- Allan is either losing his breath from crying or he is holding his breath because he is mad. Or a little from column A and a little from column B. This goes on for 10 minutes or so and Jay says he's going to have to go back on the oxygen -- what else can we do? Umm, pick him up and calm him down ??? (Tongue stuck out in my direction.)

So Allan is now draped over my left shoulder like a fur stole, sound asleep and breathing deeply. Hasn't alarmed since about 2 minutes after I picked him up. Very quiet except for the rattle of snot from the not-quite-crying-it-out. Allan is absolutely excellent at getting what he wants.

Griff is quiet more often than not at the moment, but manages to rally and howl every few minutes. He may finally have worn himself out.

Or maybe he's just trying to figure out how to get one of those monitors for himself.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The 50 yard dash

down the yard in to the sprinkler and back again.

Giving chase

The boys running through the sprinkler.

We beat you!

Jay and Allan beat Griff to the sprinkler.

On the run

Up and back, over and over again.

The dance of joy

Playing in the sprinkler is so much fun -- Griffith just wriggles all over.

Waiting for the sprinkler to come back his direction

Mr. Giggles

Ready to go play in the sprinkler.

Run, run, run, Daddy!

Trying to get away from the sprinkler.

Ready to run

Getting in on some sprinkler action.

How much more fun could this be?

Little Miss Prom 2024 ?

Miss A --- potential future prom date.

Way up high!

Little Miss A came to play Sunday.

Little Fabio

Allan loves to get in front of the fan and let the wind blow his hair back.

summer fun

Blowing raspberries in to the fan.

NOT in the HOUSE!

I'm pretty sure I am going to be yelling that for years to come.

Griff trying to sneak one past the goalie.

But Mommmm.....

I'm just so sweet and innocent.

Mr. Nonchalance

Check out Allan who oh-so-subtly is kicking is brother out of Dad's lap. He never took his thumb out of his mouth while doing it, either.

...just a little more...

and he'll be off Daddy's lap.

and the final push.

Tigers by the tail

I don't know what was happening at this point. Michele has her hands full, though.

My little hair bear

Allan before his most recent cut.

Another Saturday night.

Out on the deck with the boys and Alan and Michele.

Enough with the curls!

I just can't keep myself from taking pictures of the curls.

The competition.....

Team Al and Griff by a nose!

With a little help from Daddy.

Ooooh, noooooo.......

yelled Griff.
Great, I thought, what now?
French toast stick ("accidentally") stuck to his finger, that's what.

All snuggled down

Big Al still finds a lot of comfort in his thumb.

Wiped out

Griff grabbed his bottle, crawled up on the couch and collapsed.

Absolutely exhausted.

Allan just couldn't take any more.

One big happy family

Last week Jay decided it was time for Griff to learn to go to bed by himself. Baby steps, though. He put our mattress on the nursery floor so that Griff could see him and know he was still there.

Living like gypsies

The nursery floor.

False labelling

He's really Thing Two.

Putting Uncle Tim to good use

Uncle Tim stopped by for dinner last week and Griffith put him to work immediately.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Oh, no !!!!!!

Griff has the plummiest accent when he says, "oh, no!" Jay is delighted. This is the only thing that Griff says that could be said to be like him. Honestly, I think he sounds a lot like a Kennedy, but, whatever.

We read Going on a Bear Hunt and part of the refrain is Oh, NO! and Griff is always ready and willing to chime in with it. It is also very helpful when we "accidentally" throw our bears out of the bed. (OH, No! Fall down!) Jay is encouraging the bear thing because it is now part of the nightly routine. It was a little more of a problem today, though, when I was trying to fit myself, Griff and 3 bears in to the rocking chair for nap time. I thought I could use a bear as an arm rest, but quickly found out that THAT AIN'T GONNA WORK, MOMMA. O.Kay. Still Griff was glad enough to head for bed (night, night). Allan acted like he didn't want to, but he gave in soon enough which left me time enough for a shower and a little nap before company came .

The boys have an older girlfriend (Miss A) who is quite the siren for Griff (Al likes to play it closer to the vest). We had a big time playing outside, despite the heat. With any luck, I'll post pictures tomorrow.

It is now plenty late. The house is as close as to what passes for tidy around here. The laundry and dishes are going. The a/c is doing what it can to keep up with the humidity. I am ready to take shower so I don't have to worry with it in the a.m.

I read an article recently by a woman who blogs about her child and it has made me think about what the boys might some day think about all of this. I hope that when they read these entries they hear my voice and understand that I do not mean to embarass them. Jay and I are the proudest parents. Allan and Griffith are each perfect in his own individual way. They are a constant source of joy, pure and unadulterated. Even when they are being miserable, obnoxious little brats. Maybe it is being older when we had them. Maybe it is the fact that they were so small and that their survival was so precarious for so long. It justs makes it a little easiter when you don't sleep all night. Or a little funnier when Griff has a meltdown and stomps his feet like the world's angriest little leprechaun. Or Allan refuses to sleep for two hours even though his eyes are drooping the whole time. We are the luckiest people in the whole world.

To bad Stupid George forgot to buy us a lottery ticket. Bet it was the winning one.

Oh, no !!!!!!

Llama llama red pajama...

This may now be Momma's favorite book. Dolly Parton sponsors a program through the United Way called (I think) Success by Six. If you are born in one of (again, I think, 3 states) three states and sign up, they will send you a new book once a month. This month's selection is about baby llama who is learning to go to bed by himself. It is so cute and funny (stop all of this llama drama and be patient with your mama!) I am sure Jay is already tired of it.

The weather has turned from lovely to miserable all in the course of a couple of days. It has been in the 90's and humid as all get out for the past three days. I.Hate.It. I grew up in a house with no a/c. I remember not being able to sleep in the bedrooms upstairs because it was so miserably hot. We would make pallets in the dining room downstairs and sleep in front of the fans. We closed the shutters to the heat of the day. Sat under the maple tree and played in the dirt in the shade. ugh. ugh. ugh.

Jay has had a lot of work to do and has slipped off with (almost) all the fans. A situation we will address at Home Depot or Lowe's tomorrow. I have the shades drawn, the a/c cranking, and all the leftover fans blowing. The dishwasher, washer and dryer run only at night. Part of it is my great distaste for being hot and humid. Part of it is legitimate concern for Big Al. Just like any one with COPD or other breathing difficulty, Big Al does not fare well when the temps go up and the humidity rises. We don't realize it, but our bodies adjust and our hearts beat faster and we breathe a little more quickly to compensate. Big Al is doing great, but he doesn't need the added stress so we have to make sure that he isn't over-doing it in the heat of the day.

Yesterday we got up and Daddy was all full of vinegar we ran down to the farmer's market and back. Then we took showers, ate lunch and sent Dad off to finish some work he had promised. I was certain that this was going to be a great day. Griff was ready to sleep at 12:30 and drifted off without much struggle. Big Al, I was confident, was not far behind. Shows what I know. On and off for the next 3 hours, I tried to get the brat to fall asleep. Wouldn't do it. Finally, he feel asleep at 3:02 -- FIVE minutes ahead of Griff waking up. Perfect. Two well-rested toddlers and one bitter mother. Perfect.

We had a great time last night, though. Michele and Alan came over and helped to entertain and feed us. Griff managed to eat a pint (I kid you not) of strawberries before they arrived. When he finds something he likes, he goes full force. Jay did a great job of getting Griff to bed. The mattress is still on the nursery floor, but the boys both slept all night. Apparently we will work on moving the mattress back in to the bedroom later this week. Hope it works out since Sister Kate is coming on Saturday.

Dad headed off to work this morning and the boys and I took a long walk before it got too miserable. We visited the local fire station, saw lots of dogs, a couple of cats and one bunny. As we were walking through Bell Court, Griff kept yelling "meow, meow" -- at some woman's silly, hairy, fluffy dog. It was hard for me to fault him. It looked a lot like a cat to me, too.

Big Al LOVES the fan. We had a box fan out on the deck last night and he couldn't get enough of it. I didn't get a picture of it, but he was all Fabio - sitting with his face in front of it with his hair flowing back with an enormous grin on his face. Then he kept knocking the fan over, which annoyed his father to no end. So Jay put something behind it so that Allan couldn't knock it over. It took him all of, oh, I don't know, NO TIME AT ALL to knock it over the other direction. It really stinks to be outwitted by at two year old.

Griff knows that Allan is not supposed to fool with the fan. Griff is very concerned that his brother is going to do something harmful, takes his meaty little fist and body-slams Allan to the ground. He doesn't do it hard and you can tell that it is taking a toll on him, but he is certain that Allan is heading for disaster and he feels responsible for "protecting" his brother. His heart is pure. This same protective instinct was clear this afternoon. I was running the vaccuum and Allan could not resist it. Griff, pretty certain that this is a dangerous thing, kept stepping between Allan and me trying to make sure that Allan wasn't in danger. Griff is no big fan of the vac himself so his willingness to protect his brother is just that much sweeter.