Saturday, August 12, 2006

Allan is sitting on the verge of 8 pounds. He is at 7 pounds 15 ounces and will probably tip the scales tonight at 8 tonight. He's cute as he can be -- all dark-hair, big eyes, long lashes and rosy cheeks. He's still not overly interested in the bottle, though. It isn't that he doesn't know how to operate it - about once a day he will suck a whole bottle down with no problem. The rest of the time, though, he really isn't all that interested. He may do half or a quarter or none at all. One of his favorite feed times is (unfortunately) the 3 a.m. slot. And usually for Caitlyn. You may remember Caitlyn. She's the one who got Griffith on the night shift. (Thanks, Caitlyn! There is such a thing as karma. Remember where you heard that.) I told her that the other night when Griffith was doing his up-all-night routine I started to give her a call. If I had had a second set of hands I would have. Anyway, they are still talking about Allan coming home late next week, but unless someone has a "come to Jesus" with him about his eating, it isn't going to happen that soon. Still he will be coming home sooner rather than later.

Griffith is doing very well at home. We've had a lot of firsts. Today we took our first ride in the stroller. We thought he would be all eyes, but he mostly slept. Yesterday we watched our first episodes of The X-Files (he thinks Mulder is funny) and Project Runway (neither one of us thought that Bonnie should have been voted out - it should have been Keith.) Grandma and Grampy head back on Monday so he's been spending quite a lot of time with them, too. Every one keeps asking how he's sleeping. The short answer is that he sleeps a lot better than Jay and I do. He really loves the vibrate function on the bassinet, but someone needs to explain to me why the vibration cuts off after 15 minutes. That is just long enough for Griffith to begin to relax and drift off -- only to be jarred awake when it stops. And we feel his pain. It isn't as if the vibrating hurts him (does it?) because, God knows, I just hit the button again when he cries. He has also taken to peeing out of his diaper in the night and soaking his gown and blankets, etc. He finds this beyond annoying. I think he secretly believes that one of us is responsible for this negative turn of events. Other than that, he sleeps great. Just great.

Okay, my CD drive is stuck and Gateway is sending me a new one. The upshot of it is though that I erased the pictures on the compactflash card and can't get the ones on the CD on the site. Sorry about that but I should have more photos soon.