Saturday, July 15, 2006

So THAT's how that works!

Allan has had a very big weekend. Friday Alissa reported that at his 3 o'clock care he was sucking his pacifer like it was his job and that she thought he was ready to give the bottle a go. It was very exciting -- Dad was there, Alissa, and a couple of the other NICU nurses who were in the area. It was our baby's moment to shine. In a word, he choked. For real.
In 20/20 hindsight, it was kind of a cheap shot. After all, he's been sucking on pacifers for weeks and nothing has come out so there was really no reason for him to anticipate that this would be any different. No one told him this one was loaded. (In our defense, we really had no reason to suspect that he wouldn't be all over it. After all, Griffith nailed it in one try.)
Our boy got a mouth full of milk, his eyes bugged out, and he coughed and spit and hacked around. We all laughed (not Allan, he was too shocked to laugh.) Then we did it again. This time he simply kept spitting the milk out as fast as it came in to his mouth. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me, I suppose. After that he clapped his little mouth shut and would have no more of that nonsense. He was perfectly happy lying back and waiting for someone to fill his tummy with milk. This sucking and swallowing nonsense was an awful lot like work. Plus every one kept laughing at him and there is no one related to the Brannons who can stand that.
Jennifer tried him on it today (without an audience) and, after an initial rough start, he took to it and sucked the whole thing down. Clearly he is going to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it. The boy is not a performing seal, after all.
Griffith continues to do well. Now that they know what is wrong with his belly they have reduced his feeding and put him on an IV. That has helped with the gas, bloating and cramping. He is much more comfortable. Plus Mom, Dad and all of his nurses are spoiling him rotten in advance of his surgery. He couldn't be any happier. He just curls right up under your chin and racks out. Which is fine while he is 4.5 pounds. It is going to be much harder when he weighs 25 pounds and still wants to do that.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Friday afternoon -- July 14th

The boys have had a very good birthday. Allan has graduated to a real baby crib. He (of course) was very laid back about it. Ho-hum, no big deal. The child really has the most even temperament. He certainly doesn't get that from me. If he stays good, then he may get his first bottle this weekend. If he doesn't, then I am sure it won't bother him.....
Griffith was a real sweetheart at lunch. He gobbled down his bottle and let rip with a man-sized burp -- followed by a couple more. I think when the boys start having burping contests he is going to be the odds on favorite.
My very good boys brought me flowers for their birthday. Beautiful purple and pink carnations. I'm not sure where they got them. The closest garden that I know of is the UK president's house. If he's missing a few blossoms, I'm sure he won't mind.
Cheryl gave the boys more hot wheels for their collection. Whenever they bust out of that joint, they are going to be ready to dive in to the dirt spot under the maple tree where Dick and I used to play.
Fr. Tom stopped by for a visit and he was very surprised and impressed with how big the boys are now. Of course, he hadn't seen them since the day they were born and there is no doubt that they have improved considerably since then. Since Father was there, he blessed both of the boys and is going to offer a Mass for Griffith this weekend for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. I had him bless Allan, too, just for good measure. Can't hurt, right?

Ready for action

The boys' first tractors.

The hot wheels collection

The boys have a good start with their collection. They will be playing in the dirt under the maple tree before you know it.

The latest hot wheels

The boys' birthday presents from Cheryl -- Dairy Delivery for the farm boys. Just for the record the green one is Allan's and the burgundy one is Griffith's.

Flowers for Momma

My boys managed to sneak out and pick some flowers for me for their birthday. I think they may have raided Lee Todd's garden but I was afraid to ask.

Smiling Griffith

Griffith - 3 months

Sweet ol' Griffith racked out on his 3 month birthday.

ooo, ooo, Mr Kotter

My son, the handshark.


Allan in his big boy crib.

Allan in his big boy bed

Allan has graduated to a crib for his birthday.

Friday July 14th -- Happy Birthday !!!

The boys are 3 months old today! Very hard to believe. I don't know what they'll do to celebrate, but based on the toe jam I keep finding between Allan's toes, he gets around. I would take some of his booties in, but wearing froggie booties could possibly affect his game and might make it a little harder to pick up chicks. Still he is awfully cute and booties might be just fine amongst those in the NICU. Dad reports that he had a good night and slept well which is amazing because they've put some kid in the unit who just won't quit crying. At least we know that we aren't going to have to tiptoe around the house and keep things quiet when the boys come home.
Griffith also had a good night with LeeAnn the Canadian. Honestly, I don't know how I am ever going to teach the child to talk properly if he keeps being exposed to all of these jacked up accents! Anyway, he is still on the cannula but his oxygen requirement is very low (1/8 Liter) which is good. He and his brother both had their eye exams yesterday and, aside from not liking being messed with, they both did well. Their eyes seem to be developing the way that we hoped that they would. No word yet on whether they are going to be blue or brown, though. We'll keep you posted. Maybe one of each? (One child blue and one child brown, not each of them with, oh, nevermind. You know what I mean.)
I should be able to do a little better with the posts now. We have acquired a laptop and have gone wireless at the house. Michele got us all hooked up (thanks, Michele!) and the last two posts have been made from the coffee table. No big plans for the weekend other than getting in as much snuggle time as we can.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Thursday July 13th - Sorry for the delay

Sorry for the delayed post. We've had a couple of long days. The bad news is that Griffith isn't going home soon after all. Turns out that his big ol' belly ache is apparently the result of a stricture in his small intestine. It isn't totally blocked but there is an area where there is something holding up progress which is why he keeps "blowing up" his belly (he gets gassy and his stomach gets big and tight) and why it wasn't getting any better. They've done studies but can't really tell what it is or where it is exactly (we can put a man on the moon.....) The stricture is likely scarring, maybe from inflammation from all of the antibiotics he had to be on. In any event, that's what we've got. This is going to require surgery and sooner rather than later. Right now he is scheduled for Tuesday. The up sides are that this is a problem with a solution. And that this was figured out before we got home. And that he will get to stay in the NICU where the nurses and doctors already know (and love) him. They can't tell how long this will delay his homecoming but we hope not for too long. He feels much better right now. He's on IV fluids and limited milk and now that we aren't cramming a bunch of milk down him every 3 hours, his belly has gone down. He is loving the fact that he is getting all sorts of good lovin' from Mom and Dad and all his nurses. There will be no living with the child. Every time I put him down some one else picks him up. He sticks his little head right up under your chin and settles down peaceful as a lamb.
Allan is learning a hard lesson -- the one who is doing what he is supposed to do doesn't get the nearly as much attention. He's been doing very well on the nasal cannula although he was working a little hard at it tonight. He may end up back on the Cpap intermittently to give him a little bit of a rest. This breathing on your own all the time is hard work. He is up to a whopping 5 pounds 12 ounces. Some of that is likely water weight but there is no doubt that he is quite a big boy. He has clearly become the big brother in every sense of the words.
Keep the boys in your thoughts and prayers -- especially on Tuesday.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Big ol' belly ache - Wednesday July 12th

Poor Griffith isn't feeling well at all -- his belly is swollen and he is uncomfortable. He is supposed to have another upper GI study this morning to see what's going on. The first one that he had (a couple of weeks ago) showed an area of slow down but that apparently didn't cause concern in and of itself. Since he has continued to have problems, though, they are going to try to double-check it and see if there is something there that needs more attention.
Allan, by all reports, is just hanging out and making slow but steady progress. Happy as a little clam is our Allan. Honestly, he's as precious as he can be. Still, if Griffith wants to kick his little butt for having triggered all of these events, I can't really blame him either. I'm not saying Allan's morally culpable, but I can also see where Griffith has a few issues to settle with him! Still, Griffith is going to have to do a little growing if he is going to tussle with Allan.
I will try to give you the update on the tests later.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Tuesday afternoon - not much to report

Sweet little ol' Allan continues to do well with the alternating cannula/cpap. He is up to 9 hours on the cannula with 3 hours on the cpap.
Brother's belly swelled up again this morning. He is a gassy little fellow, for certain. He ate his lunch well though. The docs are going to decide whether to re-do the upper GI exam to see if they can see any thing new this time. If he doesn't get this sorted out in short order, though, he won't get home this week.

Tuesday July 11th

The boys are doing well. Allan seems to be tolerating the switching back-and-forth between the C-pap and the cannula. No word yet on when we'll try for the cannula exclusively, but within a couple of days, I would guess. It is just so nice to be able to see his face and it is so much easier to pick him up and hold him when he's on the cannula. He got a bath last night and didn't really like it one bit. He's not the one we expect tantrums from, but he has it in him. He settled down afterward though and he and Dad hung out. He's such a big-eyed little boy and he studies you so intently. He had lost a little weight -- he was about 5 pounds 4 ounces last night.
Griffith is once again on the countdown for home. No ETA yet, but maybe by the end of the week. We aren't mentioning it to him this time for fear that he will act up again. The medicine he is on for his belly seems to be helping. It seems that he is just a gassy little fellow which isn't all that unusual for preemies. (I am beginning to think that I could tell them that he had sprouted a horn between his eyes and they would say that is uncommon but not unknown in little ones.) He's eating well though and burps like a truck driver (but you have to work at it). He weighed in at 4 pounds 11.5 ounces last night. He is such a little cuddler. After he ate last night, he laid on my shoulder for about an hour. He was mostly awake, laying there smiling and looking up at me. I can see a lot of sitting in our future if he is going to be so darned sweet.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Monday afternoon - July 10th

All was well in the NICU this morning. Both boys are doing just fine. Griffith ate his lunch like a trooper. He is so terribly spoiled I'm not sure what is going to happen when he has to share with his brother. He wails away because he wants to be fed -- right now. And he wails away because he want to be held - right now. Not long on patience is ol' Griffith.
Allan, on the other hand, is completely laid back. He whines a little if he thinks you are treating him harshly, but mostly he just wants to sleep or sit quietly and look around.

False Alarm - Monday July 10th

Well, Griffith didn't make it home this weekend. His temperature was a little low on Friday and his belly was puffy with gas and he just wasn't quite himself. It was all quite a let-down, but we don't want him to come home until he is absolutely ready for it. Right now we don't have an ETA on it, but we hope to have him home by the end of the week. (We aren't sure that he didn't fake it just to stay with his brother. I'll have to remember this when he tells me that he is too sick to go to school.)
That said, the boys both had a good weekend. Sunday was their original due date so we celebrated it as a kind of birthday. They ate milk, of course, but managed to sneak out again (really the security there is the pits) and brought back petit fours with baby booties on them for Jennifer and Cheryl. Even at their tender age, the boys recognize the superiority of Magee's Bakery.
Griffith got a little present from Cheryl yesterday, a farm animals book that she read to him. He was quite interested in it, especially the "baa-ing" of the sheep which made him smile. I'm sure there is a joke to be made about Englishmen and sheep, but this is a family blog. Dad liked the book, too, and went right home and added some to the nursery menagerie. If one of the boys doesn't come home soon, there won't be an inch of the walls that isn't covered in something! Griffith has gained a little weight after stalling for a while. Last night he was 4 pounds 10 ounces.
Allan was a whopping 5 pounds 7 ounces last night. He is getting to be quite the biggie boy. They are switching him back and forth between the Cpap and the nasal cannula to try to build up his tolerance to being on the cannula full time. He did very well with it yesterday so we are hoping that this will be all it takes to get him over the hump. It is so nice to be able to see his pretty little face. I probably went overboard with the pictures of him, but I had to make up for the rash of Griffith photos from the past 10 days or so.

duck on a nest

chicken on the window sill


Tractor with round bales


Cow herd

nursery cow herd

More nursery photos

Griffith on his almost birthday

Griffith on 7/9

Griffith sleeping the sleep of the innocent in his new hat (courtesy of Cheryl) and with his new book about farm animals.

Allan on 7/9

Allan on what should have been his birth date. He's wearing the Old MacDonald outfit that cousin Bailey Marie picked out for him.

Allan with his paci

Allan on the cannula

Allan - back on the cannula

Allan is back on the cannula part-time. He's wearing his new hat that Cheryl (Griffith's nurse) got for him.