Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The boys really were very good last night.

They have started to play with each other more and more. Last night they both had their flashlights. Griff kept grabbing Allan's, running for the living room, flinging them in the back of the big chair and diving headfirst after them so that Allan couldn't get them. Allan would speed-crawl after Griffith, pull up on the chair and grab and snatch at the flashlights or Griffith. Then the whole process would start all over again. They seemed pretty evenly matched and in pretty good spirits about the whole thing so I didn't get involved.

Griff woke up before Allan this morning and kept asking me "Al?" so we would go in periodically to check on him. The last time we went in, Allan rolled over, saw us, grinned at his brother and pulled up on the side of the crib. Griff ran over and reached through the bars, trying to hug his brother and, when I got Allan out and sat him on the floor, came over and put his head on Allan's belly. Allan patted him on the back. It was all terribly sweet.

Almost makes up for Griff kicking Allan in the head the night before.

Playing keep away

Griffith throwing both flashlights up in to the chair so that Allan can't get them.

Push me, pull you

Allan got both of the flashlights and flung them on the floor, but not without Griff giving him a good shove.

The battle for the flashlights

Allan trying to keep Griff from escaping up in to the chair.
Griffith kicking Allan in the head so that he can't get the flashlights.

Allan with his flashlight

I have no idea how he ended up without his pants on. One minute he had them on, the next minute, they were in the floor.

Mwah-ha-ha-ha !

Monday, March 03, 2008

Dad's night out

Dad has the night off.
Both boys are asleep and it wasn't even that much of a struggle. The house is as neat as it gets these days. There is the pleasant hum of the dishwasher and the washing machine. And -- oh, what fun -- the burble of an aquarium!
But first, the weekend recap:
Last weekend did not result in the completion of all home improvement tasks undertaken. The bookcases (which, for the record, were all that I requested) were done, but the walls were the same color as when I left. And, of course, I had wainscoting. But only in the living room. And Jay was bound and determined to put up crown molding. And more wainscoting. Fine. Aunt Lee graciously allowed us to come over and hang out all day on Saturday. Katie (her daughter) was a gracious hostess and shared her toys without a whimper. Belle, the bulldog, was also very gracious with the boys and let them pat her and snuggle her. Of course, once we were in to about hour three of that, Belle was weary. (I am with you, Belle!) Griff was fascinated with her stump of a tail. Allan was just delighted with Belle in her entirety. He would squeal and tear out crawling after her. If he could catch her standing still, he would lay his head over on her wide (sorry, Belle!) bottom and sigh. If she were our dog, I imagine that Belle and Allan would spend a fair amount of time napping together quite contentedly. After wearing out our welcome at Aunt Lee's, the boys and I went through the automated car wash. I, foolishly, thought that they would think it was cool. In fact, they both thought it was horrible and terrifying and screamed the entire time. Of course, by the time you are in there, you can't really do anything to hurry on through. I tried to make it better by laughing and acting goofy about it. That drew blank stares, a pause and further screams. Clearly Mom was bat-sh*t crazy. Which only made it worse.
Mom and Dad went out to dinner with Billy and Becky and Miss Miranda came over to play that night. Good to get out of the house.
Sunday morning Dad was back at improving the house (with help) while Mom and the boys were confined to the back bedroom, the hallway and the nursery. They were both fascinated with the cutouts that Aunt Kathy made for them. Oddly, Griff was most fond of the pizza which we both "ate" over and over. In reality, Griff won't eat pizza. There is too much dough for him. We did a webcast with Grandma and Grampy but still had audio problems. Then both boys settled down for long naps despite the best efforts of Dad and his helpers to awaken them. The whole family took a big walk at 4 since the weather was so delightful and we had all been cooped up for so long. Indian take out, baths and tidying up occupied the rest of the evening.
You can see that the paint job is wonderful. There is still a fair amount to do (for Jay anyway). Griff kept wandering about the house saying me-esss (muttering really). Every once in a while he would see something that really impressed him and he would say it VERY LOUDLY. A.Men. Griff. A.Men.
Griff also is saying "teeth" and is trying to say "eggs" (one of our favorite breakfast foods.)
Anna (one of our favorite sitters) was here today and was working on "belly." She also took the boys to the park (it was almost 70 degrees) and they played for hours today.
Allan is back off of the oxygen after being on for most of the last two weeks (he had a cold.) He spends all of his time pulling up and walking these days. And chasing after his brother. It is fun to watch him head out after Griff. And to watch Griff accomodate him. Instead of running, Griff will get down and crawl so that he and Allan are on the same level. He will also go back so that Allan can catch up with him and doesn't get discouraged. It is fun to watch them enjoying each other so much.
The other funny thing that Grif has learned is to hold the flashlight under his chin and cackle, Me -wah-wah-wah-wah. Christy taught him that and he can't get enough of it. I've replaced the batteries in two flashlights this week. He's such a little goofball.
The weather was beautiful today, but storms are predicted for tonight. It is already sprinkling. Dad has made it home and it is time to retire.

Yum, yum....

bath water.

Taking a big swig.

Fill 'er up, please!

Allan was ready for bathtime.

Dining room

The wainscoting needs painting, but you get the idea.

Living room

A view of the wainscoting. Apparently we need crown molding, too.

LIving room

fresh (lime!) paint.


Griffith eye-balling the work in progress. You can see the green (living room) and turquoise (dining room). Griff kept walking around, muttering "me-ess" and, sometimes, exclaiming loudly "ME-ESS" when he was particularly impressed with something.

Dad and the boys

Chatting with Grandma and Grampy. We are still have audio trouble with our webcast.

Griffith and Belle

I didn't get a good picture of Allan with Belle but both boys LOVED her (especially her short stubby waggy tail). Allan kept crawling over and laying his head on her big bottom. Belle was very tolerant, but was worn out with all the loving.

Allan and the Barbie stroller

The Barbie princess stroller was very popular

If it makes Dad feel any better, Griff dumped the babydoll out first thing.

Happy boys, ready for bedtime.

Getting ready for a story and a cuddle.