Friday, April 04, 2008

Welcome, Cousin Benjamin !!

Charles and Meagan have had a bit of a rough time, but, today, it all paid off. Benjamin arrived shortly after 2 p.m. (they were going to induce tomorrow but he had other ideas). Six pounds and 7 ounces. Twenty inches long. Aunt Jennifer reports that he has dark blonde-ish hair and looks like his father. Which will be a tremendous disappointment to Meagan. She was hoping that he looked like her or had red hair, at least.

Benjamin will likely stay in the NICU for a week or so (he is about a 34 weeker) but all is well with both he and his mom.

Allan and Griffith are excited by the prospect of someone they can boss around. Cousin Alexander already outweighs both of them so they aren't prepared to take him on quite yet....

blast from the past

The recent pictures of the boys reminded Sister Kate of when her two were small and manageable. She sent me some pictures of Cousin Kyle and Tyler from those days and three of them follow.

Although I think that Griff looks a lot like Phillip (Jay's dad), I was surprised at how much he resembles Tyler as well. God help us if he ACTS like T.T......

Tyler T

I can't believe how much Griffith resembles Tyler when he also resembles Jay's dad so much.


figuring out how to use the dishwasher door to get to the crackers.

Blast from the past - III

Kyle and Tyler unloading the dishwasher.

Happy birthday, Uncle Simon!!

Dad was supposed to call you today, but forgot until it was too late. Don't hold it against us. They won't let us use the phone!

love, Allan and Griffith.

The cardiologist

Big Al went back to see his cardiologist today and she was quite impressed with how well he was doing. She thought he looked great (duh!) and was making excellent progress. The X-rays apparently show that his lung development is very good. Despite the nasty cold and cough that he is fighting off. Way to go, Big Al!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Fun and sweet

Our boys are both in equal measure. I was trying to get dinner ready the other night and the boys were both in the kitchen floor with me. All of a sudden I hear Allan cry out (hi-ya!) and turn to watch him dive over and grab his brother. Completely unprovoked. Just doing it because he could. Griffith took it all in stride and even laid down and rolled around so that Allan could "get him" some more.

Griffith was positively DeLighted that Allan figured out how to climb up on the dishwasher door. It had never occurred to Griff to do such a thing. You could almost see the light bulb over Griff's head as he gave it a try, too. This may be the best thing than Allan has come up with yet but the sneezing stuff out the nose is really, really close.

The new nanny

Flora had to have knee replacement surgery before Christmas and has had a really hard time from it. She is going to have to have further surgery and, though we hate it, we had to find full-time help.

Jesana has come to our rescue. She is full of fun and energy and the boys adore her. Before the end of her first week, they were waiting at the door for her to arrive. They sing, they dance (salsa), they talk in Spanish (or she does, at least). It seems like a perfect fit.

Of course, now Jay and I have to learn Spanish, too, so the boys can't conspire against us.

Itsy-bitsy Spider

Last night, as I was trying to get Griffith to sleep, I was rocking him with my eyes closed. I had gone through the usual (You Are My Sunshine, I Love You, Griffith, The Battle Hymn of the Republic) and moved on to The Itsy-Bitsy Spider when I felt Griff jerk and I opened my eyes to find him smiling at me with his arms thrown above his head and holding his fingers together. As I continued he did the sun and the rain and washing the spider out, all the while giggling.
When I reached the end he yelled, "yea!!!" He was entirely pleased with himself.

I didn't realize that he and Jesana had been practicing.

Note to self: do NOT sing Itsy-Bitsy Spider at bedtime.

Allan the Determined

Tonight before she left Jesana was asking me what I thought the boys would be like when they grow up.

I said that I think that Allan will be the one to think up all sorts of things that they should do and that Griffith will be the one to get in trouble for doing them. Tonight was a perfect example.

I had the dishwasher door open while I was unloading. The boys are fascinated by the dishwasher. Griffith is very helpful, pulling out dishes and handing them to me. Allan, on the other hand, while my back is turned, figures out how to lift his little pudgy leg up on the door and pull up using the top shelf. When I turned around, he was just as you see him in the picture below. So (after snapping a picture, of course), I tell him "no, no" and make him get down. Not a minute later, I turn around to find Griffith falling on his bottom from trying to do the same thing. Case closed.

On the mend, sorta

Griffith is much improved today. Still not quite himself, but brighter-eyed and bushier-tailed than he has been in a while. He slept all night in his own bed for the first time in over a week. He was up at six with his Da, but back to sleep within a half-hour or so and stayed that way until nearly 10. He still has a cough, but it really isn't as frequent as it was. Still fighting his medicine but since we are down to one kind twice a day instead of three twice a day it doesn't seem quite so bad.

Allan is improved as well. He also slept all night. Up a little before eight, but not at all excited about it. He did enjoy all the one-on-one time with Jesana, though.

Mom discovered (rediscovered in some cases) some things that may have helped with the more restful night. One is Vicks salve. As my friend Diane observed, it is a good thing that they have never identified a carcinogenic connection with Vicks because our moms used it liberally in our youth. On our backs, chests, necks. In humidifiers. I found a hot mist vaporizer at Walgreens with a well for Vicks syrup and we have had that thing in full-force since. And they now have Baby Rub with is Vicks but not quite so full-force. It also has rosemary and peppermint scent. I have slathered it on them and me. Whatever it takes.

I have also succumbed to the crud. Coughing up a lung and sounding like a pack-a-day-smoker at the moment. Jay seems to be bringing up the rear on this which means he should hit rock bottom tonight or tomorrow. We hope that, after that, we will all be on the upswing.

Hiding behind my brother....

Griffith, using his brother as a shield.

We're coming to get you!

Allan and Griffith on the attack.

putting them away

After dinner Griffith set to work picking up all his toys. Without being asked.

The fruits of his labor

Griffith was working very hard to help put away his toys. He stacked these all by himself before bath time.

What happens when I turn my back.

While I was putting away the dishes, Allan decided to climb up on the dishwasher door. Good thing he doesn't weigh any more than he does.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

the plague

We are still laboring to get over our various illnesses. Allan had to get a vaccine against RSV yesterday and that, combined with his general malaise, resulted in his throwing up twice yesterday and falling asleep at 6:45. He didn't wake up until 8:30 this morning and he was none to happy about it then. Jay reported that he was a little peppier at lunch so we hope that's all behind us.

Griff seems to be feeling better. Except for the twice per day wrestling matches that we have for medications. Lord, he is strong! And he fights like a wildcat! I feel terrible, but one person holds him (arms wrapped around his, legs holding his down) while the other tries to hold his head still as he shakes it furiously. Then, once you manage to squeeze some of it in, he goes full-tilt in trying to spit it back out. Jay has tried sneaking it in his bottle, but Griff is too sly for that and refuses to drink (all done! he says). My technique is a little more like water-boarding (and it is torture for us all): tilt back the head, squirt the gunk down the hatch, try to close the jaw and wait for the swallow or squeeze the nose to force him to suck it down. If any one has a better solution, we are all ears.

Kids are a lot of trouble.

Many hands make light work

The boys LOVE helping empty the dishwasher and it makes it go so much more quickly to have such good help.

What about this one, Dad?

Where are we going to put this one?

What about the kitchen ?

The peacock might look good in here.

Raining handbags and hats...

and just in time for the races! What a coincidence!

Daddy's home !!!!

Thank God, you're here! It is torture without you -- TORTURE!

Feeling rotten

Poor Griffith. It was as if someone took the stuffing out of him.

Sick Griff

This is pretty much how Griffith has spent the last 4 days.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Yuck! Mess!

The weekend was a little long since we are still trying to get over the flu. Allan has done pretty well. He's back on the oxygen and a little tired, but he doesn't seem to have had it as bad as Griffith. I guess we got him on the Tamiflu in the knick of time.

Griff seemed to be doing better until yesterday when he decided to add vomiting to the mix.
Allan was asleep on one end of the couch. I had laid Griffith down on the other end and was beside him when I heard an ominous burbling. I grabbed him, but not in time. He puked all down the couch cushions, all over me, all over himself, on the blanket, on the floor. Who knew a little fellow could hold so much? After he finished, he looked at us both and said, "yuck! Mess!" Amen. Only later did I realize that he had also somehow managed to throw up on his brother -- a distance of 2-3 feet. That was pretty much the way the whole day went. Griff clearly wasn't himself and wouldn't eat or drink anything. Whenever he did, he threw up. We spent a pretty restless night again last night and headed to the doc's this morning -- double ear infection. Great. Another medicine to try to pour down him. He's gotten really good at fighting, pretending to swallow and then spitting. Why on earth do they put coloring in children's medications? It doesn't make it any more appealing to them and I really don't need red, purple and orange stains all over everything. Dye-free please.