Thursday, March 20, 2008

Well, the boys have filled out their brackets and are anxiously awaiting the start of March Madness.

We have had new potential full-time nanny this week (Jesana) and it seems to be love at first sight on both sides. The boys took right up with her. Allan has been spoiled ridiculously and hasn't wanted to be put down for a minute. Every time she puts him down, he flops over and cries like his heart is broken. Jesana hasn't figured out that he is just working her. Griffith, of course, is full-on all the time: playing, dancing, talking. Which is why he fell asleep in his plate on Tuesday night. Too much fun with Jesana.

She is already working on broadening their cultural horizons. Griff was saying "gracias" this morning and "pie" (foot). Between/among Dad's British accent, my Southern accent and Jesana's Colombian accent (not to mention Onkle Markus' German one), our children will either be Citizens of the World or have accents so indecipherable that no one will have any idea what they are saying!

The boys have new towels for after-bath. You can see Allan modelling the elephant. We have a monkey one, too, but Griffith was having such a fit that we weren't able to get a good shot of him in it. Maybe later.

March of the elephant

Allan exploring in the elephant towel from Aunt Kathy.


yes, I do look quite cute

Thanks for noticing.

Too much fun

Griffith had too much fun with Jesana. He was hardly able to eat before he crashed.

All worn out

Griffith was completely wiped out Tuesday night.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Finding the ticklish spot

Who me????

Photo courtesy of Aunt Heather.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Ready, set, go....

The teeter totter was great fun. Allan refused to be put down, though.

One, two, three...

Ready to drop.

Lots of fun


Giggly boys

Waiting for Daddy to make the see-saw drop.

The anticipation

is as much fun as the bouncing.

Fits of giggles

Boing, boing, boing goes the teeter-totter.

Snuggled up close

Allan was having a good time as long as Dad was holding him.

All done!

Griff giving the hand gesture for "all done."

Teeter totter

Griffith and his new pal, Duncan.



Griffith has become fascinated with his toes (they are enormous) and spent 10 minutes pulling them, bending them left and right and putting beads in between them.

They bend....

Tool puzzle

We had a great time playing with the cool tool puzzle Michele gave us for Christmas. The hammer was a particular favorite.

Bedecking his feet

Shamrock shirt

A gift from Cousin Bailey -- with our names on them!

Allan's new shamrock shirt

Personalized with his name by his cousin, Bailey.

Hey, what did you do to get all of those?

Let me help you with those.

Happy St. Patrick's Day !!

Gimme those beads!

All full up

The boys' books nearly fill the entire bookshelf. There is a very nice little space between the couch and the shelves and we have put the cow pillow there for the boys to sit and hide and snuggle.

Griffith in the hidey-hole

The boys in their new book nook.

Loving the new bookshelves

Turn the page

Good Night Moon

Allan in the new book nook.

Get down from there, Allan!


Getting the ones in the back.

Allan is very serious about oral hygiene.

Thing One.

Thing Two.

Patches on the bottom

Thing One

New pj's from Aunt Kathy.

Lunging for the beer

Allan giving it the old college try.

Cheers from Jen!

Sassy new 'do looks good!