Saturday, October 13, 2007

Allan and his ride

Allan put both hands on the pommel and leaned forward for the whole ride. Giddy-up.

Derby prep

Allan getting ready for the Derby.

Big Al at the end of the line

You want me to do what?

Griff getting the lay of the land before his first pony ride.

Enjoying the view

Griffith and his trusty steed.

I don't want it near me.

Griff with his foot up in the air because he didn't want the pumpkin touching him.

3 little pumpkins

The pumpkin patch

picked nearly clean.

Souvenir photo - Dad

Souvenir photo - Mom

The GRAY pumpkin

Very odd

Big Al and the great pumpkin

Checking out the boots

Check those out...

Allan was more interested in Griff's wellies than the pumpkins.

Picking pumpkins

rolling, rolling, rolling

Thing One and Thing Two

watching some little girl have an absolute go-to-pieces.

Heading for the pumpkin patch

Mom and Dad didn't realize that there would be wagons provided by the farm.

Boys' boots



Allan's wellies

Flaming fire-engines.

Ready for the farm

Ready to head out for the pumpkin patch.

alligator wellies

Griff's wellies up close.

Well-pleased with the wellies

Griffith trying to get used to walking around in his wellies.

One more bedtime photo

Friday, October 12, 2007

curly tops

Allan with his long, flowing locks.
Griff with his tight curls.

Griff, sound asleep.

Allan, sound asleep

Sound asleep 1

Mr. Giggles

Allan was full of it tonight. Lots of smiles and giggles.

Say "cheese"

deep in prayer ????

Oh, please, oh, please, oh please....

almost there

Allan, having trapped the ball in the back corner.

pushing up from sitting

to get to the ball

pulling up

Allan, working on getting up to get the ball.

Allan and the lady bug ball 4

See how clean the couch cushion is? Now.
Look at those curls !

Allan and the lady bug ball 3

why would Heather want to cut those curls ???!!!

stretching for it.

How am I supposed to get that??

Heading for it

Allan, putting his hands down and heading for the lady bug ball.

That ball is a long way away.

Allan, trying to guilt me in to getting the ball for him.

Allan and the lady bug ball 2

Allan with the ball stuck

between his cheek and the couch.

allan and the lady bug ball

smashing the ball 1

Allan, smashing the ball

Oh, yeah, I'm going to enjoy this....

Allan, giving himself a well-earned break.