Thursday, August 23, 2007

The update - August 23

We've had a great week.

Allan had his renal ultrasound today to make sure that he didn't have any problem with kidney stones (a concern because he is on diuretics). No surprise -- he is very nearly perfect in every way. The only funny thing was when the radiologist came blowing in and told me that Allan's kidney and bladder were growing great and looked wonderful. Super. Of course, we never even knew to worry about that, but, okay, we'll cross that off the list.

Allan did great with his PT with Miss Julie this morning. He's doing well with getting from sitting in to crawl position and with holding himself up (as you can see). Lots of things they tried for the first time, he nailed right off the bat. He's such a little show off. He'll do a trick and then smirk and shove his thumb in to his mouth. Smoke 'em if you got 'em, as they say.

Griff has figured out how to climb up in the arm chairs and on the couch. He's a regular little mountain goat, really. Unfortuately, he hasn't quite mastered coming down yet. So far, we have a bump on the forehead and next to his right eye. Not clear on when social services intervenes.

Griff is so much fun. He loves to play "chase." He will head off at a dead sprint for the nearest corner and then turn and giggle until you come and tickle him and then he chases you back across the floor. We must run a mile between the living room and the dining room, chuckling the whole way. Goof ball.

Griff got put in time out today for swatting his brother. Jay reports that he was inconsolable while he was penned up, but got out and came directly over to Allan and laid his head on him. Then, Jay claims (I wasn't here, can't dispute it) that he kissed Allan. Probably just a prelude to smacking him again, but we take what we can get around here.

Allan is now up to 16 teeth officially. For those of you keeping score, you only have 20 baby teeth. I hope he does as well with his multiplication tables and his prayers as he does with the growing of the hair and the teeth. Griffith has a mouthful, too, but he is about at 14 or 15 (feel free to come over and try to figure it out. It is more treacherous that putting your head in the lion's mouth as far as I am concerned. )

Who knows what the weekend holds? Miss Miranda is supposed to baby sit tomorrow night while Mom and Dad go drink, eat and dance for charity. Then we have a new girlfriend meant to come over on Saturday.

If the weather becomes more tolerable, we'll try to take a swim or two this weekend. Otherwise, we are soaking up the A/C.

This is easy!

Allan showing how big and strong he is.

Allan upright.

Allan showing what a big, strong boy he is. Nice curls, too. Can't imagine why anyone would want us to cut them. ( Heather?)

Allan pushing up.

It may be hard to tell, but he has his hands on the container and is pushing himself up in to crawl position without any support.

Silly Dad.

Blowing zerberts is pretty funny.

Nothing is safe

Griffith exploring. There really isn't any where that is safe from him lately.

Griffith on the march

He is as bowlegged as he can be. Just call him Festus.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Griffith, clearing the way

Time to put a latch on that cabinet

Allan watching Griffith wreak havoc

Nice hair, Billy Ray.

Sweet Allan's hair hangs down below his shoulder blades when it is wet. It curls up when it is dry, though, so it really doesn't look like a mullet. Really. It doesn't.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The house is quite peaceful now, but that could end at any moment. As I was posting pictures, I heard something that sounded just like a slap and then the inevitable howl from Allan. I turned to watch Griffith, basically, box his brother's jaws for no reason. Or, if you are a toddler, for the perfect reason: I wanted to. Nevermind that less than a minute before the assault, Griffith was off doing his own thing, many feet from his brother. I didn't even hear him crawling in his brother's direction.

Allan has now decided to help me blog which has caused Griffith to abandon the remote and all the toys in the living room. He is now hanging from his fingertips from the dining room table and saying "mama." He hasn't wanted to be held all afternoon, but now it is the only thing in the world that he wants and I am completely unreasonable for denying him. This will no doubt be the subject of length counseling later on.

It is an absolute miracle that we get any thing done at all around here in the course of a day.

Friday we all went to Wines on Vine for dinner and met up with a big crew: Greg, Alice, Liz, Markus, Diane and Luis. The boys were absolutely on their best behavior. Couldn't have asked for better mannered boys.

Saturday, Dad put the boys in the jogger and took them off for the Farmer's Market. Allan was not as happy with it as in the past. I forgot to mention to Dad that Allan really does not care for the street performers (he especially loathes the one doing the Bob Dylan tribute). Once he figured that out though, all was well. The boys took a detour through the Woodland Art Fair on their way back home and we all joined up to say "hello!" Miss Miranda came to look after the fellows on Saturday afternoon which gave us time to work in the yard -- weeding, trimming, sealing the driveway.

Dinner time came and Griffith displayed his usual lack of enthusiasm for anything solid -- except for a piece of baguette with olive oil, salt, pepper and juice from a fresh tomato. He nibbled, gnawed and licked like it was the best thing he'd ever had. Still wouldn't swallow any of it, but it is a start.

Today started off with a long run with Mom, folllowed by hanging out with Dad. Everyone was off schedule. Allan slept from 1 until about 3:30. Griff slept no more than 30 minutes at a stretch from 2:15 until about 5. I kept hoping he would take a real nap. God knows, he could use one, but it is too late now. We are in it to win it and there ain't no napping happening now.

Miss Cheryl is supposed to stop over after her shift is over. We hope that Griffith isn't entirely unreasonable when she arrives.

That ain't no field mouse....

I don't care what Matt says, with a tail like that, it is clearly a rat!

He's got a possum by the tail...

oh, can't you see?

Yeah, I'm not sure I want that.

Allan -- considering the appropriate response for the gift of a possum.

The rodents

Not Matt and Griff, but the possum and rat. Big fun surprises from (where else?) Gatlinburg.

Thinking big thoughts

Griffith working on his strap and thinking things over.

Allan working on his swing strap.

I am going to patent a toy that is just that strappy material. Both of the boys find it irresistible.

What happens when it gets quiet...

Daddy and Big Al were chilling in the living room, when Dad realized that he hadn't heard Griffith for a few minutes.


Out of every thing in the cabinet, Griffith picks the metal one to bang on the floor.

Clatter, clatter

This one goes here....