Wednesday, July 05, 2006

4th of July recap

The boys had a good Independence Day. They were very excited about the holiday although they understand that it really isn't good to mention it to Dad who won't admit it, but thinks of it as The Day It All Started to Go Wrong.
It was also the day that I realized that Griffith has somehow come to be spoiled, spoiled, spoiled and I'm not sure what we are going to do about it. First off, Caitlyn announced to Jay that Griffith's "happy time" seems to be from 3 to 5. That would be in the AM. Apparently that's when he is wide awake and very interested in being entertained. She finally went and got a mirror for him which was the source of much fascination. Vain little fellow. I went to nurse him and needed to do his care at lunch time. Rosa had him out and was talking to him and when I took him from her and laid him down to change his diaper he began to scream like he had been scalded. The instant, the very instant I picked him back up, he stopped. Completely. I laid him back down to have another go at it and he did it again. Yelling like a banshee, turning red, and shaking his little fists. I would like to think that we'll break him of this, but I'm pretty sure that he'll just break us. He pretty much had me trained yesterday and it only took two tries.
Allan was (as usual) a very good boy yesterday. He is down some on his pressure and seems to be tolerating that well. Maybe we'll make it on to the cannula soon. The doc said that he just needs to get more mature. Good luck with that. He is a boy, after all. Krista thought it was very funny that Allan had almost peed in Jennifer's ear, but this morning she didn't think it was quite so funny. Last night, while Krista was changing him, Allan gave an enormous explosive poo and actually shot it out of the bed and on to Krista. She said that he never woke up while he was doing it, either, which is pretty darned impressive. Frankly, I'm pretty sure he was awake through the whole thing. He was just playing possum and it worked like a charm.
I took some pictures of the boys in 4th of July onesies and will try to post them shortly.