Friday, February 15, 2008

All is well with Thing One and Thing Two. We are still limping along without Flora who continues to have problems following her knee replacement surgery.

On Wednesday, our scheduled sitter had a death in the family and the substitute for her had a wreck (it was very slick and snowy) on the way to our house. Miranda came to the rescue after she finished her classes at noon. Unfortunately, we had something of a repeat on Thursday -- our sub nanny got sick and the woman in charge was on the road and didn't get the message so we were solo again. I got Wednesday morning, but Dad got Thursday until about 2:30 (I had to be out of town in court.) When I got back, Dad and the boys were busy erecting the new baby gates in the bath and bedroom downstairs. Dad isn't a big fan, but gave in. The way the bathroom door and hall are, there is no way to have a gate that swings out. It would be forever in the way. And, unless we can have the bathroom door open, that hallway is very dark. There is a similar problem with the "guest" bedroom (which we are using for the time being.)
The retractable gates are great in a lot of ways, but they aren't short enough to step over and you have to use both hands to open them. They claim to be good for up to 200 pounds of pushing force. Griffith and Allan seem hellbent on testing that claim.

The weather was actually pretty nice yesterday so after Dad left, I loaded up the boys (who hadn't had a nap) and we went for a run/walk. I managed to tear the stupid plastic cover for the stroller so I just had to wrap them up snugly and off we went. After about 25 minutes the boys fell asleep. Since there is no way to get them back in the house without waking them, I just kept running until I couldn't any more and then we walked. The nice weather is so hit-or-miss that you feel like to have to take advantage when you can.

We had a good time last night. The boys made bourbon brownies for their dad. The attempt at making a heart from Hershey's syrup was well-intentioned, but didn't work so well. They were quite tasty, though. They also managed to sneak out and buy 2 dozen roses (one for each, naturally) for me. Sweet little guys.

As you can see from the pictures, we had quite a good time -- playing with hats and all. Griff has been exceptionally loving of his brother. Not that Allan appreciates it. Griff will come over to his brother and put his head on his back or belly and pat him. A lot of times it is random, but frequently it is when Allan is upset and fussy about something. Griff is clearly trying to console him.

Tonight as we were going to sleep Griff kept reaching over to rub Allan's hair. He also kept trying to hold Allan's hand and pat him on the back. Allan (suspicous as always) was having none of it. We are going to have to work on him. We have managed to make Griff empathetic. Now we have to make Allan receptive. Nothing is ever easy.

Team Al and Griff

The boys are in intensive training for the spring races.

Helping hand

Griffith helping Allan pull up on to the activity table.

Bowling for bears

Griffith (Mr. Destructo) will not roll the ball in to the pins, but, instead, creeps up very close to them and gently, oh, so gently, bumps them with the ball.

Cool like that

Wearing his hat backward like the cool kids do.

Trying it on for size

The boys love to try on hats. This one is a Polygamy Porter hat from a brewery in Salt Lake City. Its slogan? "Bring some home for the wives."

Fickle hand of Griffith

That's Griff's meaty hand snatching the hat from Allan's head.

Helping Allan get it on straight

Navigating the maze

Both boys love crawling under the table and in and out and around the chair and table legs....they just need to get a little faster and we will enter them in the dog trials.

Checking it out from all angles

My boys both are fascinated with where the batteries go, off/on switches and screws, etc. Guess that's why they were so much help to Jay with the new baby gates!

Loving on his brother

Griffith does not get the credit he deserves for being a little sweetheart. This is a shot of him having come over and laid his head on Allan just giving him a little love.

Griffith on the prowl

Griffith has taken to doing more crawling these days. He has reverted because it is fun for him to crawl with his brother. Yesterday, they were playing 'chase' in the living room and having a grand time. Griff is still too fast, though, and once he would get too far ahead, Allan would simply stop, sit up, and wait. There is only so far that Griffith can go before he has to turn around and come back. No sense in wasting too much energy.

Daddy's project for the day

We had a babysitter snafu and Dad had to stay home for part of the day. He put his time to good use by putting up two new baby gates. The "spring-loaded" one was tearing up the paint on the door jamb and the boys are about big enough to pull it down. There is no room for one on the bathroom door (it would block the hall) and keeping the door closed makes the house seem dark. These are fancy retractable gates -- good for 200 lbs of pushing pressure (allegedly). The drawbacks are that they take two hands to open and are too high to comfortably step over. Still we don't have much choice.

Bourbon brownies for Dad

Griffith and Allan made bourbon brownies. Allan insisted on making a heart with Hershey's syrup. Unfortunately, by the time that Dad made it home, the heart had turned in to a blob. They tasted good any way. And the effort was appreciated.

Valentine roses from the boys....

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The latest updates...

Lots of new pictures to ooh and ahhh over.

Monday night was Dad's night out so the boys and I snuggled down. It was cold and snowy and nasty so it was just fine with us that we were in. Bath time solo can be something of a challenge -- you really have to have everything set up beforehand so that you don't lose momentum (or a toddler!). Griffith was a dream. He was having a great time and being a little sweetheart. Allan, on the other hand, was right smart of a pain in the bottom. Allan refuses to sit in the tub. He wants to stand. Griff never tries to stand. Until his brother does. So then we have the two playing The Noble Duke of York in the bathtub -- one up while the other is down and then reversing. I finally had to call a halt to the bath early because of their rank defiance.

Griff was ready to crash immediately after the bath. We moved to the couch, turned down the lights and started to snuggle. Any other time, Allan would be off doing his own thing. Entertaining himself. Glad to play without interference. Not when Mom is the only game in town, though. He immediately made a bee-line for us on the couch and pulled up on my knee and raised a ruckus until I picked him up, too. At which point (naturally) he did not wish to snuggle and behave, but, instead, wanted to pester his brother (and, by extension, me) and keep him from sleeping. I finally wrestled him in to submission under my right arm, holding Griffith in my left and, before long, every one (including Mom) was asleep. Dad got home at nine to find us all passed out on the couch. I am going to have to get books on tape or something.

We are going to have to get video of Griffith dancing. He has really developed some moves here lately -- not only does he rock from side to side, he has now started using his arms, too. And, just this morning, he added in marching and spinning in circles. Very Lord of the Dance. He just about can't stand it because it is so fun and funny. He giggles and snorts and stumbles around because he has made himself so dizzy. Goofball.

Jay and his boys

Allan missed with his finger, but he was trying.

No, no, Allan! On your bottom !!!

Griffith worrying because his brother refuses to sit in the tub.

But I want THAT over there....

Cleaning up.

Sweet smiling boy.

Getting ready to misbehave.

On your bottom, Griffith!

Griffith grinning because he knows he isn't supposed to be standing up in the tub.

Face full of suds.....

Allan after doing a faceplant in the tub.

Allan making his move for the animal train

That's mine, Allan.

I'll take that!!!

Moving in for the kill

What? I'm not doing anything....

Grudge match for the animal train

pushing and shoving


Allan grabbing Griffith by the curls.

Big shove I

big shove II

Monday, February 11, 2008

My trip to Chicago was a great success all the way around. KK and I ordered in sushi on Friday night, watched part of Bridget Jones and Never Been Kissed, drank wine and caught up on life, the universe and everything. The view out her window is pretty amazing. I went to bed early and slept until I woke up (two full nights of sleep!). We did the spa on Saturday and got the royal treatment - manicures, pedicures, body scrubs, massages. After such a tough day we had to go home and have a nap. Then we went to a cheesy Moroccan restaurant with flamenco and belly-dancers. Hysterical. Sunday continued to beauty treatments -- a quick trip to the Bollywood Salon for threading (ouch!) and then home again, home again.

The boys all picked me up at the airport -- and you can see how the excitement affected Allan and Griffith. Jay was having trouble getting them to nap on Sunday so he put them in the car and drove laps around the airport. For about an hour. It is a wonder security didn't detain them!

The boys were happy enough to see me, I suppose, but they didn't really seem to have noticed my absence. A credit to their father's good care. By all reports, the guys were great -- the house was clean, the laundry done, the dishes done and a roast in the crock pot. Jay was the uber Dad. I'll have to go away more often!

Sleeping the sleep of the righteous

Is it just me or does he look very grown up here?

Racked out

Griffith was very happy to see Momma return.

All atwitter with excitement

Sweet Allan snoozing.

View from KK's window

Lakeshore Drive from Kelly's window.

Allan can't stand it

He has to be in the middle -- just like Griffith.

Daddy's little helpers

Allan in the middle

In the center of things, right where he belongs.