Thursday, February 08, 2007

Allan seems to have recovered nicely from his little adventure earlier this week. His belly is a little sore, but, other than that, he is none the worse for wear.
Griffith has chafed his knees with all of the rocking back and forth and not-crawling that he has been doing. He has graduated to trying to hop forward with both knees and, on occasion, raising up one knee and then the other, but he still can't quite get it. Yesterday as I was leaving, Flora was "helping" him. I told her to STOP, in no uncertain terms. She says she can't wait for him to crawl, but, for the life of me, I don't know why. A mobile Griffith will be a force to contend with. Why make life harder on every one? Really, he'll figure it out soon enough.
When I got home last night, Griffith had finally decided to take a nap (he's been considering them optional for the last week or so). Allan and I got to open the package from Cousin Bailey and we were very pleased to have new pillow slips. Allan picked the one with little red whales on it which means that Griffith gets the one with dancing frogs. We also read the two Valentine's Day books about Elmo that Bailey picked out for them. We read them before Griffith woke up and, then, as you can see from the pictures, Griffith decided he would read them all by himself. And chew on them. Just a little.
The boys spent a cozy night at home, watching the UK game. As you can see, they ended up holding hands. This was after we had to separate them. Griffith rolled over on top of Allan and had him pinned for a few minutes. Boys will be boys, I suppose. Or bear cubs.

Now wait just a minute

Allan, making a point.

The boys

Holding hands and watching UK defeat South Carolina.

Allan's two teeth

A little out of focus, but you can clearly see both of them.

Griffith the reader

Turning the pages of his new Elmo book.

Allan pouting

I'm not sure what he is displeased about, but he isn't trying to hide the way he feels.

Elmo loves Allan

Griffith and Elmo's Valentine

Griffith and his Valentine book about Elmo.

Allan and his new pillow and Valentine book

Allan got a new pillow slip, too, little whales. And a book about Elmo and Valentine's Day. He looks like he thinks we are going to take it away from him.

Dancing frogs -- part II

Griffith and the dancing frogs

Linda made new pillow slips for the boys. Griffith is checking the frogs out.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Griffith - stuck again

This time under the chair. He doesn't know where he is going. He's just going there backward.

The peg

The balloon goes inside Allan's belly and is filled with water. It is about the same diameter as a quarter. The part to the left is like the valve on a beach ball and is what is visible on his belly.

Allan - snuggled down.

Kind of like Randy in A Christmas Story -- he lay there like a like a slug. It was his only defense.

Allan in his snowsuit

On his way to the hospital this morning. It was the coldest day of the year -- 4 degrees.

Toothless no more

In all the excitement I forgot to mention that Griffith has finally sprung a tooth on the bottom right (same one that came in first on Allan). It is just barely poking through, but is clearly there. Of course, he jerks his head back and forth violently when you try to reach in there to feel it so I don't anticpate any photos any time soon.
Griffith also got in to his first heated discussion on Saturday night. Alan and Michele came over for spaghetti and Griffith took exception to Alan's tone or the content of his comments and he (Griffith) began to "gack" at him with a very serious expression. And he didn't let up. He wasn't crying, he wasn't scared. But he was quite clearly telling Alan that he had crossed the line, thank you very much.
The boys had a good weekend. Griffith has decided that napping is optional, however, and that isn't suiting any of us. Griff is a high-intensity little fellow and we all need a little break from that on occasion. He even finds being himself exhausting and turns in to a bit of a whiner by the time night falls. So far the only solution that we have found is to hold him while he sleeps. This is not a long-term option, however.
We had a little excitement this morning. Allan managed to pull out his peg some time between 6 a.m. when Jay did his meds and 7 when I picked him up to get him ready to greet Flora. I'll try to post a picture of the peg and balloon contraption later today. Anyway, although it isn't a life-threatening dash to the ER, it is something that has to be addressed with a certain degree of speed (For one thing, he doesn't eat enough orally. For another, the digestive tract begins to heal right away. Like, no, really, right away.) Dad was already on medical duty today because Griffith had a hearing test scheduled for 9 a.m. (He did great. Clear as a bell.) So I had to take Allan to the hospital outpatient area and Dr. Joe came up and put another one in. Poor Allan, always making it hard on himself.
Griffith gets a gold star this morning, though. We were busy trying to get Allan straightened up and headed to the right place and calling doctors, etc., and Griffith woke up, sweet as an angel, and didn't make a peep the whole time. Just entertained himself and watched what was going on. He is a high-intensity little fellow, but he also knows when to rein it in.