Friday, May 11, 2007

Allan all racked out.

While Griff and dad were watering the lawn, Big Al managed to get his clothes all nasty. So we ended up like good white trash. Sitting in the porch swing with him in his diaper. He's spent the rest of the night in his underwear and socks, sleeping like an angel. Hope he makes it through the night.

That's what the thumb is for

His scooter has the boot in front, in the
British fashion.

Working it out

Check out the curls on top.

Griff, working on his walk and ride

Griffith -- up close


He will not take his hand out of the stream of water.

Dad and Griff, watering the landscaping.

Griff and his dad spent about 30 minutes watering the new roses.

Griff helping with the watering

Griff spent all his time with his hand in the water stream.

scrambled eggs

We are trying to interest Griff in food. Scrambled eggs aren't going to do the trick.

Cogito ergo sum

Allan, thinking big thoughts.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

They called yesterday afternoon to schedule Big Al's heart cath. We are on for Tuesday the 29th. It should be an outpatient procedure. They will put a wire in through the femoral artery and thread it up in to his heart and measure the pressures, etc. They will also inject dye and take pictures of how his heart is working and that should show them where the problem is. Once they have that information, they will probably consult with the folks at the University of Michigan and we may be roadtripping.

In the meanwhile, every one is doing well. Flora has been satisfied that the boys aren't going to catch cold (it has been 80 degrees all week!) and they have spent a fair amount of time out on the porch watching the world go by. They both enjoy all of the trucks that stop at the store down the street -- bread, milk, beer -- as well as the people walking their dogs. Would that it were always so easy to entertain them.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Allan, saying goodbye to Kim

Kim and Griff, just a-swingin'

Kim has come to say goodbye to her boys.

The stroller is magic

As long as we keep moving, they keep sleeping.

Allan, all worn out

Allan in his baseball gear (Cardinals).

Hello! from Big Al

Griffith delighted at being mobile

Griffith and his walker

The riding toy converts to a walker that Griff can scoot along the floor.

Griff and his first riding toy

Thanks, Heather, just what we need -- a faster, more mobile Griffith.

Griff helping Dad

I'm pretty sure that his "assistance" made the project take twice as long, but how's a fella to learn?

Griffith in his high chair

He still won't put food in his mouth so we are learning to play with it instead.

Allan giving Kim his complete attention

Monday, May 07, 2007

Allan had his follow up ultrasound on his heart today. The hole is still there and the doctor is still pretty sure that it is an AP window. She wants to have a heart cath done to have a clearer idea of what is going on, though. So we are waiting to hear back about how soon that can be scheduled. In the meantime, we keep on keeping on.
Left the camera at home so no new pictures until later.