Thursday, April 12, 2007

Big Al soaking it up

Allan getting some sugar from Cousin Jess.

The British invasion

As long as they will hold the bottle, it doesn't matter if they talk funny.

Cousin Lottie

Griffith (in his new Baby Einstein t-shirt) and Cousin Lottie.

Smiling Allan (II)

Smiling Allan

I don't know why his hair is so crazy. He bears some resemblance to W.C.Fields. On a bender.

Grandma, Griffith and the alligator

He is pretty much standing on his own.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Griff and his new cell phone

So he can call all his girlfriends.

Griffith and Grampy

Griffith and Grandma

Allan and his t.v. dinner.

Allan, once again, watching t.v.

Allan and the alligator jiggler.

Before Griffith became interested in it, too.

The battle for the alligator jiggler.

The alligator is part of Allan's speech therapy. It is soft rubber and vibrates. Griffith has decided that it should be his.

Allan, looking vexed

Check out the curls in the back. Grandma and Grampy have discovered how hard it is to get a picture of Allan smiling. He has learned to time it perfectly.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter baskets

The bunny made it with some books and toys. The cow is a flashlight. You squeeze her tail and her mouth opens up to reveal the light and she says "Moo." It is Hi.Lar.Ious.

Griff watching The Sound of Music

He's sort of grim about it, though.

Allan watching The Sound of Music.

You can not keep him from watching the television. Turning him with his back to it only results in this sort of behavior. He is very determined.

Grandma and Grampy roughhousing

Grandma and the boys (II)

Grandma and the boys