Allan did well last night. He was worn completely out and slept like a log until about 8:15. We went back to the doctor and she was pleased with how his eye looked. The pupil has stayed open and is much more rounded and centered. We go back Friday for another check. For now, he is wearing a clear shield to keep him from rubbing his eye and he finds it to be very irritating. He's gotten pretty slick, though. He knows we won't let him mess with the shield so he acts like he is going to rub his nose and then grabs for the shield real quick. Allan is sneaky.
Griffith has now figured out how to climb up on the couch. He's a regular little mountain goat. We thought that his little legs were too short, but he figured out that he needs to get his foot between the base of the couch and the cushion. That way he can boost himself up. Unfortunately, he has not quite mastered the graceful dismount. One thing at a time, I suppose. The doctor says that it is time (past actually) to wean him from the bottle. With everything going on with Allan this week, we just haven't had the stomach for it, but I suppose we'll start this weekend. He isn't going to like this. We aren't either.