Thursday, March 22, 2007

So maybe it was unkind to post that picture of Griffith, but, really, you should see what we have to deal with. That particular meltdown (as opposed to the other eleventy-seven that occurred yesterday) resulted from the fact that he spotted his bottle warming and decided that he had to have it. RIGHT NOW. This despite the fact that he wasn't fussing for dinner before he saw it. I was just trying to get ahead of the game. Better luck next time.
Allan had PT this morning and Miss Julie was very pleased with how quickly he has progressed. He was holding things in both hands and clanking them together which is a new trick for him and, apparently, some sort of developmental milestone. He's doing very well with sitting up with just a minimum of assistance, too. He seems to be working on a new tooth because we can hardly get him to take his hand out of his mouth. I guess he thinks he has to stay ahead of Griffith on that score. Griff, by the way, has sprouted two new teeth - the upper canines have come through. He looks like a little-bitty vampire. An ill-tempered, little-bitty vampire.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Griff in a fury

Angry at the lack of cooperation.

Griff figuring it out.

Griff and the washer

Instead of reading to our kid we let him watch the washer.

Caitlin and the boys

Allan in his booster seat

Allan reclining

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Just wait until your father gets home

So Griffith and I have been hanging out in the kitchen for about a half hour now. Daddy and Allan are in the living room and they don't know what they are missing. We are watching the washer. It is really the most fascinating thing you can imagine. Things tumble around and around and, right now, we are in the final spin cycle and it makes a most marvelous noise. We are going for a load of whites or colors next. Maximize the excitement. Plus, Griff is using the shelves to the right of the stove for balancing. The second shelf is the perfect height to cling to while balanced on his knees. He has progressed so far as to get one foot in position to stand but the balancing required to get the other underneath is too much for the moment. (And Mom keeps grabbing him to keep him from falling and bonking his head on the floor. That doesn't help, either. )
Griffith had a big day yesterday. Two of his girlfriends came by and he wore himself out putting on a show - he crawled, he stood, he coughed, he giggled, he banged his head in frustration. Twice. He played so hard that he took not one, but two naps for Flora today.
Dad got back late from work tonight so it was just me and the boys for a while. We took a long walk and then played in the floor. Allan decided (unwisely I think) to pick a fight with his brother. Now, remember, Griffith is mobile and Allan is not. He can roll from side to side, but that's it for the moment (Griff's mobility and curiousity may do more than any therapy in inspiring Allan to get a move on.) Tonight Griffith crawled over to take a look at his brother and Allan, unprovoked (I saw the whole thing), reached up with his left hand and shoved his brother in the face. From there it was on. Griffith smashing Allan in the face, Allan swatting at his brother and rolling over to face away from him. Both whining and howling intermittently. Just wait until your father gets home.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Well, the last post got lost when the battery died. Rats. Which is close to what I said when it happened. Sort of, any way.
The doctor's visit went well on Friday. Allan is 26 inches long and 15 pounds 9 ounces. Fourteen whole pounds since he was born. Thirteen and a half inches in length. Better than doubled. Growing like a weed, that boy.
Griffith was 18 pounds 11 ounces and 26.5 inches long. He is enormous. They didn't measure his head this time, but the melon was 91st percentile last month. The boys both had their first baths in the kitchen sink today. Griffith resented it. Thoroughly. In fact, we have not found a way that he likes a bath.
Allan didn't hate the bath, but he was pretty skeptical of the entire proceeding. He was willing to endure it, though, because he had a date.
Griffith slept through most of the game. Which was best, under the circumstances. Allan made it through the first half, fell asleep and then threw up after the game was over. Amen, Allan. Amen.
Allan got all dolled up for his girlfriend Alissa, but she had to cancel. Poor little guy. Stood up, for the first time (Just as well, he's slept all night. Probably from the frustration of the game). He is doing great, though. He wasn't totally sure about the sink bath, but didn't cry like his brother did. Mostly he looked skeptical.
Griff has two girlfriends coming over tomorrow --- Cheryl and Caitlin. They may not recognize him since he has bonked and bruised his head so much this weekend. Honestly, he is ridiculous. If he doesn't get his way, he has two reactions. If he is on his front, he gets on his hands and knees and bangs his head in to the floor. If he is on his back, he arches his back, touches only the top of his head and the back of his heels on the ground and then begins bouncing his bottom on the floor and pushes back with his feet. He covers quite a distance that way. And howls the entire time. Can't imagine where he gets that temper. Must be from his father's side of the family. Can't recall any one on our side acting like that.
Anyhoodle. both of the fellas are doing great and we don't have any big appointments this week. So we will hang out with Miss Flora and the girls and just grow fatter and sassier.

Dad and Griffith watching the game

Based on the outcome, they were better off.

Griffith in the basket (II)

Griffith in the toy basket

Griff pulling up and emptying out the basket.

Long. long lashes