Thursday, December 14, 2006

I hope that all the pictures bought us some time on the blogging. Sorry for the delay. We actually managed to get a picture for the "holiday" card (note: not Xmas, but not for any politically correct reason) on Friday and I have been busily addressing envelopes in my free time since then. I'm still not making any promises about when/if they are hitting the mail. I'm just saying that the process has been started. "Holiday" could mean New Year's Day, the Feast of the Epiphany, MLK Day or Super Bowl as far as I am concerned and I defy any one to say anything different.
The boys are eight months old today and doing great. Griffith has learned to blow spit bubbles and he thinks it is the funniest thing that he has ever seen/known/done. Allan seems to be getting over his cold and ear infection (finally) and was smiling all over himself when I got home tonight. Mostly he likes to lay on the blanket and watch Griffith, the perpetual motion machine. Not that Allan is interested in investing that much effort in any thing, but it is pretty fun to watch some one else do it.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Well, we have posted a lot of photos for your entertainment and amusement. This was a long week and a long weekend. And with the holidays and work and everything else (like, oh, you know, sleeping, eating, doing laundry), it has been a little difficult to get the blog updated.
Allan and Griffith had their follow-up flu and RSV vaccines on Monday. Griff had an ear infection, too. Allan had a bad night on Monday and ended up back at the doc's on Tuesday. Seems he got a cold from his brother and was feverish and coughing. Then Allan had to go back to see his opthalmologist. Then, he had a couple of long nights of coughing and sputtering and generally feeling miserable. (Ditto for Mom and Dad. Griffith, the source of the problem, slept like an angel, of courase.) On Friday Allan went back to see the surgeons who put in his peg. (He's doing fine.) He had a bad night Friday night and ended up back at the doctor on Saturday (and missed the UK game). He now has an ear infection as well. Aunt Evelyn hadn't been feeling too well so we all went off to see her (and did a drive by to let John King have a viewing of our very, fine boys.) After a lovely visit with her and Uncles Mark and Dick (and Linda and Bibby,too), we headed back for home. The boys slept the whole way. May all our road trips be so quiet. Griffith slept from about 7:15 p.m. until about 7 this morning. If only Allan had been so cooperative. He just has a hacking, wheezing cough that he can't seem to get rid of, and, just like a regular person, it gets worse at night. He's pretty much slept all day today, recovering from his big trip.
Mom and Griff had quite a time last night. He kept sneezing and shooting snot out all over his face. Just as I would try to wipe it away or suction it, he would suck it all back in and sneeze it out again. The fact that I kept laughing at him did not help the situation. It is no wonder that I didn't become a nurse. The healing arts seem to elude me.
We managed to get Xmas photos taken on Friday night. They weren't wearing the outfits that I bought for that purpose and we didn't get to use the little trees I bought for props, but we got some cute photos and I have even got cards printed from Walgreens. The question remains as to whether I will get them addressed and in envelopes pre-December 25th. Don't get your hopes up. Baby steps.
All is peaceful at the moment. I'm blogging, Allan is sleeping, Griffith is crumpling the Sunday paper that his dad is trying to read. Who could ask for more?

Uncle Mark & Griff (standing)

Griff & Linda

Griffith and Linda had a great time chuckling at each other.

Allan - Santa's elf , Elton John style

Allan in a sparkly Santa hat.

Griffith - shiny in his Santa hat

Griffith - holding his big boy bottle

The boys in their practice photo.

Griffith looking well-pleased with himself.

Griffith and Allan

Big Al poking his brother in the face.

Family photo

The boys, wrestling

The abandoned Xmas photo shoot

The boys in their outfits purchased for their Xmas photo, demonstrating why that effort was abandoned.

The abandoned Xmas photo shoot (II)

Allan - angel baby

Allan, cherub model.