Friday, June 16, 2006

Friday morning -- June 16th

Griffith had a very satisfactory day yesterday. Off the vent and enjoying life. Or not hating it quite so much. Of course, he immediately dedicated himself to pulling out his feeding tube over and over again. Jenny finally had to put in an NG tube (through the nose) instead. I don't think he has figured out that it is there yet. Once he does, I'm pretty sure he's going to start to work on it, too. We aren't really sure when they are going to try bottle-feeding him, but within a couple of days. We think he's going to be all right with it -- he loves his pacifier (especially with sugar water on it) and really works it over for long periods of time. A bottle ought to be no problem. I think he had gained a little weight last night, but I haven't the vaguest idea how much. We were all a little tired from the all-nighter and I simply can't remember either his or Allan's weight.
Allan was worn out last night. They did his follow up eye exam yesterday and that takes it out of him. He did fine with it, though. We are pretty sure that he gets a big boy bed like Griffith today which will be nice (for us, anyway.) They are continuing to drop his pressures to wean him from the vent and he seems to be tolerating it very well. No word on when they are planning on trying to extubate him yet. He has started to reach up and mess with his tube, though, so maybe he has more of his brother in him than we realize. He may sneak his out, too.
I have a mediation this afternoon so there will likely be no posts again until Monday. Enjoy the pictures and I'll try to have new ones for the first of the week!