Friday, June 08, 2007

Allan did well with the cardiologist this morning. She really was just checking to make sure he was feeling fine since the cath. He is. Actually, he's been full of beans, as his father would say. He's kicking an squawking a whole lot -- especially at night and especially when it is time for Griffith to sleep. It really is starting to seem willful on Allan's part. He is growing well -- 19 pounds and 7 ounces today. If he keeps this up, he's going to catch Griffith before too long. Of course, Griffith burns a lot of calories, what with the constant motion and all.

Big weekend in store for the guys. We are all going to cousin Charles' wedding (one of the other twins in the family). Also, we have now purchased toddler swings and, if we can get Daddy motivated, we should all be swinging on the front porch before the end of the weekend.

Allan the thumbsucker

Momma and her boys

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Lots of fun new photos of the guys in action.

Allan got a gold star today from his PT Julie. She hasn't seen him for a couple of weeks and was very impressed with how well he sits up on his own and balances now. He's doing very well with "tummy time" and lifting his head, too. He was really showing off -- looking around and following objects, turning over, and pushing up. And not complaining (much) about it. She says that he is the sweetest, hardest working baby. You can tell that he is feeling better and getting stronger. He really tussles with Griffith over toys now and swats at him and pushes back when Griff charges in his direction. For his part, Griffith is doing a lot better at being "gentle" and "easy" with Allan. Right up until he takes his montrous paw and whacks him. Or crawls over top of him. Or knocks him over when Allan is trying to sit. Other than that. (Actually, they are doing better playing "together" -- in each other's vicinity and with the same toys.)

Griff is doing better with the eating. We still aren't up to any great quantities, but he is at least feeding himself with his fork. And he is putting his sippy cup in his mouth, but not drinking from it yet. We have tried to show him how to use it, but he refuses to be told any thing. (Very similar to his father in that respect!) He is very much in to climbing on whatever he can find. That's not going to end well for him, but he's very determined. His other new trick is to, when told "no," to look at you, hold his breath, turn red and growl while straining and shaking. Think a very small, pink Incredible Hulk imitation and you have the picture.

Allan, kicked back

Relaxing after all his hardwork doing his physical therapy.

Allan - balancing like a tightrope walker

He's really getting the hang of this sitting stuff. Check out the magic maraca at his feet.

Allan - looking right at you

Giving me that direct stare. It is pretty hard to maintain your balance when Mom is taking flash photos of you the whole time.

The boys playing.

Check out Allan sitting up without any support at all. He can do it for a long time, provided his brother doesn't knock him over.

The fellas wrestling.

Allan is holding his own more and more these days. The "matching" outfits are courtesy of Flora. She loves for them to match.

Playing peek-a-boo

Allan, playing peek-a-boo with the laundry bag. You would think that those kids didn't have any toys.

Allan, laughing out loud

This falling back stuff is pretty fun so long as there is someone there to catch me.

Allan all smiles

Allan is now big and strong enough to rough-house. Last night we were playing the Nestea Plunge and letting him fall back. He thought it was big fun, as you can see.

Ready to roll

They both had the hats off before we got out of the driveway.

Turn about is fair play

Allan holding Griff in the stroller. Griff doesn't seem to mind the assist.

Ready for strolling

We took a good long walk last night with Nicole. Check out Allan pushing on Griffith, for a change.

Griffith the mountain goat

Mr. King of the Mountain climbed in the basket of toys and up on top of the ottoman. Of course, once he got up there, he couldn't figure out how to get down, but that was Flora's problem, not his.

Griffith eating - finally

Griffith has been a bit of a pill about eating. So far, he will only eat with his fork (no spoons), only if he does it himself (do NOT try to put any thing in my mouth) and only if you aren't watching him.

Big Al in his booster seat

Allan and the pompom

Cheerleaders are serious athletes, too.

Allan and his pompom (again)

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Griffith practicing for soccer superstardom

He spends hours knocking them back and forth, under chairs, into corners. Aunt Kathy says that he must be part border collie.

Griffith and Uncle Luis

Check out those powerful thighs.

Allan and Uncle Tim

Uncle Tim stopped by Monday evening. Allan thinks it is really funny that Tim says his hair is blonde.

All worn out

Griffith, all worn out from jumping in the Jungle Jumperoo.