Saturday, March 03, 2007

Allan holding his head up.

We've been working very hard during tummy time.

Griffith the Destroyer

And, yes, he is stuck.

Ready for bed.

Griff patting his brother's head.


Griffith in his crib after Dad dropped down the mattress.

Griffith - forward is harder than you'd think

Griff - stuck again.

Mom! Allan's kicking me!

(In fairness, Griffith started it.)

Allan kicking Griff back.

Unhappy Allan

Allan making faces because his brother is kicking him.

Griffith helping out

Griffith showing his Dad where he needs a little freshening up.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A new round of photos up.
As you can see, Allan got a new toy. A mirror. We couldn't have found any thing that he liked any better. He can't get enough of himself. He smiled and turned his head to make sure that he got a good view from every angle. He is so vain. He must realize that it is him in the mirror because he thinks that his brother is an annoyance. And, quite possibly, dangerous. If he thought that it was another baby, I don't think he would get such a kick out of it. He has other toys with mirrors, but this one is big enough for him to get a really good view of himself. Griffith was not very impressed with it -- until Allan had it and was enjoying it. Then it was absolutely irresistible. He.Wanted.It.NOW. And was prepared to roll his brother over and off of the bed if necessary to acquire it. Maybe we should have named them Cain and Abel.
Griffith still hasn't figured out crawling. He has taken a bit of a wrong turn in the process. He now manages to get himself up on his hands and toes with his head facing down. It is the same as "downward facing dog" in yoga. It does not fill him with zen, though. Once he gets there, he's stuck. This is incredibly infuriating (for Griffith anyway) and accompanied by much grunting and yelling. Then he crashes over on his side like a felled tree. And the process starts all over again. The 'up' sides to this are that he isn't crawling and it leaves him tired and ready to sleep at night.

Allan howling.

Allan's Law: If you yell loud enough, Mom and Dad will make Griffith stop.

Griffith, tackling his brother.

Griffith's Law: Any toy becomes irresistible when in the possession of your brother.

Passed out

Some times sleep just catches up with you, though.

Griffith - asleep sitting up.

Griffith falling asleep sitting up. He is so afraid that he is going to miss something that he just won't give in.

Allan and his mirror (IV)

I am too cute.

Allan and his mirror (III)

No, really, who is that good-looking kid? He's a real charmer.

Allan and his mirrof (II).

Oh, yeah, I look good from that angle.

Allan and his mirror

Hey, who is that good-looking kid?