Friday, February 23, 2007

All made up - again.

Finally they settled down and made up.

The continuing battle

So we moved them upstairs but they kept battling.

Push, push, shove, shove....

Check out Griff's beefy arm.

What? Who? Me?

The boys tussling.

Griff with left to the chin

You can't turn your back on them.

Griff and Markus (II)

Uncle Markus

Rubbing Griff's head.

Allan cackling

He cracks himself up.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Flora had appointments today so I got to stay at home and play at being a mom all day. And all day was long because Dad decided that blowing his nose repeatedly at the crack of dawn was a good idea. A Canadian goose in the bathroom would have made less noise. So instead of the nice lie-in that I was hoping for, the boys and I were up at 6:30 and none too happy about it. Well, actually, Allan was fine with it, but Griffith and I were a little cranky.

Both boys did take a midmorning nap -- at the same time -- which never, ever happens. I was so surprised and delighted that I hardly knew what to do. I was so afraid that I would accidentally wake one of them that I decided to forego any chores and do the crossword instead. Allan slept for over 2 hours and Griff slept for nearly an hour and a half. Griffith didn't sleep after that, but any respite is welcome.

The vision specialist came today to evaluate Allan and was well pleased with how well he tracks and uses his eyes. She brought a student teacher with her and Griffith was about beside himself with trying to get her attention away from Allan. To his credit he did woo her away.

Jennifer came over to spoil on her boy Allan and they had a lovely afternoon. She told him how sweet and cuddly he was and he laid there soaking it up and napping. Thank God, some one who knows how to appreciate a boy.

Alissa came over, too, but we were so busy chatting that we forgot to take any pictures.

At any rate, every one was quite impressed with how fabulous our boys are. Fabulous and tired. They spent so much time entertaining that they have both fallen asleep. Here's hoping this lasts until dawn.

Happy Mardi Gras!

Jen & Allan

Snuggling with his girlfriend.

Allan and Jen

Allan's girlfriend (one of them any way), Jennifer came over for loving and spoiling today.

Allan and his giraffe

Allan kissing his giraffe. If you look closely, you can see how long his lashes really are.

Ready to strike

Griffith, seconds before he whacked his dad between the eyes with the cardboard holder.

Griffith & the paper towel holder

Isn't cardboard great?

Griffith and the paper towel roll

Thousands of dollars' worth of toys and this is what he prefers to play with.

Monday, February 19, 2007

The boys have had another excellent weekend. It was cold and snowy so we were mostly homebound and had to make our own fun. Fortunately the boys are old pros at that: we watched the ballgame (which did not prove to be that entertaining), invited some folks over for dinner, played dress up in the sweaters that Grandma knitted. Some times it is like a regular circus around here.

Griffith continues to spend much of his time up on his knees, rocking back and forth, ready to launch. He has even managed to pick up his knees and crawl backwards (as opposed to pushing and scooting backwards which is his usual method of locomotion). He doesn't seem to realize that what he was doing was any thing different, significant or capable of being reproduced and so we made it through another weekend without a fully mobile Griff.

Allan continues his stealthy ways. He is obsessed with watching the TV and will go to all sorts of efforts to position himself to see it. Remember now, that this is the kid who is too weak to roll over and "fatigues easily." It seems that there may be a fair amount of playing possum being done. He was lying on one side watching TV when I got in from work. Fine. No harm in keeping up with the news of the day. But, a half hour later when it is time for dinner, I sit down on the blanket beside him, roll him over so he is away from the TV and facing a toy and play with him with for a bit. He gets engaged, grabbing and batting at the toy and Jay and I get to talking. When I look down, Allan has, slowly and quietly, rolled himself back over to watch the TV. So I roll him back over, play with him and the toy, get him focussed (so I think) on that. Start talking to Jay. Look down to see my pride and joy, very quietly, rolling himself back over to find the TV. He kept this up for about 15 minutes or so. We decided that this was like physical therapy (in a Britney Spears sort of way.) Maybe we can tempt him to eat by offering him a Moon Pie and an RC. Whatever works.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Allan, gnawing on his hands

Hello from Allan

Allan in blue

His hair is looking a little on the wild side.

Allan eating his sweater.

Allan giggling

And, if you look close, you can see his two top teeth.

Allan in green.

Allan, looking tickled with his sweater.

Griff in his Tommy's

Griffith wearing his Tommy jeans. He doesn't have quite enough booty to fill them out yet.

Griffith in blue

Griff in the blue sweater from Grandma.

Griffith in green

Griffith in the sweater that his Grandma knitted for him.

Two big boys

They still fit, but it is a tighter squeeze than it used to be.

Big Al in his snowsuit

The boys in their snowsuits.

Ready to brave the elements to go to see the doctor.

The kissing bandit

He's really got the hang of it now.

Big sloppy kiss

Griffith practicing his technique. The chicks are really going to dig him.