Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A clean sweep...

Griff went back today for his final NICU test (like Allan took last week) and Jay reports that he didn't balk a bit -- did everything they asked on the first try. Everyone commented on how well-behaved his is. If they only knew. I guess it is all right so long as he behaves himself in public.

The Griffster tested normal to high normal in every category (verbal was his best category). He got the duck on a spoon thing on the first try. Can't wait to see how that plays out at dinner.

Griff is getting to be quite a talker. We have to be careful what we say because he picks up on everything. He has figured out to say "too big" or "really hot" if he doesn't want to eat something (this doesn't happen all that often). We were working on our puzzle skills last night and when a piece didn't quite fit where it was supposed to go he would say, "Too big! Turn it around!" like he was encouraging himself. He's his own best cheerleader.

He is still quite a mimic, too. Allan was eating grits earlier this week and, well, more correctly, I was shoving spoons' full of grits in Allan's mouth trying to get him to eat it. Allan would hack and gasp and cough and spit and roll his eyes back in his head (for those of you who don't like grits, I don't care, these were good -- lots of butter, salt and cheese). This tickled Griffith to no end and he would tell me, "AlJude, [cough, spit, sputter]" and then laugh. Thank you. That's very helpful.

Griff is pretty good at names, but he can't quite get his own. Most of the time he just calls himself "you" which might seem silly until you realize that we are all the time telling him, "You do [this, that or the other]."

Griff is fascinated with cars -- he rushes past both Jay and me when we come home, shouting "momma car!" or "daddy truck!" He heads out the door to make sure that the vehicles have made it home safely and are parked in the proper spots. Sometimes we have to go out two or three times to make sure that they are still there. He also loves kicking the tires and patting the fender to make sure they are okay. He has a nearly unerring eye for momma cars (BMW's of any make or model, ditto with Volvos and convertibles) and daddy trucks (tan SUV's). He picked a Z4 out of a full page of used cars on Sunday and kept shouting and laughing "momma car"!!!!!

My favorite, though, is probably when he says "Momma, rock!" which is how he lets me know that he is ready to get up in my lap in the rocking chair in the nursery, have a snuggle and go to sleep. I'm sure lots of people would say he's too old for it and that I should just put him directly in his crib, but I do it more for me than for him. He's such a busy fellow most of the time and not interested in a sitting still. Sitting in the chair, rocking with him all fresh and clean from his bath is one of the best times of the day. Someone is going to have to break me long before him.

Turn about is fair play....

Since I put a picture on of Griff in full melt-down, I thought I had better capture Allan in a similar state. This was last night. He found it objectionable that I put him down to fix dinner. I should have been holding him instead.

Leave me alone!

Irritated that I am taking pictures instead of addressing his issues.

Oh, the injustice of it all.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Grampy has elected to be called "Grampy" but the way that Griffith says it, it sounds like "Cranky" which cracks me up.

"Good morning, Cranky!"

"How you doing, Cranky?'

That is all I am ever going to call him.

Making a break for it.

Allan leading Grampy away from the ducks and toward the playground. He really hates the ducks.

Busy, busy...

Things have been very busy around our house with the grandparents in. Thursday night was Momma's night out so Dad, Grandma and Grampy were on their own. Since the adults outnumbered the toddlers, we felt like it was pretty safe and, sure enough, it went off without a hitch.

Friday night was a party for Kyle and Dana who have decided to make honest people out of each other. Ana came to look after the boys. Grandma and Grampy headed out for Gallery Hop. Jay and I ended up at a local restaurant on the way home for a drink with some friends and ended up out too late. Or what qualifies as "too late" these days -- 11:30. Just like clockwork, the boys were up at 7. This is why one should not have "just one more" -- children have no mercy. Jay, the boys and the grandparents headed out for the Farmer's Market and left me to run solo. Which would have felt better if I had started later or quit earlier the night before. Sigh. At least when I have the stroller I feel like no one judges me if I stop to walk or if I am running slowly..... After lunch and naps we headed out for the Festival Latino. We had such a great time last year, but there were no dancers when we were there -- just some mediocre (and loud) singers. We decided to head for Oktoberfest instead. A hot link, some sauerkraut and a stroll around the grounds and we were all headed back for home. Everyone was in bed and asleep by 10. Amen. Up and at 'em on Sunday. We headed out to feed the ducks and then came home for lunch and naps. Grilled out last night.

Grandma and Grampy have headed out for a short trip to birdwatch and will be back on Thursday.

In the meanwhile, enjoy the photos.


It is incredibly hard to get a picture of Allan without his thumb in his mouth. This is him laughing at me for pulling his thumb out and trying to snap a picuture.

Yucky, Grampy!

Getting his feet cleaned off.

Pay attention, Grampy!

You are supposed to be watering the plants, not the toddler.

Showing him how to do it....

Griff helping Grampy out with watering the garden.

Tunnel vision (I)

Grampy tried to "encourage" Allan to crawl through the tunnel. Allan politely declined.

Tunnel vision

Griff loves the tunnel....

Irritation or disgust ?

Hard to tell. I vote for irritation.

Wrong way...

They are both incredibly hard-headed and determined.

Dora the Explorer Popsicle

-- with gumball eyes! Yum.

Griff and Katie at Festival Latino

Festival Latino

If you look closely you can see Big Al slumped over and snoozing soundly. He wouldn't take a nap all day and then (of course) fell asleep on the walk down. Not even the blaring music was enough to wake him.

Good riddance

All of the remaining oxygen tanks and monitors are finally gone!

Deep in thought

Perfectly Average Allan thinking perfectly appropriate two-year old thoughts.
