Thursday, June 22, 2006

Thursday June 22nd Update

Tuesday night Allan weighed in at 2000 grams (4 pounds 4 ounces or so). Quite the accomplishment! To celebrate (and emulate his brother) he extubated himself yesterday morning. Guess he decided he really is a big boy now. Unlike his brother, he was quiet and calm about the whole thing and really hasn't fought being on the C-pap. He doesn't like it and gets a little cross-eyed trying to look at that thing on his nose, but, other than that, he seems to be doing fine with it. (Isn't that just the way? Griffith had to fight tooth and toenail to get off the vent and Allan just sails along -- lah-de-dah. No wonder Griffith has a messed up stomach. Biitterness will take its toll.) If all goes well, Allan will be on the Cpap for a few days and then, depending on his blood gases, will go to the nasal cannula. He gained a little more weight yesterday and weighed in at 4 pounds 6 ounces.
Griffith still isn't feeling well. His stomach still is upset and although he isn't as puny as he was Saturday night, he still isn't quite himself. They haven't come up with a good explanation. He has a UTI that they are treating with antibiotics and are giving him several other broad spectrum antibiotics trying to catch whatever else he may have. They are also doing a number of rude tests to see if they can hit upon something. He had a tiny baby barium enema yesteday and they are doing an upper GI study today. Since he is on IV's and not eating, he hasn't gained any weight and is still at 4 pounds 3 ounces. So he is now our little boy in every sense of the word. I keep him apprised of Allan's progress in the hopes of encouraging a little healthy competition.