Saturday, July 14, 2007

Very big day....

As you can see from the many photos, we had a very big day. Al, Griff, Mommy and Cousin Jennifer headed out early (ish) to visit Aunt Kathy. The boys are aware that the Pope is very old-fashioned and hope that the corporal work of mercy of visiting the sick may make up for some of their other behavior. Not to brag, but the fellas were excellent on the entire trip. A two-hour drive down and back again and no real fussing or moaning. It couldn't have been more pleasant. (Jennifer was glad to get back at 5 p.m. and announced that she was going home to take a nap and recover. As the say, youth is wasted on the young.)

Aunt Kathy was delighted to see how big and smart both of the guys have gotten since the last time she saw them. Griff, of course, is working on this walking business and was goose-stepping all over the house. He literally throws his legs up a la the Russians as he walks around the living room. I have no idea why he thinks this is the way one walks. He just does. Griff was quite the little ham all afternoon up to and including when he starting passing gas on Aunt Kathy and laughing devilishly about it.

Big Al showed off all day, too. He showed how he can get up on his hands and knees, ready to crawl. And he sat up and played and stood up on the couch. And, as he is wont to do, he snuggled every one in sight. Miss Wanda and Miss Jennifer (friends of Kate and fans of the boys) came over and brought presents. Griff found the packaging to be as intriguing as any toy -- unless and until Allan got hold of it. Then, whatever it was, he needed. Desperately. Wanda and Jennier were big hits, though. Any one who will tell the boys how smart and pretty they are is more than half-way home.

Griff has developed a severe case of the Mommies and spent most of the day squawling when I got out of his sight. It is nice to be needed, but it is also nice to be able to go to the bathroom without your child howling like someone has plunged him in to scalding water. I hope this stage passes fairly quickly.

When we got home, we hung out for a while and then decided that it was a good time for a bath. You can see the results. The fellas had a grand time. Griff splashed the entire time. I could hardly get a picture of him. Allan kicked and splashed in return and the two of the wrestled like Olympians.

Every one is completely out. Griff gave it up about 8 or so with a blip at about 9. Allan fell asleep in my lap, sucking his thumb (naturally).

No big plans for tomorrow. Luis and Diane may come over and grill out. Monday is our 15 month visit to the pediatrician. Tuesday Big Al is supposed to have surgery on his eye. I will post as I can, but I hope that all the photos keep you busy for a while.