Friday, June 09, 2006

Friday afternoon report

The boys were doing fine when I went to see them at lunch. Griffith was sleeping and had been most of the morning. I think he is completely worn out from his little episode this morning. The docs are putting him on Neosynephrine for the inflammation in his nasal passages (no joke - it is Afrin.) They are also getting smaller tubes for the Cpap. They are going to give him a little time to heal up his nose and then take him off the vent again. Third time is a charm.....we hope.
Allan was a real sweety at lunch. He was WIDE AWAKE and looking all around at every thing. It really is funny to turn on the tapes and watch him try to figure out where the sound is coming from. (It reminds me of The Muppet Show Animal Hospital skits where Rolf, Piggy and that other nurse (Janet?) all wheel around and try to see where the voice over is coming from.) We have to get him caught up with Griffith before taking him off the vent. He was a little puny from the yeast infection and still has to pick up a little more steam.
Anyway, we hope that we've had all the excitement that we are due for this weekend and that every one behaves for a couple of days.

Griffith in his new hat

Allan's first bath

Allan's wrist

Allan is starting to get rolls of fat around his little wrist.

Allan's elbow

Allan's sweet little dimpled elbow.

Griffith with Dad - 7 weeks

Griffith earlier this week with Dad.

Two steps back?

In our continuing line of Fridays that suck, Griffith ended up back on the ventilator this morning. He was fine all day yesterday and most of last night, but at 4 started having some trouble. As it turns out his nasal passages swelled up and so he wasn't able to breath through his nose. (Don't they have something akin to Afrin in that freakin' hospital?) He was having to work extremely hard and was getting pretty worn out so he was reintubated. He's doing fine now -- just very tired. They will probably give him a couple of days to recover his strength and take him off again. The good news is that his lungs were great and he was breathing like a rock star up until he wasn't.
Allan got to come out and play with Mom last night for over an hour. We hung out and caught up on things -- he was a little jealous of all the attention that Griffith was getting for extubating himself, but may be that will just encourage him to get off the vent, too.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Thursday June 8th

Well, we had an eventful day yesterday. The doctors had been promising for a week to extubate Griffith (take him off of the ventilator) but, what with one thing and another, they still hadn't gotten around to it. They were going to do it this morning, but Griffith decided to take things in to his own hands (quite literally) and extubated himself yesterday afternoon. The rule being, of course, if you pull it out, then you have to breathe. They hooked him up on what is called C-Pap which is kind of a snorkle apparatus that pushes air into your nose -- it is midway between the ventilator and the nasal cannula. He's been on the C-Pap before and really doesn't like it all that much, but his buddy Cheryl was there and they hung out and held hands and worked on being calm. Dad and I went last night and switched off on hand-holding and sweet-talking during the night. Griffith was a little restless but really settled down a little after midnight and was an angel all night long. I don't know what he and Dad talked about but we covered a lot of topics. We agree that we are keeping the z3. Allan can ride in the trunk (if he has to come at all -- Griffith believes that he would be the perfect only child, but I'm not going for it.) Going to Florida next year with Bailey sounds like a good idea. Oh, yeah, and that having Mom and Dad pay attention to him constantly is all right. Anyway, I went in just before lunch time and Griffith was doing great. The level of oxygen that they are giving him is coming down and the pressure is, too. His chest x-ray was the best it had been in a month. The docs are going to take him pretty slowly because they don't want to rush him and cause him to fall back. With a little luck, he can wean off the C-Pap and on to the cannula next week.
In other news, Griffith weighed in at a cool 4 pounds last night. He really is a most clever boy.
Allan would have had a long way to go to keep up with Griffith yesterday. Dad gave him his very first bath yesterday which (unlike his brother) he seemed to like. We are noticing a definite pattern --- Allan is usually pretty happy and satisfied with whatever is going on while Griffith resents being messed with and considers other people to be something of a trial. (Can't imagine where they get their personalities.) Allan's weight has remained steady at 3 pounds 12 ounces, but we are looking for some gain today. It is time for us to have 2 four-pounders!
I've taken some new pictures, but what with one thing and another, haven't gotten them posted. I hope to get them up tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Wednesday afternoon June 7th

As anticipated, Cheryl has given Griffith a real talking-to and they have come to an accord on the breathing thing. It really wasn't his fault (he's a lot like his father that way). Cheryl managed to suck out a wad of crud from his lungs that was making very hard to breath. So his noncompliance wasn't willful. He's been an angel all morning. I got to hold him while he was eating his lunch and we had a good time talking about cars. I was driving the Yukon today which is far larger than I am entirely comfortable with. Griffith thought it would be very funny if I just put a baby seat in my car and left Allan and Dad to the Yukon and the station wagon. We are a little too cool for that much suburbia.
Allan continues his streak of happy days. Tina reports that he has been charming and disarming every one with his smiles again today. I don't know why he's so darned happy, but I'm not going to argue with him about it.

Wednesday afternoon June 7th

As anticipated, Cheryl has given Griffith a real talking-to and they have come to an accord on the breathing thing. It really wasn't his fault (he's a lot like his father that way). Cheryl managed to suck out a wad of crud from his lungs that was making very hard to breath. So his noncompliance wasn't willful. He's been an angel all morning. I got to hold him while he was eating his lunch and we had a good time talking about cars. I was driving the Yukon today which is far larger than I am entirely comfortable with. Griffith thought it would be very funny if I just put a baby seat in my car and left Allan and Dad to the Yukon and the station wagon. We are a little too cool for that much suburbia.
Allan continues his streak of happy days. Tina reports that he has been charming and disarming every one with his smiles again today. I don't know why he's so darned happy, but I'm not going to argue with him about it.

Wednesday afternoon June 7th

As anticipated, Cheryl has given Griffith a real talking-to and they have come to an accord on the breathing thing. It really wasn't his fault (he's a lot like his father that way). Cheryl managed to suck out a wad of crud from his lungs that was making very hard to breath. So his noncompliance wasn't willful. He's been an angel all morning. I got to hold him while he was eating his lunch and we had a good time talking about cars. I was driving the Yukon today which is far larger than I am entirely comfortable with. Griffith thought it would be very funny if I just put a baby seat in my car and left Allan and Dad to the Yukon and the station wagon. We are a little too cool for that much suburbia.
Allan continues his streak of happy days. Tina reports that he has been charming and disarming every one with his smiles again today. I don't know why he's so darned happy, but I'm not going to argue with him about it.

Wednesday June 7th - the overnight report

No bath last night for Allan. They had a new kid admitted to his nursery and so we had to postpone until tonight. He did get a new bed, new sheets and new clothes though. He was really sweet, laying on his belly with his little index finger up in his mouth. It is a good thing he's so cute. It makes it easier to overlook the fact that he's starting to get a little greasy.
Griffith had a good night last night. He's won over another nurse so now Rosa and Caitlyn are going mano a mano to look after him at night. Word is that he misbehaved in rather grand fashion this morning by de-sating in a significant way. His episode was pretty short -- just a couple of minutes, but it threw a scare in to him and his nurses. We are hoping that he starts to realize that breathing is NOT an optional activity pretty soon. Cheryl is back today, though. I'm pretty sure that she will give him a stern talking to and that will take care of it.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Tuesday afternoon June 6th

The boys were doing well at lunch. Allan had been awake most of the morning and spent his time smiling and charming his nurse (Tina) who had taken to calling him "Ham" and "Flirt." If he continues his good behavior, then he is in line for a bath tonight. He hasn't had one -- ever -- so this could be good fun for all concerned.
Griffith continues his reign of terror. He was good in the sense that he felt fine and wasn't having any trouble breathing or anything. He was just being his ornery self though -- lots of squirming and frowning and generally expressing his disapproval of any one who was trying to mess with him. I forgot to mention that he weighed just under 3 pounds 15 ounces last night. If he eats well today, we may have a four-pounder tonight.

Tuesday June 6 morning report

Allan and Griffith continued their runs of good behavior. Last night Allan and I hung out and listened to his new tape of Mom and Dad reading the classics (Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, But Not the Hippopotamus). He was a little angel the whole time. He gained some more and weighs 3 pounds 12 ounces (this time for real!).
Griffith had snuggle time with Dad for over an hour. I think Griffith would have laid there all night. I didn't get to inspect him, but Dad reports that Griffith, too, has developed nipples.
Well done.

Monday, June 05, 2006

june 5th - monday aftrenoon

The boys had a good morning. Allan was awake on-and-off while I was there, but Griffith slept the whole time.
I realized at the hospital that I am a terrible mother -- I misreported the boys' weights in my earlier post. Griffith is 3 pounds 12 oz. Allan is 3 pounds 10 oz. Still Allan is more of a pudge than his brother. Nurse Jennifer is completely charmed by his elbows -- they have little dimples in them (they are pretty sweet.) In other news, Allan now has nipples. (He was so early that he didn't have them to begin with.) They are teeny-tiny and I don't think they were there yesterday, but they are there now. I didn't get a chance to examine Griffith -- he was all wrapped up and asleep, but I'll be checking him pretty closely tonight.

the weekend review

The boys had a good weekend. They didn't misbehave (or not much) and we are hoping this streak continues.
Allan is a whopping 3 pounds 12 ounces as of last night. His brother was holding steady at 3 pounds 10 ounces and a bit. The doctors had changed Griffith's feedings and it didn't agree with his delicate digestive system -- he was farting and burping audibly. Kind of disconcerting, really -- the sound was disproportionate to his size. I'm glad that Allan wasn't nearby. I'm sure that would have spurred some sort of contest and we don't want to have them engaging in that sort of behavior just yet. Enough time for that later.
Griffith had an especially good weekend. I got to hold him for nearly an hour and a half yesterday morning. He racked out on my chest and slept the whole time. I'm afraid that when we go home that's all I'll get accomplished. These boys may never learn to walk. Their feet will never touch the ground. Griffith was really wide awake last night and spent a lot of time hanging out with his dad. He is working really hard on "scanning" -- trying to focus on your face when you talk to him. He squints and frowns a lot when he's doing it. Either that or he's really skeptical of what his father is saying. (A little from column A, a little from column B......)
Allan was more laid back this weekend. His dad got to hold him for a little while, but Allan got to acting up and had to be grounded. He's really liking his Aunt Kathy's tape, though. He smiles a lot when she sings.