Thursday, February 15, 2007

Vital statistics.

The boys did very well yesterday at the pediatrician's office.
Allan weighed in at 14 pounds 1 ounce, 24 3/4 inches long with a head circumference of 17 inches. He's been growing a little slow because they have been trying to restrict his fluids but since he seems to be doing well with the lungs, we are going back to the GI and the nutritionist next week to see about how we can get him some more calories. Cotton candy? Milk shakes? Deep-fried twinkies? We are willing to consider whatever.
Griffith was a whopping 17 pounds 6 ounces. 26 1/2 inches long and with a head circumference of 17 3/4 inches. Quite a noggin on that boy, no doubt about it.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day from the boys!

Allan and Griffith have been practicing their kisses, getting ready for the big holiday. Griffith even knows to close his eyes. He's pretty suave.
Allan had his PT evaluation today and he did well. In that he was actually awake and participated in the "testing" (which was really like playing.) He kicked and pushed and talked and generally put on a good show for Julie. The good news is that he seems to have all the reflexes and movements that you would want. He's just weak from all the being way too early, way too sick, and generally not having enough lung capacity to engage in any activities other than breathing and growing for several months. As of tomorrow the boys will be 10 months old (7 months adjusted) and Allan is sort of all over the place with his developmental milestones -- for some of them he is at about 4 or 5 months, for others 2 or 3. Still, all of the skills that you would want or expect seem to be emerging and, with a little help, should catch up just fine. Griffith had better watch out. Allan is keeping score.

Kissy kissy

Happy Valentine's Day from Allan!

Pucker up!

Happy Valentine's Day from Griffith!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Allan continues his usual behavior. The speech therapist was supposed to be here at 8:15. Allan was up at 7 and he was in good form -- kicking, talking, squawking. He 'gawked" and 'bbbbbb'ed and squealed for an hour. He was reaching out and whacking the Leap Frog table-thing-a-ma-bobby and making it sing the alphabet in Spanish and English. By the time she arrived, however, he was fading fast. As per his usual, he fell asleep sitting up in my lap well before we got any significant evaluation. Still, she offered an explanation for the issues with bananas. Apparently bananas are very creamy and coat the mouth and throat and babies with breathing issues don't like that feeling. Carrots and beans and such are more watery and clear the mouth much more quickly. So, no more bananas. That took care of that.
I know that the therapists must think that I am making it up, but, honestly, Griffith gets Allan all worked up. Griffith decided that something wasn't suiting and started howling. Allan frowned, clearly hearing Griff. Then a minute or two later, you guessed it, Allan started howling. Exactly like Griff. Same tone, same sounds. If he had said "me, too" it couldn't have been any more clear. Great just what we need - two of them. What one doesn't think of the other one will.

Smiling Griff

Momma and her boys

Another wild night at home.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Griffith - distracted.

Of course, he got distracted by the flash photos and toppled over and bonked his head.

Griffith, sitting up all on his own.

As long as he doesn't realize it, he's fine.

No, really...

I do not like bananas.

Allan - being dramatic about bananas

You would have thought I was trying to poison him.

Ah, yes, we have no bananas

Allan still doesn't like bananas.

Beans aren't so bad.

Griffith wasn't a big fan of the green beans, but he liked them better than he liked the carrots.

Griffith spitting beans

Griffith, startled by the beans.

Griff got to try green beans today, too. He liked them better than Allan did although that isn't exactly a rousing endorsement.

Green beans

Griffith, having sprayed green beans all over.

Making a break for it

Griffith has had enough of the green beans.

Griffith - kinking up the line

Griffith - putting a kink in the line

Unfortunately it is Allan's oxygen.

I am done with that.

And that was pretty much it for the green beans. Maybe I'll let Flora try.

What is this stuff?

Allan, exploring his food.

Allan, trying green beans for the first time

Green beans may take a little getting used to.

Griffith and the carrots, smeared

Griffith is not a big fan of the carrots.

Griffith and the carrots

Part of the continuing battle to convince him to eat something other than formula.

All made up.

They seem to have sorted it all out.

And another thing....

Allan telling his brother to back off.

Griffith, checking Allan out

What could go wrong?

Griffith and Allan wrestling

Or maybe he is just checking out his teeth. Hard to tell.
The boys are having a pretty good weekend. A little disappointed at the result of the UK-Florida game, but encouraged at the same time.
Allan ate a mess of carrots yesterday and I managed to slime a fair amount on to, around and possibly in to Griffith, too. He really is not interested in eating from a spoon at all. Bottles are easier, I guess.
Griffith keeps reaching out with one or the other of his hands as he is balancing in pre-crawl position. Unfortunately his balance isn't very refined and he keeps toppling over and bonking his noggin on the floor. If he doesn't get this sorted out soon we may have to get the kid a helmet.
Have I mentioned that Allan has two more teeth? The top two have now come through. He isn't going to let Griffith catch up with him on that. Allan is like one of those Mexican wolf babies -- all hair and teeth. (A very cute Mexican wolf baby.)
It is going to be a big week for Allan. Tomorrow he meets his speech therapist (to help with his feeding issues mainly.) Tuesday the physical therapist comes to evaluate him and develop a plan of action. Wednesday, both boys go back to the pediatrician to have their RSV shots and get weighed and measured.
Oh, and the guys are going to be the March of Dimes Ambassador babies for the local campaign so you may see them in the paper. They are going to lead the walk on April 28th. Once we know more, we will be contacting many of you about walking/running, getting a team together. What have you. If we are going down, we are taking as many of you with us as we can.