Thursday, January 18, 2007

Griffith the Gator

blowing spit bubbles. And standing like a regular guy.

Holding on...

Griffith, grabbing his brother's foot.


Griff, spilling his,um, formula. Not for the first time. Or the last.

Griffith and his new bottle

Griff has it under control.

The littlest Cubs fan.

Griffith also got a new bib from Aunt KK.

Contemplative Allan

Allan,wondering how the Cubs will fare this year.

Go, Cubs! (II)

...and raise you a bottle!

Go, Cubs!

Uh-oh, KK. Aunt Michele will see you a bib and raise you.....

Boynton continued

Griffith reading Hey, Wake Up!

A popular Boynton book.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Holding hands

I'm sure it will be an "ick" later.

Sibling rivalry ?

Holding hands or grappling for position?

sibling rivalry (II)

Battle for the rings

We are trying to encourage sibling rivalry.

Griffith with a big grin

Nevermind the scratch on his nose. Chicks dig scars.

Allan the Irritated

Allan, letting us know he has had enough of the photo shoot.

Allan, spinning the rings.

Griffith - loving the exersaucer

Stacking rings (II)

Allan, working the rings.

The very popular stacking toy

Both of the boys love the stacking rings. Allan can really get the rings spinning.

Action Allan

Reaching and grabbing, part two.

Allan - playing with the aquarium

We may have to take this in to prove to the VNPT that he can and does reach and grasp. When HE wants to.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Very clever boys

I wish that the Very Nice Physical Therapist could have been at the house last night when I got home. You may recall that Allan wouldn't do anything that she asked him to do and, in fact, fell asleep before the test was over. He wouldn't reach, wouldn't grasp, wouldn't look at you, wouldn't make a sound. She thought I was totally deluding myself when I said, but, really, he does some of this stuff. Last night when I got home he was rolled over on his side, whacking the stacking rings as hard as he could with his right hand and spinning them round and round on the pole. Then, every now and then, for a change of pace, he would grab them and fling them off of the top of it. He's no performing seal. Ornery little twerp. It makes me think of brother Mark who got put in the gifted class and then promptly began to fail because "the more you do, the more they expect you to do." (Which is very funny when it isn't your kid.) Allan wasn't going to set the bar too high lest they ask him to do more. Or, as Michele observed, maybe he was just saving his effort for a toy that he liked. Allan continues to outstrip Griffith on the teething. He definitely has a second little tooth peeking up beside the first. Griff is all gums still.
Allan is clearly feeling pretty good these days and finding lots of things to be funny. He really likes to rough-house -- especially if you roll him from side to side. He gets a big grin on his face for that. He also likes it when you fuss at Griffith. On Sunday night Griffith was whiny and I kept telling him to be a good boy and to stop being a pill or I would send him back. Every time I did, Allan would get this sly little smile on his face. Probably how things will go from here on out.
Griffith is making progress toward learning to crawl, God help us. He can get himself up on his arms and toes, but that doesn't work very well. Every once in a while he drops his knees down, but his belly usually follows. If you put your hand under him on his belly, he gets the right position, but can't quite figure out how to move his hand without collapsing. We are just letting him work that out on his own. He'll get it eventually and then we will wonder why we encouraged this kind of behavior.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Happy Birthday, Babies!

Allan and Griffith turn 9 months old today! I imagine they will celebrate with big bottles of formula. Chug-a-lug.
As you can see from the pictures, they are doing great. I can't remember if I mentioned that Allan managed to turn himself over for the very first time this week -- of course, his neck and shoulders aren't that strong and so it resulted in him essentially doing a face plant, but it is progress. (Of course, having face-planted, he may decide that turning over is for the birds.) In other news, he ate bananas yesterday. So far we've done cereal, apples and bananas. We can't really tell if he likes them or not. He's hard to read is ol' Allan, but he did swallow it down and there it stayed. So he's got that going for him. Which is nice. Griffith hasn't quite got a handle on the eating thing, either. He approves of the fruit, though, if only because is it really fun to spit back. We all have to amuse ourselves in whatever way we can.