Thursday, January 31, 2008

Serial updates

Tonight I am trying to catch every one up via short blogs on what is going on around here. We don't have many pictures (see "new camera") so narrative is all I have.

We have been incredibly busy. Miss Flora is still out recovering from her knee surgery and we have been making due with a series of substitute nannies through a local service. This has been no great hardship for the boys -- most of the nannies are college girls and almost every one of them has been exceptionally pretty. Griffith is showing a distinct preference for the brunettes of late.

Miss Christy is usually here Monday, Wednesday and Friday and seems to have the touch with the fellas. They pretty much have a good time and take good naps for her (thank goodness!) Griffith actually is so fond of her that he has cried when she has left (little ingrate) and hardly pays any attention when we come home (brat.) Today was Miss Brittany -- a tall, thin, leggy brunette (former volleyball player). Griffith could not get enough of her. He was Mr. Coy from the minute she hit the door. Allan was a little more reserved (as is his wont) but he warmed up right away, too. At any rate, the three of them played all day long. To the point that they really didn't take very good naps. Which meant that at 6:24, Griffith fell asleep in his high chair (not before he had finished off nearly two hotdogs, a quarter can of mixed veg, and two pieces of cheese). He woke after about 45 minutes, whining and miserable so we plunked him in to the bath (new No Tangles shampoo for his curly hair) and rocked him to sleep. He was out well before 8. This probably means we won't make it through the night, but we'll take what we can get.

Miss Brittany was charmed by Griffith. His was very helpful to her. While she was getting lunch ready, he took all of the rugs to the washer and put them in for her to wash. Also, when she was changing Allan, he took all of the baby wipes out of the container for her to use (in fairness, Allan had a nasty poop). Apparently, she said something like "oh, no!" so he went and got his Time Out chair and put it in the living room. He also spent a fair amount of time carrying Allan's sat monitor around and making sure that it was where it needed to be. Which we appreciated. After all, Brittany can't expected to keep up with everything. She's new.