Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Well, we've got good(ish) news. The doc in Philly has looked at the photos and records, etc., and says that she really thinks that the lump is JXG and not something worse or awful. We are to continue what we are doing, keep an eye on it and it should regress within the next 4-6 weeks. Then we will be in a position to have Allan's cataract removed. So no big road trips for Allan unless he doesn't cooperate with this eye.

The weather was so beautiful yesterday afternoon that we took several walks. First I took Griffith for a walk while Allan slept. We got home and Allan was awake so we plunked him in the stroller and all three of us went walking. Then Griffith got hungry, dirty and fussy so Allan and I gave him back to Flora and we went solo. All-in-all I walked for nearly three hours with one, the other or both of them. And it is a good thing I did because the weather has turned cold and gloomy again today. Appropriate for Halloween, though. Cheryl came through with the boys' outfits so we'll have them dressed up. No trick or treating this time, but we seize every opportunity for photos that we can.