Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Tuesday July 11th

The boys are doing well. Allan seems to be tolerating the switching back-and-forth between the C-pap and the cannula. No word yet on when we'll try for the cannula exclusively, but within a couple of days, I would guess. It is just so nice to be able to see his face and it is so much easier to pick him up and hold him when he's on the cannula. He got a bath last night and didn't really like it one bit. He's not the one we expect tantrums from, but he has it in him. He settled down afterward though and he and Dad hung out. He's such a big-eyed little boy and he studies you so intently. He had lost a little weight -- he was about 5 pounds 4 ounces last night.
Griffith is once again on the countdown for home. No ETA yet, but maybe by the end of the week. We aren't mentioning it to him this time for fear that he will act up again. The medicine he is on for his belly seems to be helping. It seems that he is just a gassy little fellow which isn't all that unusual for preemies. (I am beginning to think that I could tell them that he had sprouted a horn between his eyes and they would say that is uncommon but not unknown in little ones.) He's eating well though and burps like a truck driver (but you have to work at it). He weighed in at 4 pounds 11.5 ounces last night. He is such a little cuddler. After he ate last night, he laid on my shoulder for about an hour. He was mostly awake, laying there smiling and looking up at me. I can see a lot of sitting in our future if he is going to be so darned sweet.