Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Well, Santa made it in a big way. Griffith was so excited about Christmas that he decided to get an early start. He probably just missed Santa leaving when he got up at 4:30 a.m. It was up and down (literally) from that point on. We had visions of getting the boys in their red velour Christmas outfits and opening gifts, making a nice lunch, playing with toys and taking a nap, but we could not get every one in sync. By the time Griffith went to sleep, Allan woke up, then Allan was tired by the time Griffith was ready to get up and eat. Then we had to start cooking or else we wouldn't have dinner until the 26th. In between diaper changes, showers and general baby-minding, time really flew. Finally, at 6 p.m., the boys were both awake and relatively cooperative so we started the Great Gift Opening. Although the boys liked their loot, they were thoroughly uninterested in the unwrapping process. We might as well have just as well have opened them ourselves while the boys slept. They got some great stuff. You could tell who bought what, though -- Dad bought exactly one gift that doesn't light up and make noise. I am saving all of the instruction manuals so I can figure out where the "off" and "mute" buttons are.
Enjoy the photos. Merry Christmas!

Allan and the centipede

Allan- wrestling the centipede

Griffith fell asleep and so Allan was able to get hold of the centipede.

Allan - closeup

Griffith - blowing zerberts

Allan, working on the beads

His Catholic background coming through?

Attacked by the centipede

A very popular toy this year.


spoiling Griffith.

Worn out

Xmas was hard on Griff.

Griff - resentful

Okay, so it is a little silly.

Baby Einstein up close

Griffith needed a closer look.

A sea of toys - part II

Griffith is more interested in the burp cloth.

Griffith in a sea of toys

Allan and his football rattle

Griffith and his John Deere bowl

He's quite tickled with it.

The boys and some of their loot

Santa came

Bored Allan

Allan was not terribly interested in the whole procedure.

Griffith - attacked by the bib

Truth in advertising?

Griffith, looking like the other 1%.

Allan - Santa baby

Griffith wrestling the talking dog.

And every time he whacks the dog, it lights up and talks.
Thanks, Michele.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Allan laughing

Big grin from Allan

Big grin from Allan

The beginning of a smile

Allan's eyelashes

They are a mile long.

Naughty or nice....

The boys this morning. I didn't see who started it.

Twas the night before Christmas

It has been a bit of a struggle for the boys today -- they've both been pretty irritable and fussy. I guess it is the strain of being so good for so long. We got every one washed up, cleaned up and ready for bed and read the flap-book rendition of The Night Before Christmas that Bailey sent to the boys. They both loved it. They liked the bright colors and that they each got to open and close flaps. Then we all laid in bed, playing and guessing what Santa might bring. Allan seemed to really like the game and thinks that he is going to get a guinea pig. I sincerely hope that he is wrong. Both boys thought it was funny to say that they wanted woodburning kits, archery sets and J'arts.
Allan finally succumbed and is nestled all snug in his bed. Griff was asleep, too, but then Dad accidentally woke him up and we were back at square one, pulling out all the stops (including a duet of The 12 Days of Christmas, which I LOATHE). We've explained that Santa doesn't come if you are awake, but, as my father used to say of babies, you just can't reason with them.
We got some good pictures of Allan smiling finally. He usually looks pretty stern in his pictures, but he has quite a smile. It is just that when the camera "red eye" light comes on, he knows that there is going to be a flash and he steels himself for it. Anyway, there are a few good ones of him all lit up.
I imagine that we may take a few pictures tomorrow, too. We'll post as soon as we can.
Merry Christmas!


Griffith in his Cardinals World Champions bib. Aunt Michele is starting early. Tia Kelly is planning their first trip to a Cubs game to try to balance things out.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Santa Claus is coming.....

It has been a full week in our household. Daddy brought in a tree on Sunday (and, apparently a whole slew of mosquitos with it.) We managed to get lights on it by Tuesday. It took us until last night (early this a.m. actually) to finally get the ornaments on. It really doesn't sound like decorating the tree should take a full week. It isn't the tree at Rockefeller Center, after all, but that's what it took just the same.
Allan had an eye check up yesterday. He seems to be doing very well with that. They still can't tell any thing much about what he can and can not see with it, but from a gross anatomical standpoint, it looks good. He also had an appointment with his buddy, Dr. Kanga (pulmonologist) who was well-pleased to see him. He thinks he is doing very well and we are starting to cut back on some of his medications. We are to try to wean him down and off the diuretics, etc., and then we will work on getting him off of the oxygen. We are looking at the spring before that happens, though. They did height and weight on him and he is 13 pounds 9 ounces and 23.25 inches long. Quite the big boy. We don't have a weight on Griffith at the moment, but it is close to 13.5 pounds. He is about 26 inches long though, so he doesn't look as round as Allan.
We are just planning on a quiet Christmas at home (sort of quiet any way -- Jennifer and Eric have already committed the sin of giving the boys some toy that plays songs. Karma will get them.) We will try to get some good pictures of the boys and their gifts -- provided that Santa comes and leaves something other than switches and coal.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Last night

Griffith is currently in full melt-down mode. Dad declared that he (Griffith, not Jay) was hungry and started fixing cereal. Generously (and foolishly) I offered to hold him and Jay gladly passed him over to me. The kid clearly, unmistakably, inarguably had a full, dirty, nasty diaper. I refuse to be held responsible. The rule is that if you are holding the baby when he poops, it is yours to deal with, but there has to be an exception for willful blindness. (Or willful whatever you call it when you pretend that you can't smell. )
Flora had an appointment today so I was on Momma duty all day. We started early with Allan who spit up at 6:30 with a loud GAK. Up through his nose, out his mouth, the whole nine yards. And mad. Absolutely furious. Not sure what happened but certain that it was someone else's fault. (He's a lot like his brother that way.) Despite our best efforts, Allan wailed so much and for so long that he woke up Griff. Great. Some days they sleep until after 9, but the day I'm supposed to be home, we have to start at 6:30. Super. As Jay sailed out for work at 7:15, I thought for sure that I was sunk. Unexpectedly, though, they both fell back asleep and I did, too. We didn't get up until nearly 9:30. Then everyone ate breakfast, got cleaned up, got dressed and headed out for a long walk - like an hour and a half long. Although Flora would have disapproved, it was in the 50's and sunny. How could we stay in? By the time we got back, our friend Jennifer came over having escaped The Mall and bearing Thai food. In the moments before her arrival, sweet, peaceful Allan decided that he was very mistreated (I laid him down to change Griffith) and threw an absolute fit to protest the situation. She probably has social services on speed dial.
At about 4, Griffith decided that he could bear it no longer. He was exhausted, but refused to fall asleep (this is his pattern of late). He did everything but stand on his head. He kicked, he howled, he turned red and cried real tears. There was no consoling him. Finally, I plunked him and his brother back in the stroller and we headed out for another walk. When it started to get dark, we headed for home. Allan was awake but Griff was slumped over in the stroller and, instead of rousing the dragon, I left him in the stroller in the dining room and Allan and I played in the living room and made fun of him. Griff's neck should be killing him because he slept slumped over until nearly 6:30 by which time Dad was home and we had a one-on-one situation.
Dad had Christmas gifts hidden and just couldn't stand it and had to go get Griff's tummy time surfboard. Apparently this means that it doesn't count against the budget. Somehow. The government works on that same accounting system.

The boys in their new fleece jackets from Uncle Mark. Perfect for walking (or riding.)

I got the first gift!

Griffith, loving the surfboard mat. And the knowledge that he got to open the very first Christmas present.

Griffith's first Christmas present

Griffith on his Tummy Time Surfboard. Dad just couldn't wait.

Christmas - alt X

christmas - alt IX

Christmas - alt VIII

Christmas - alt VII

Christmas - alt VI

Christmas photo shoot - alt V

Christmas photo shoot - alt IV

Christmas photo shoot - alt III

Christmas photo shoot - alt II

Christmas photo shoot - alternate view

Sunday, December 17, 2006


Dad is downstairs writing out Christmas cards and the boys and I are upstairs hanging out. It is surprisingly peaceful for the moment. That kind of thing can turn on a dime around here though.
We had a good weekend. Dad worked very late on Friday and the boys and I retired to the "master suite" early. Things worked well with Allan who was asleep by nine, but Griffith was ready to cut loose for a wild weekend. He finally gave it up after 10 (I realize that does not qualify as "late" in real world terms, but I was REALLY, REALLY tired and we were upstairs in and in bed by 8. Work with me.) Dad came home to find his side of the bed occupied by the boys. Dad had an early morning Saturday and headed off for work before the boys were up. We fared very well. We took a lovely walk (it was in the 60's and sunny) and then watched UK beat U of L. Actually Griff and I watched it. Allan slept most of the time. Last night Momma got to do some Christmas shopping while Dad and the boys hung out. We all slept in this morning and then took a walk to get coffee and muffins.
And now here we are.
Griff is sitting in my lap, watching me type and playing with his foot. Occasionally he gets overbalanced and topples over. Allan is laying across my lap and seems contect to suck on his hand.
All in all, everything is good. Dad got a tree today and we hope to decorate it tomorrow night.

share and share alike (II)

share and share alike

Griffith chewing on Allan's hand.

Another wild Friday night.

Dad worked late and Mom and the boys racked out early.

I love mommy

There is an I love Daddy shirt but he was off working and Allan fell asleep. History is written by the victors. Half of life is showing up. blah, blah, blah.

Allan in his pooh bath robe

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I hope that all the pictures bought us some time on the blogging. Sorry for the delay. We actually managed to get a picture for the "holiday" card (note: not Xmas, but not for any politically correct reason) on Friday and I have been busily addressing envelopes in my free time since then. I'm still not making any promises about when/if they are hitting the mail. I'm just saying that the process has been started. "Holiday" could mean New Year's Day, the Feast of the Epiphany, MLK Day or Super Bowl as far as I am concerned and I defy any one to say anything different.
The boys are eight months old today and doing great. Griffith has learned to blow spit bubbles and he thinks it is the funniest thing that he has ever seen/known/done. Allan seems to be getting over his cold and ear infection (finally) and was smiling all over himself when I got home tonight. Mostly he likes to lay on the blanket and watch Griffith, the perpetual motion machine. Not that Allan is interested in investing that much effort in any thing, but it is pretty fun to watch some one else do it.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Well, we have posted a lot of photos for your entertainment and amusement. This was a long week and a long weekend. And with the holidays and work and everything else (like, oh, you know, sleeping, eating, doing laundry), it has been a little difficult to get the blog updated.
Allan and Griffith had their follow-up flu and RSV vaccines on Monday. Griff had an ear infection, too. Allan had a bad night on Monday and ended up back at the doc's on Tuesday. Seems he got a cold from his brother and was feverish and coughing. Then Allan had to go back to see his opthalmologist. Then, he had a couple of long nights of coughing and sputtering and generally feeling miserable. (Ditto for Mom and Dad. Griffith, the source of the problem, slept like an angel, of courase.) On Friday Allan went back to see the surgeons who put in his peg. (He's doing fine.) He had a bad night Friday night and ended up back at the doctor on Saturday (and missed the UK game). He now has an ear infection as well. Aunt Evelyn hadn't been feeling too well so we all went off to see her (and did a drive by to let John King have a viewing of our very, fine boys.) After a lovely visit with her and Uncles Mark and Dick (and Linda and Bibby,too), we headed back for home. The boys slept the whole way. May all our road trips be so quiet. Griffith slept from about 7:15 p.m. until about 7 this morning. If only Allan had been so cooperative. He just has a hacking, wheezing cough that he can't seem to get rid of, and, just like a regular person, it gets worse at night. He's pretty much slept all day today, recovering from his big trip.
Mom and Griff had quite a time last night. He kept sneezing and shooting snot out all over his face. Just as I would try to wipe it away or suction it, he would suck it all back in and sneeze it out again. The fact that I kept laughing at him did not help the situation. It is no wonder that I didn't become a nurse. The healing arts seem to elude me.
We managed to get Xmas photos taken on Friday night. They weren't wearing the outfits that I bought for that purpose and we didn't get to use the little trees I bought for props, but we got some cute photos and I have even got cards printed from Walgreens. The question remains as to whether I will get them addressed and in envelopes pre-December 25th. Don't get your hopes up. Baby steps.
All is peaceful at the moment. I'm blogging, Allan is sleeping, Griffith is crumpling the Sunday paper that his dad is trying to read. Who could ask for more?

Uncle Mark & Griff (standing)

Griff & Linda

Griffith and Linda had a great time chuckling at each other.

Allan - Santa's elf , Elton John style

Allan in a sparkly Santa hat.