Friday, May 18, 2007

Allan looking very disapproving

Allan isn't really sure why we are making such a fuss over Griffith splatting potatoes and yogurt everywhere. Don't worry, buddy, your turn comes tomorrow.
Jay and I are going to have to start wearing HazMat suits to get through dinner.

Not exactly according to Miss Manners, BUT

Whatver it takes right now. We'll work on using cutlery later. He doesn't put his elbows on the table, though. So we've got that going for us.

Going in for the kill

Griffith finally putting mashed potatoes in his mouth.

No, no, really, I would rather not

Who knew that grass could be so offensive?


I can stand like this forever!

Griff putting his foot down, finally

All the news

Another good week for the boys. Allan is making real strides with his motor development. He is able to sit up without support for 3 or 4 minutes at a time and can play with his toys while doing it. He can also sit unsupported and turn his head to follow objects. It may not sound like much, but it takes a whole lot of balance to be able to do that. He likes the bouncy chair, but not quite as much as Griffith does. It is going to take him a while to develop the leg strength necessary to really get the full effect of the lights and sounds. (And he really doesn't have to jump in his to get lights and noise because his brother is acting like an Irish step dancer over in his. All of the entertainment, none of the effort. Allan knows how to make it easy on himself. ) He's sort of up-and-down on his eating, but we keep on keeping on and are going to start feeding him in his booster seat since he is doing so well with his sitting. He will get to play with his food, too, just like his brother.

We went to see the nutritionist yesterday and she took one look at Allan and said, "Well, he certainly looks well fed." I am taking that as a compliment. This time.

Griffith ate mashed potatoes last night! After weeks of trying to get him to just play with his food, he finally smashed his meaty little fists in to the pile of potatoes and dragged his toys through them. We would have been pleased enough with that since he wouldn't even get his hands dirty before, but he managed to stick about a half-teaspoonful of them in his mouth and choke them down. He was uncertain at first but our cheering seemed to spur him on. We are hoping this is the start of a trend.

Griffith, for all that he is a bit of a terror, is pretty reluctant to try new things. I took him outside to look at the garden a couple of nights ago and tried to put him down in the grass. He had only one sock on (being my children, both he and his brother take their socks of continually) and would not put his foot in the grass. He was balancing like Barishnikov, but finally set it down for a few seconds.

No big plans for the weekend. Just keeping on with more of the same. With any luck we will get some walks in, maybe a nap or two. Possibly move on to playing with/eating creamed corn.
The world is our oyster.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Allan waiting for something to happen to Griff

He kept watching as his brother got wilder and wilder in the Jungle Jumperoo -- it was like he was expecting something bad to happen at any moment.

Griff and the Jungle Jumperoo

The latest addition to the overwhelming collection of toys. This is a little more advanced than the Bounce, Baby, Bounce in that you can bounce harder, higher and more to the sides.

Hanging out with Flora

Allan in the Bounce, Baby, Bounce and Griffith kicked back in the rocker. Flora says they were watching Baby Einstein, but I'm pretty sure it was Judge Judy.

Allan chilling in the sink.

Allan swatting Griffith

I told you he can take care of himself.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Can't believe I forgot....

Griffith learned to say "Ma-ma-ma" just in time for the big holiday. It would be more heartwarming if he actually associated it with me, but I'll take what I can get. He's also working on "uh-oh" which we have a lot of occasion to use.

In an update from the annals of Cain and Abel, Griff came over and began trying to wrest the cloth book away from Allan. Allan grabbed it with both hands and his teeth and wouldn't let him have it. He's small, but he's wiry. And wily.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day 2007

Well our second Mother's Day is nearly over and it has been a good one. As always, my thoughtful boys managed somehow to get out and pick up some flowers. (At least this year they didn't pick them from President Todd's garden.)
Griffith decided to get an early start to the holiday and woke Mom up at 5:30 to make sure that she didn't miss a single minute of fun. What.a.Good.Boy. (He went back to sleep after a bottle, though, so there's that.) Then both boys got up a little before 7. Daddy decided that it would be kind to let Mom have a sleep-in and so the boys all adjourned downstairs. At the more civilized hour of 9, we began our day for real.
We were going to try to make it to MayFest, but first one thing and then another intervened. In the end, we decided to take a long walk at the arboretum. We came home, did some gardening, and grilled out.
Allan was having a nice leisurely soak in the sink when Griffith began to have a real go-to-pieces. There was no consoling him. I tried bringing in to the kitchen and starting the laundry. No dice. Tried to hold him and bathe Allan. Couldn't do it. (Jay was finishing up gardening in the back yard.) It finally occurred to me that we have two sinks for a reason. The boys had a great time. Allan was kicking and squirming. Griffith was splishing and splashing. It was a rousing success, but definitely required two adults working full-time to pull off.
It is all very peaceful right now. Allan is laying in my lap playing with a cloth book. His brother keeps crawling over and either taking it away or trying to take it away, despite having access to every other toy in the house. Allan is holding his own, though, and he and Griffith have engaged in some pretty fierce tug-of-wars.
Much more fun than last year.
Okay Griff is attacking. Time to stop.

Allan in the jacuzzi

He likes a nice long soak just like his momma.

Hurricane Griffith

Nothing is safe.

Two sinks, no waiting

Griffith doing the laundry.

Or at least supervising it.

Griff and the washer again.

Momma and the boys

Check out Allan sitting up.

Allan sitting up without any help

He can do it for about 2 or 3 minutes before he loses his balance and topples over.

Allan working on sitting up

Allan is mastering sitting up all by himself. It is easier when he has a toy to lean on.

Flowers for the Momma

The boys slipped out to Sam's Club and picked up some flowers for Mom.