Friday, May 25, 2007

No real news. The boys continue to be excellent in nearly every way. We need to talk Griffith out of waking up every night between 3 and 4 (he's decided that he really wants that bottle that he dropped weeks ago), but, other than that, he's a pretty reasonable guy as long as he is getting his way.
Allan continues to impress the therapists. He can sit without support and turns his head left and right for sounds without a problem. He and Griffith have been having a good time with each other and we are working on rolling the ball back and forth between them. Every once in a while Griffith decides that it is HIS BALL and whacks it away from Allan or grabs it and holds it, but Allan isn't content to just sit there. He's pretty good about grabbing the ball and holding on to it himself.
We are looking forward to a long holiday weekend. Aunt Kathy is coming for a visit and that's always good for a lot of fun. She knows lots of songs and stories and always has time to play.
Allan has his heart cath on Tuesday. We have to be there at 7 a.m. so Flora is going to come and spend the night on Monday. She's looking forward to spoiling Griffith "after hours" and we are looking forward to her being the one to deal with 4 a.m. waking.
The very helpful nurse called today to see if we had any questions about when, where, how, etc. and to make sure that we knew that Allan would need a driver. Um. Yes. Make sure he doesn't drive home. Check. Thanks. You've been very helpful.
We are allegedly the second case on for the day and (allegedly) should go back about 9:30 or 10:00. They will put a wire in through his femoral artery and up in to his heart. They will measure the pressures and inject dye and look for where the hole is. Start to finish the whole thing should take about an hour and a half. If Allan does well, then we should be home sometime Tuesday afternoon. We should also know if what we have is an AP window or something else. They'll take the results and probably forward them for review and then we'll know whether we are off somewhere to have it patched.
We will blog as soon as we get a chance and let every one know how things have gone.
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The boys have been having a high old time. The good weather has been excellent for everyone. Saturday afternoon we walked down to the farmer's market and got tomatoes and onions and cucumbers. Having proved that we could make it downtown and back without disaster, we pushed our luck Saturday night and took the boys to Portofino's for a real grown-up meal (for us, not them) on the patio. They couldn't have been better behaved. Our two were much better behaved than some of the adults. Things will no doubt become far more complicated once they figure out walking, but we will take what we can get.
On Sunday we went to Greg and Alice's and checked out farm life. The miniature donkey was completely disinterested in the boys, but William, the horse was very keen on Allan. Who was equally keen on William. He smiled and patted him and seemed delighted in general. Griffith was distracted by all the grass and the possibility that we might make him walk in it. Next time we may saddle up and see how that goes. Never too early to start.
Griffith has taken to shaking his head and muttering something that sounds like "ni-ni-ni" when he is crossed. For example, he likes to 'hide' toys under the sofa and chairs and behind the dresser and then go back later and 'find' them. Flora, for some reason, decided that she needed to straighten this up and kept pulling his toys out. He would put them back. She would take them out. Finally, in utter disgust, he began whacking the rings and balls from the living room toward the dining room and muttering "ni-ni-ni-NI!" He had clearly had enough of her interference and was trying to get away from her meddling. It is ridiculous how much attitude that kid has.
Allan is doing great. He's so full of energy and does better every day with sitting up and playing. Flora finally heard him laugh when he was looking at the flashcards. When he saw the one of the baby, he just lit up and kept patting it and pulling it close. We kept telling him "that's Allan" and "that's a pretty baby." He just couldn't stand it and let loose with a little goofy chuckle. He has always been the most vain little guy. It is a good thing that he is legitimately pretty or else he would have a rude awakening some day.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Playing possum

Maybe if I play dead, she'll leave me alone.

Tapioca and rice - the face of pain

But I don't want to!

Griffith in the bath

You can really see the water flying in this one.

Griffith splashing

Check out the churning water and the suds on the counter.

Allan, soaking his cares away


Who? Us? We aren't doing any thing. Honest.

Griffith showing Allan the ropes

Griffith explaining to Allan how to operate the controls on the bouncer.

Allan, laughing out loud

Allan, having a good time with Flora

He laughed out loud at the picture of the pretty baby. He was sure it was of him.

Allan, laughing

Allan, checking out the baby flashcard

Allan and the pretty baby.

Allan and Flora looking at flashcards

This one is one of his favorites -- a pretty baby. We kept telling him that it is Allan.

Griffith asleep on his elephant