Wednesday, June 13, 2007

military school

Jazz in the park again last night. Getting Thing One, Thing Two and their father out the door with dinner and accessories is still kind of an effort, but we are getting more proficient at it every week. Dad pushes the boys in the jogging stroller. I pack up all the stuff and drive the car over in case we need to beat a hasty retreat. By the time the fellas make it to the park, I have had a chance to stake out a spot, spread out our stuff and lie back and breath deeply. I'm sure people must think it is odd for me to show up alone and flop like a corpse once I get there, but it is so nice to have the time to collect my thoughts. Or, even better, not think at all.
The boys love the walk over -- Griff is so nosy he can't stand himself and Allan falls asleep immediately, but both are satisfied. They both like the music and enjoy all of the activity at the park. Griff still won't crawl off of the blanket because of all the grass, but, for right now, the 8 by 8 tarp is plenty of room for exploring.

Griff has become defiant. Or, more correctly, more defiant. Last night when he decided to walk on top of Allan to get to a toy, I told him 'no, no' and moved him and told him to 'be gentle' with Allan. In response, he looked me directly in the face and began saying, in a menacing tone and while waving his arms, Ma!ma!ma!ma! Then he turned and proceeded to try to trample his brother again. So I moved him, told him 'no' and to 'be gentle' and he yelled at me again. At what age do they accept kids in military school?

Check out those muscles!

Allan showing off his muscles at the park.

Two-fisted Allan

Both thumbs at the same time.

Baby bear bum

Soccer bum

Allan in the park with Mom

Big Al enjoyed the concert, too.

Relaxing at Ecton

Griffith kicked back at the park

The "no bottles" rule does not apply to Griff.

Thing One and Thing Two in coordinating outfits

Almost as much fun as matching outfits are ones that coordinate.

Thing One and Thing Two in their polo shirts

Allan had to go to the doctor so I put him in this outfit, by the time we got home, Flora had Griffith in its mate. She LOVES for them to match -- they're twins, she says. Yes, they are. They did look pretty sweet, though.

Monday, June 11, 2007

out on the town

The boys had a big weekend.
We have a new girl who is helping out with the guys on occasional evenings so Jay and I actually went out to dinner like grown-ups. The fellows did great with Miranda and can't wait for her to come back. (We can't either!)
Cousin Charles got married on Saturday and so we packed up and headed back home for the festivities. We waited until the last minute to put them in their church clothes and so we made it through looking good -- spit and polished. Allan comported himself with great dignity throughout the ceremony (of course). Griffith put on a bit of a show (of course). We'll just say taht he was making a joyful noise. Or joyful noises. And not really unto the Lord. More like unto the people sitting behind him. He is not really totally responsible as he was encouraged in no small part by Uncle Tim, Uncle Mark and Aunt Lisa who were making faces and poking and prodding him. At any rate, we made it through without any great mishaps. The boys were the center of a lot of attention at the reception and were held, cuddled, bounced and passed around. By the time we got back home at 9, Griffith was so tired that he was hardly able to stand himself -- he whined and cried and kicked and squawled. He also slept all night. We can stand a lot of misbehavior at 9, if it means that we get to sleep through the night. Allan just passed out in the car on the way back and then was ready to play at ten. He finally wore out about half-past though and then we were all out like lights.

Daddy and the boys at the wedding (II)

Daddy and the boys at the wedding

All dressed up in their polo shirts and clamdiggers. (Not Jay, just the boys.)

Caitlin and Griffith

Caitlin stopped by. She hadn't seen the boys since she threw Griffith over for Bobby and moved to Virginia. She was quite taken with how big, smart and handsome he was. He told her it was too late. He's moved on. So should she.

Daddy's arms gave out......

Daddy's arms gave out......

Lots of fun as long as Daddy's arms last

Daddy has to keep this up until he actually hangs the swings on the porch.

Griffith and the magic fork.