Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Wednesday - August 23rd

Pretty little Allan continues to do well with his bottle-feeding. He isn't eating his full measure yet, but he takes at least some every time and seems to be willing to give the ol' college try every time. It is a wonder he has any energy at all considering how much of it he expends admiring himself in the mirror. Honestly, when I got there tonight he was gazing at himself in wonder. I really don't have any question where this comes from -- two of his girlfriends were in there today sweet-talking him. I keep telling them to focus on his other sterling qualities (beauty being only skin deep and all) but, as soon as my back is turned, they started talking about how pretty he is again. His "diet" seems to be working -- he is holding steady at around 8 pounds 4 ounces or so. I can't say that he has thinned out much, but he isn't continuing to pack on the pounds like he was. Tonight we worked on some of his stretching and range of motion exercises. Baby yoga -- he didn't cry or protest much (now that I think about it, he is a zen-like little fellow), but he did fix me with the most quizzical stare. You could almost see him doing the cost/benefit -- was it worth throwing a fit or was I likely to stop soon anyway? We'll keep it up. He'll be as flexible as Gumby by the time I'm through with him.
Griffith had an appointment with his pediatrician today. He gained nearly 7 ounces this week and weighs 5 pounds 13 ounces. If he keeps this pace up, he will catch Allan soon. Griff and I also did his stretching and range of motion exercises, but he acts as if I am drawing and quartering him. He isn't sure what I am doing, but it might get worse and he is going to nip that in the bud. We took a stroll this morning and he managed to stay awake for the first five minutes of the walk. Then he was out for the rest of the hour that we walked. He does much better when we sit out on the back deck. He doesn't fall asleep and he is content to listen to the waterfall and watch the light through the leaves.
Time to sign off. Griffith eats at midnight and will be impatient if I don't step lively.