Friday, April 04, 2008

Welcome, Cousin Benjamin !!

Charles and Meagan have had a bit of a rough time, but, today, it all paid off. Benjamin arrived shortly after 2 p.m. (they were going to induce tomorrow but he had other ideas). Six pounds and 7 ounces. Twenty inches long. Aunt Jennifer reports that he has dark blonde-ish hair and looks like his father. Which will be a tremendous disappointment to Meagan. She was hoping that he looked like her or had red hair, at least.

Benjamin will likely stay in the NICU for a week or so (he is about a 34 weeker) but all is well with both he and his mom.

Allan and Griffith are excited by the prospect of someone they can boss around. Cousin Alexander already outweighs both of them so they aren't prepared to take him on quite yet....