Thursday, June 19, 2008


Allan with his foot through the zebra's handles.

All snuggled up.

The boys on Tuesday after I got Allan settled down. I love how they wrap their arms around each other.

Allan and the zebra.

A hand-me-down from Lee and Katie. Griff was never that crazy about it, but Allan is all about it these days. He bounces and spins and whirls around just like at the rodeo.

Ride 'em, Big Al!


Allan mounting his trusty steed.

Setting his jaw

Miss Edie is great and works so hard with both boys, but sometimes...last week she noted that it is really hard to get Allan to make any noise when he is really concentrating on a task because he clenches his jaw so tightly. I hate to break it to her, but that ain't nothing but a family trait. Uncle Eddie, Tim and Momma all have a tendency to set their jaws when they are working on something. Or mad. I don't think that speech therapy is going to help that. Maybe valium.

Big boy showers

Both boys had their first showers last weekend. Griff got to take one with Dad and was (cautiously) okay about it. Allan took one with me and after trying to catch the water on his tongue and hand, turned, laid over my shoulder and let the water pelt him on his back. Just like Jay who could spend a half hour standing in the shower.

All done!

Big Al has learned to say "all done!" just like Griff.
Well done, Big Al!

Longest sentence yet

from Griff.

"Oh, no! Allan fall down!"

And, for the record, Allan fell down. He was not pushed.

I know what you were thinking. Shame on you.

Another wild night....

Here it is 9:30 and the house is (blessedly) silent. Big Al and I have been cuddling on the couch since bath and book (Marvin K. Mooney and We're Going on a Bear Hunt). Allan spent 20 minutes or so riding the bouncy zebra. In the past 3 days he has fallen in love with the thing. He has figured out how to swing his leg up and over and on it, just like Billy the Kid. Then he bounces as hard as he can, making the lights light and the music play (everything has lights and music these days, it is like living in a Broadway musical.)

For the sake of posterity, let me say that Allan is right smart of a pain in the bottom. He is going to be far worse than Griff ever thought about being. Griff is obnoxious because he can not stand to be thwarted in whatever it is that he is up to at the moment, but his heart is pure and he is (usually) easily distracted or cajolled in to a good humor. Allan, on the other hand, saves all of his obnoxious behavior for the single most inconvenient moment.

Tuesday night was Jay's Night Out. He was supposed to golf (he ended up not golfing but going to some broke a** bar with his friend who had blister issues with his golf shoes. Or some such nonsense. Tiger walked 19 mile with a torn ACL and stress fractures. Soldier on.) Anyway, every one knew before I even started that I was not going to go along with the "cry it out method" with Griff. Not going to happen. So the boys and I snuggled on the mattress in the nursery floor and Griff was "this close" to falling asleep. At which point, Allan decided to turn it on. Squeaking, squawking, crawling all over me, crawling all over his brother. A regular little Energizer bunny.

So I put him in the crib with silent toys. Nice try.

Allan squeaks, squawks, pulls up and, I kid you not, starts launching his stuffed animals out of the crib and on to Griff and me. All the while sucking his thumb and grinning at me. Brat.

(deep breath)

Get him out, hold him close, and, after a bit of wrestling, down they both go. Pre 9 p.m. Perfect. Call Jay, stay out if you like. Boys are asleep and I'm going, too.
I'm on my way. I'll probably try to slip in to bed quietly in bit. Don't.You.Dare.
We. Are.Asleep.
How did you get them down? Did you let them cry it out?

To channel Jack Nicholson from A Few Good Men: Do not sleep under the blanket that I provide to you and question the manner in which I do so.

Jay had an endoscopy today and is a little loopy tonight. He had Griff after bath and I hardly heard a peep. I suspect that the two of them are laid up in bed even now. And I am not questioning it... Turn about is fair play.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Biding his time.

Sneak attack.

You can't trust the little twerp. He's quiet and sneaky.

Don't pay any attention to me.

Nothing to see here.
Griffith kept sneaking up to snitch more strawberries.

Covered in strawberry juice.

And looking a little defensive about it.

They are so cruel to me!!!

Something is clearly not suiting our number one son.

Moving on to the cheesy poofs.

Griffith with orange "cheese" powder stuck to him in strawberry juice.

Oh, boy! Rugby!

Coming your way, KK!

Kelly brought the boys a rugby ball from her trip to Australia.

Giving a big toss

Spinning, spinning

Tip top

Mexican top

Gift from KK from Mexico.

Gift from Down Under

Allan left this on for, oh, maybe 2 seconds.

All gone!

Griff showing us his strawberry bowl (empty).

I'm not so sure about that, Kelly.

Griffith looking dubious.

The mad dash.

all smiles

Sprinkler fun

Bailey profile

You ought to take a picture of this!

I don't know why Bailey wanted me to have a picture of this, but she did. So here it is.

Here they come!

Griff making sure that Stephanie doesn't miss the ducks.
Nice shades, Griff.

Ducks and fishes

Some of the beneficiaries of the boys' generosity.

Allan and Dad taking a break.

Big Al got tired of feeding the ducks and decided he would rather take it all in from above.

Worn out

Allan got a little hot and tired of fooling with the ducks. He rallied once we got in the bookstore with the train table and the bubbles.

A little assistance, please.

Griff was more interested in navigating the steps.

Glamour girl

Miss B checking out the ducks.

Train table time

The bookstore has a wonderful Thomas the Tank Engine Train table just right for the little guys.

Bubble time!

We went in to the bookstore after feeding the ducks and geese and it was story time. Allan could not get enough of the bubbles.

Thats gratitude for you.

Dad had to make his own Father's Day dinner. Of course, if you insist on leeks and parsnips, then Mom is going to wash her hands of the whole affair.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sunday night 6/15

We have had quite a weekend.
It is late on Sunday night and I have a million pictures to post. I will have to do it from the office tomorrow where the computer is faster and I have the option of posting while doing other things. Right now all I really want to do it take a shower, paint my toenails and go to sleep. I may just go for 'c' and be done with it....

Friday afternoon ended with lots of storms. Jesana had to be out and her friend, Anna, sat for the boys. Jesana wanted to make sure that Anna did a good job so she came for the first 3 hours. When she finished, she called to say that she had left 2 pages of instructions and made Anna do everything in front of her twice. THEN she told her she would "totally [mess] her up if anything happened to [her] babies." Fortunately for everyone involved, it went smoothly.

Saturday dawned overcast and warm. Dad had a list of things he needed to accomplish so the boys and I walked down to the Farmer's Market with Aunt Lee and Katie. It was in the low 70's with 90 percent humidity at 9 in the morning. Ugh. The walking (obviously) took more time than the usual jog and by the time we got back Griffith was in full meltdown mode. After a lunch, a diaper change, a bottle and a nap, though, he was good as new. And, best of all, Cousin Bailey came to spend the night (it was Mom and Dad's anniversary). Aunt Kathy also came for the night (college reunion). KK came to visit (in town for a wedding). Cousin Tyler and his girlfriend, Hannah, and her sister Hallie stopped by, too.

Miss Linda had sent a bunch of strawberries to Griff and Momma tried to keep up with him capping them, but it was hard work. They were meant for our dessert, but he ate as many as I could clean. I have a hard time telling the kid that he can't eat fresh fruit. It just seems wrong.
The next thing I knew, though, he started growling.
Use your words, Griff.
Surely to God the kid doesn't want cheesy poofs.
Show me.
Little guy takes my hand and leads me from the back deck to the back door.
Takes me to the corner of the kitchen -- up.
Points to the cabinet -- "POOF!'
Well, I guess that clears THAT up.
So then he switched to "poofs" (Puffy Cheetos) -- he was absolutely covered in crud. Strawberry juice, sand, dirt, mulch and cheesy puff orange. Yum.

He had a wonderful time with Cousin Bailey, though. Whatever she did, he wanted to do. Swing? Okay, swing. Slide? Slide it is. Bailey hardly noticed when her mom and dad left. Too busy. Jay made a wonderful dinner -- grilled chicken and veggies (although he put too much spice on the zucchini and squash - Griff would take a bite and then lick the high chair seat to get the spice off of his tongue.)

After dinner we all ran through the sprinkler and then took baths. After which Thing One, Two and Miss B read stories and retired (as did Sister Kate, after cleaning up the kitchen -- hallelujah!)

We had a relatively peaceful night. The boys slept in the nursery (Dad on an air mattress that kept deflating) and Mom and Bailey upstairs.

At about 5 a.m., Miss B woke to say that she was hungry.
Have a drink. Go to the bathroom. It is night.

5:30. Really, Aunt Jane. I am hungry.
Okay. How about a cheese stick?
I love those. Great.
Come 7:10 -- Aunt Jane?
Mmm-hmm. My stomach hurts. I think you better call my mom and dad. I think I am going to frow up.
Your mom and dad are coming soon, Miss B. Are you sure your stomach isn't hurting because you are a little worried about waking up without them?

NOTE TO SELF: If a 4 year old tells you that she is going to Frow Up, do not discuss the pathology of the situation. Take her to the bathroom, DumbA**.

You guessed it. The vomit trifecta was perfected right there in the bed. To her credit Bailey was a trouper (and, according to her parents this is most unusual). After coating me and the duvet (but not herself) we moved in to the bathroom to complete the wretching. Wiped off, changed clothes, stripped the covers and moved downstairs.

Miss B settled on the couch, watching ABC Family. Aunt Kate helped out while Mom made breakfast for Jay and the boys (who slept until well after 8). We had one more vomiting episode after which we announced that we thought we could still go and feed the ducks. (Our announced outing for the morning.)

We all got settled down, fed, cleaned and dressed. Headed for the duck pond (we'll have Grandma and Grampy identify the birds.) Bailey's mom and dad joined us. We all went to the book store, came home, had lunch. Griff was dying to go to sleep but managed to rally. Allan was more cooperative and snoozed for three hours. After which Griff slept for two. I hate to complain, but, really, we try for contemporaneous napping rather than consecutive. Brats.

More update tomorrow. Right now I must attend to my pedicure.

Happy Father's Day!

Jay and his boys.