Friday, September 05, 2008

Pee-pee in the potty

Wednesday we had a big milestone -- Griff peed in the potty all by himself. There was much rejoicing. Of course, we haven't managed to repeat the feat, but we'll take what we can get.

Jay was filling up the tub and I stripped Griff. He did his naked baby run in to the bathroom and began grabbing his little potty frantically. I had Allan so I yelled for Jay to help him out because you could just see that Griff Had.To.Go.RIGHT.NOW. Jay pulled the pot out, Griff sat right down and began to pee. We cheered so loudly that he stopped. Performance anxiety. But we praised him extravagantly and he began to strain and, next thing you know, pee.

Big Al is on the move...

Allan has been making great progress lately. And that's not just us talking. We have a substitute PT while Julie's daughter is out for surgery and Miss Beth came this morning. The last time she was there was 2 weeks ago and she was very impressed with his improvement. He is able to walk much farther distances without wobbling or falling. He stops, steadies himself, pivots, side-steps, steps back, pretty much the whole package. We even went outside to show her how well he walks on uneven terrain (he found this to be an affront because the grass was wet). Griffith is very impressed, too, and keeps saying, "AlJude, run, run, run!" Not today, baby, but soon. Really soon.

Allan is also coming along with the eating and the talking, too. Today he ate quite a lot of mushed up banana -- and then accidentally choked himself with an empty spoon and spit it all back up. Still, progress. He can now say "all done!" and "off" and "on" and "yeah!" He knows the sign for "more" as well. It is just so nice to have some progress made on those fronts -- Miss Edie has said all along that he will pick up the language skills but (as with everything else) when HE wants to.

As you can see from the photos, Allan was not all that impressed with the trip to the duck pond. To be honest, Allan has never been a fan of the ducks. I think that they are too floppy and jumpy and too close to his face. Or, as Stephanie will tell you (with a shiver), they have FEATHERS everywhere. Allan spent all of his time climbing the stairs and crawling as far away from the ducks as he could. Which made it easier for Griffith to teeter on the edge of the pond and frighten Aunt Lee with the potential of taking a dive in to rescue him. It also made it easier for him to eat the stale, moldy bread that was meant for the ducks. Typical divide and conquer conduct from my boys.

Pushing up

Allan is working out how to get to standing from sitting without pulling up on something. This was one of his successful attempts. Often he ends up in "downward dog" with his butt up in the air and his head stuck on the ground. He just has to remember to stick his butt back before he lifts up.

Miss Katie

Katie and her mom met us at the duck pond and accompanied us to the bookstore afterward.

Making a break for it....

Allan making his way toward the stairs -- and away from the ducks.

Allan hates ducks.

Really, he does. He is like Aunt Stephanie in his loathing of fowl. As you can see, he walked and crawled as far away from them as possible. Kept pounding on the window as if to get someone inside to rescue him.

Thomas the tank engine train table

Lots of fun, post-duck-feeding.


While playing on the train table at the bookstore, Allan was overcome by exhaustion.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Liar, liar

Saturday morning Allan decided to arise at 5:45. That's a.m. Comes twice a day, in case you didn't know. Not content to entertain himself, Allan squawked until he woke his brother up. Great.

We got up and I changed Griff. A few minutes later, he was walking around with his knees clamped together and grabbing himself. Wet again. Wrestle him in to submission, change diaper. Not 10 minutes later, Griff is smelling aromatic. Wrestle him in to submission, change diaper. At this point he has decided that I am obsessed. Every time I look at him he says, "no." As in, I know what you are going to ask, lady, and, no, I am not wet or dirty -- find something else to do.

Maybe 30 minutes pass and Griff is, again, smelling.

Me: Griff, are you dirty?
G (looking guilty): No.
Me: Griff, did you poop?
G: No.
Me: Are you sure? You smell stinky!
G: No! no! no! AlJude, AlJude, AlJude poop!

I know I shouldn't laugh, but I just had to. When in trouble, point the finger at someone else. We just have to hope that he doesn't learn to lie WELL.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

More hand-holding

Griff wants to help -- Allan does not particularly care for it.

Need a little support?

A helping hand.....

Riding the bear

That's a digger.

Griff loves his big book of trucks.

Row, row, row your boat.....

Daddy's singing voice is terrible, but this is one of the boys' favorites so we all muddle through.

Total comfort

The boys were folding laundry while the game was on, but Griff decided that having all the fresh pillows all around him was the ultimate in comfort.

A blur of motion

Allan swinging in to action -- with his faithful side-kick, Lambie, firmly in his teeth.

Not that interested

in the game. The pig, on the other hand, fascinating.

Absolutely delighted

Griff is thrilled with Allan's walking.


Allan is getting more and more confidence in his solo-walking. He took off at the pool and made it about 30 or 40 steps!

I can do it myself.

No, no, no, Momma!

Okay, so it is out of focus, but it cracks me up. Griff wouldn't let me help him put on his boots. But instead of pulling the boots on, he insisted on grabbing his foot and sticking it in to the boot. Which made it a bit of a tight squeeze.

I don't know why this is fun, BUT

both boys love to dump out the toy bins and then sit in them.
Griffith is wearing one of his cow wellies.

Mamma, slide!

Getting ready to slide down the whale's tongue!

Monday, September 01, 2008

Labor Day 2008

We've had a lovely weekend. I have a tendency to overplan so this weekend we didn't make plan one.

Friday night we were just at home. Saturday, the boys and I met Lee and Katie at the Farmer's Market. Unfortunately the boys decided not to miss a minute of the holiday weekend and were up by a quarter to six. Which meant that they fell asleep on the run back and didn't want to sleep again in the afternoon. Dad and the boys slept early and then Mom and the boys slept late. Fed the fellas, ate quickly and went to the end of season concert in the local park. Sunday was a nice lazy day with the pool early, lunch, nap, and watching the football game. Not much to report last night except for a win for the home team.

Time for Mamma to sleep. More tomorrow. Sweet dreams.

Thank God for rugby!

A week already?

No pictures. It takes too long to upload from home and if you want any narrative at all we just have to wait.

So what has been going on with the boys? We have been so beyond busy that it is hard to keep up.

Big Al has finally really hit his stride (so to speak) with walking. Miss Julie's little girl had to have surgery so we have a new PT (with PT). While she was here inteviewing us about Allan he managed to do two things that we had never seen him do befor: back up and squat to standing!
Allan has been so much fun -- he has been walking nearly the distance of the living and dining rooms and some times in to the kitchen before crashing. Griff has mastered a perfect imitation of his brother which absolutely kills us all. I didn't realy realize what he was doing at first. He would say "Momma, hand!" and grab my hand and then wobble through the room beyond he would pretend to lose his balance and crash to the floor. Then he would look back and grin and clap his hands and expect you to do the same. If Allan gets praise for it, why shouldn't I?

But Allan is doing great. He has managed to get himself up from sitting to standing with no help whatsoever. I wish I could describe the process to give it justice, but, essentially, he gets in to 'downward dog' and then gets himself in to upright without help at home. For those of you keeping a record, then is a milestone.

As is the fact that Griff can now jump with both feet off of the ground. This is something we learned yesterday during the big game. Unfortunately for our football aspirations, Dad and Griff both get the same level of "air" from jumping. Thank God for rugby.