Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The boys really were very good last night.

They have started to play with each other more and more. Last night they both had their flashlights. Griff kept grabbing Allan's, running for the living room, flinging them in the back of the big chair and diving headfirst after them so that Allan couldn't get them. Allan would speed-crawl after Griffith, pull up on the chair and grab and snatch at the flashlights or Griffith. Then the whole process would start all over again. They seemed pretty evenly matched and in pretty good spirits about the whole thing so I didn't get involved.

Griff woke up before Allan this morning and kept asking me "Al?" so we would go in periodically to check on him. The last time we went in, Allan rolled over, saw us, grinned at his brother and pulled up on the side of the crib. Griff ran over and reached through the bars, trying to hug his brother and, when I got Allan out and sat him on the floor, came over and put his head on Allan's belly. Allan patted him on the back. It was all terribly sweet.

Almost makes up for Griff kicking Allan in the head the night before.