Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Since the weather is so nice today and isn't going to be nice the rest of the week, we all decided to have a picnic at the park for lunch. Jesana strolled the boys down and we played quite a lot. Allan really isn't a big fan of sliding or swinging -- he prefers to watch, but we did go down the slide together and that wasn't too bad. As long as someone is with him, he can tolerate it. Griffith, on the other hand, almost can't stand it -- there's just so much to do, it is hard to know where to start. He spins around and around and around, giggling.

We hope, hope, hope, hope, that when they got home, the boys both took a big nap this afternoon. Well-rested boys are much more fun than exhausted ones.

All of the fresh air must be doing the trick -- both of the boys seem to be recovering from their recent attack of the crud (as are Jay and I). And they have both slept through the night in their own beds for the past two nights. Here's hoping we can continue that streak.

Ready for action!

Griffith and Jesana ready for the park.

Griffith and Jesana

swinging at the park today.

Bimbo bread

Griff in his Bimbo Bread soccer jersey that Aunt Michele brought back from Mexico. I LOVE his little shorts!

Back off, you hussy!

We were playing at the park today and this older woman really liked the looks of Allan.

Monday, April 07, 2008

The new cousin

Charles feeding baby Ben his first bottle. Nice fauxhawk, Ben!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Good times.

The boys had an excellent weekend.

After two weeks of the flu and the crud, Griff and Allan turned the corner. Mom was on the uptick as well, but, unfortunately, Dad hit the bottom on Friday. We got the boys bathed and down. Jay took the upstairs bedroom and I took down -- and baby duty. Fortunately, the boys were really pretty good. Allan slept solidly through the night until he pulled out the feed tube sometime around 5 a.m. and woke up groggy and irritated at being cold and wet. Rather than attempt changing the sheets on the crib and waking up Griff, I just brought Allan in to bed with me. Which suited him fine. Until about 6, when Griff decided he needed to be in there, too. We all snuggled down for awhile, but, the next thing I knew, Allan was howling like a banshee. I couldn't figure out what was wrong, until I pulled the covers off of the boys and realized that Griff had decided to plant his bottom on Allan's stomach. After we all sorted out who belonged where, we cozied back in until nearly 9. Then both boys woke up in fabulous moods and we played "hide and seek" in the bed.

Dad headed off to catch up on some work and the boys and I had breakfast and played. Jesana mentioned wanting The Hokey Pokey on CD and I had found one (and a CD of Spanish kids' tunes, too) so we busted that out. Apparently I got Little People Disco Dance version of The Hokey Pokey and other songs. Oh.My.God. Griffith could not BE more delighted. We have danced and danced -- Celebration, We are Family, The Hustle. We have to get it on video. Allan will kind of sit and bob in a circle, but Griff yells "yeah" and gets low, low, low, and, when feeling particularly full of the spirit -- spins in circles. Jesana is going to have to corral this energy in to something a little more acceptable.

Griff took a three hour nap on Saturday (he's still not quite himself) and I was pretty sure I could talk Allan in to it, too, but no such luck. He slept for about 45 minutes and then conned me in to holding him for about 45 more before I realized I was being played. Although the weather wasn't very nice, we took a late afternoon walk before dinner just to clear our heads.

Today the weather was beautiful so we got out to the park. We spent part of the morning hanging pictures (honestly the Louvre docents wouldn't have taken longer than Jay does!), then I went to brunch with the girls while the boys took naps. We all headed out on a big walk and to the park. It wasn't an original idea -- the park was packed. The boys enjoyed all of the action, though. We saw lots of other kids and plenty of dogs. The only bad part was leaving and you can see how Griffith reacted to that.

Tonight we put up more pictures, grilled out and the boys are now down. Laundry (the umpteenth load) is being done. Dishes, too. Allan is off the oxygen again and we are hoping to make it all night.

No big plans for the week. Just try to keep it between the ditches.

But I don't wanna go !!!!!

Griffith was not happy when it was time to go home from the park.


Can you believe they just leave them lying around everywhere?
It took us quite a while to exit the park because Griffith discovered sticks today.

Do your ears hang low?

Griffith loves to ride on his dad's shoulders, but doesn't trust him entirely. He spends the whole time holding on (tightly) to Dad's ears.

And this is my shoe....

Allan, working on his lines with the ladies. Seems to be doing pretty well for someone who is largely nonverbal.

What are you all talking about ?

Griffith, making sure he isn't missing out on something.

Okay, I'm going to give you a big push

Dad, talking it over with Big Al.

Hello, Uncle Simon!

Jay, on the phone with his brother. I'm sure he thinks I sent the boys out to the porch on purpose, but they have a sense of when you would like a little time alone.

Mr. Gordo

Allan has gotten very good at putting the coins in the slot -- both right and left-handed.