Monday, July 07, 2008

So THAT'S what pockets are for!

Griffith found his pockets this 4th of July.

A faraway look....


Allan giving Griff the stink-eye. I don't have any idea what for.


Griff re-enacting Bible stories. Because that's the sort of family we are.

Meeting George Henry

We went to Greg and Alice's for the 3rd and got to play with their horses. George Henry, anyway. William wasn't very friendly.

Alice and Big Al

Tasty treat for George Henry

Sharing with George Henry

Making a break for it

Allan really, really wanted to get to the horses.

In the catbird's seat

Big Al checking out the scenery. I love how he sticks his fingers in Jay's ears.

Sound check

Allan working the satellite radio.

Dance party USA

Greg and Griffith showing us their moves. To Like a Virgin. No kidding.

3rd of July with Heather